Ready to be the son in-law of the Damien Brick family

Damien Brick observed Ryan Scott storming out of his house In anger. He hurried to intercept him, unsure of what could have tripped him off. He has set everything in place for him to marry his daughter, he couldn't let anything go wrong or out of place now.

He was eager to present their new home as a wedding gift, convinced that it would make Ryan very happy.

"Ryan, my boy", he called out, aiming for an intimate tone amidst the presence of others. Ryan stopped, while waiting for him to get to him.

"We should get going, Brick. Congratulations once again", someone chimed in, leaving Damien to address his worn out son in-law.

"Where's the rush? Damien inquired, oblivious to any discord between the bride and groom.

"I'm out. I married her for you, in front of everyone, and now I'm done. I cannot take the way she speaks to me, or the way she reacts to the situation of things. She didn't want to be married, I don't know why you so badly want her to get married?". Ryan declared bluntly, hinting at the discord.

Suspecting a rift, Damien urged Ryan to stay, while he tended to other guests, offering to present their gift later. Fearing Ryan's volatile mood, he enlisted Sandra, his wife, to keep him company.

Ryan frowned.

"Sandra will keep you company until I'm finished", Damien assures before departing abruptly. As Sandra approached Ryan, a familiar fragrance triggered memories of a recent encounter. It dawned on his, as he opened his mouth agape, that she was the mysterious woman from the previous night. She was the masked woman.

Though she had a mask on, he was able to smell her, and see her, when she was trying to undress him. As the memories from the previous night flashed back, he could see her face clearly without the mask.

"It is you", Ryan asserted, catching Sandra off guard.

"What do you mean? She feigned innocence.

Ryan pieced together the puzzle, realizing Sandra's deceitful intentions.

"You targeted me. Why pretend? Ryan questioned, confronting Sandra, with her ulterior motives. With her wicked facade crumbling, she could no longer hide, Sandra smirked wickedly.

"Fine, you caught me. I wanted to test the waters before she did. I tried to delay you at the hotel, hoping you would miss the wedding. you know, I really don't want her getting married. I was Hoping that if you waste time, my husband will cancel and seek someone else, and I know, no other person would want her, except for the son of a chauffeur, but since you showed up before he made a decision, you will play by my rules". Sandra admitted, revealing her sinister plan, with a sinister smile, as to the confusion on Ryan's face.

Ryan's anxiety intensified, as he grappled with the surreal sequence of events: Marrying a stranger at his father's behest, discovering an unsettling connection between his wife and a woman he unknowingly slept with, and now facing veiled threats from his new family.

Ryan tries not to sound too shocked, he winced his eyes, in anger.

"What exactly do you mean by terms? He questioned, his mind reeling from the implications.

Sandra's cryptic response did little to ease his concerns "You will find out in due time, there is no need to rush, after all, you are now part of the family, so I will see you often. By the way, last night was awesome". She replied, a disconcerting smile playing on her lips as she patted his shoulders.

Feeling cornered, Ryan asserted his agency. "You cannot manipulate me like this. I never wanted any of this. I can leave if I choose to, I am not interested in the Brick's wealth. I am not obligated to stay in this marriage. As a matter of fact, you should be the one that faces manipulation from me, you are a married woman, who slept with a stranger, that shows just how loose of a wife and a mother you are. you should be very scared". He declared, his frustration palpable. Sandra expected it from him, and she only smiles. He was hoping to scare her, But Sandra's dismissive laughter only fueled his resolve.

she countered with a chilling ultimatum, revealing the power dynamics at play. "Your father wanted this union, and he's done a lot to make it happen, he's promised a lot too. and I know you love him so much, and he loves you too. You don't know just how much he wanted this union, so I will

fill you in on it.

If you leave, he leaves too, and trust me, it won't be pretty. He will go down in a very bad way, all his sins, will suddenly resurface, and it will be counted one by one", she threatened, knowing full well the implications of her words.

Ryan blinked severally for he was surely caught in-between loyalty to his father and his own sense of self preservation, Ryan found himself at a cross roads. As Damien Brick intervened, pulling him away with a facade of congeniality, Ryan couldn't shake the feeling of being ensnared in a web of deceit and manipulation. Damien showed him to the waiting car, where he was made to watch yet another angry face. Alexander, But despite the tension radiating from Damien's Bricks daughter, Ryan's internal struggle remained his primary focus

He knew, that to unravel the truth, behind this twisted narrative, he would have to delve deeper into the complexities of his new found marriage, regardless of the risks involved.

He was prepared, to be the son inlaw of the Damien Brick family.

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