The contracted son in-law
The contracted son in-law
Author: Brown
The choice, between marrying a stranger and loosing his father's love

Ryan Scott faced yet another disappointment, as he trudged home, from yet another fruitless job interview.

Are things ever going to get better for him? he asked, as he kicked off a can on the road side. He had been living off his father's penny salary from being a driver to the wealthiest man in Atlanta. One would have thought that being a personal driver to Damien Brick, he would be wealthy himself, but he is still as broke as Ryan remembers. It was because of his frequent excuses about not having enough to provide for the excesses of his wife, that she had left, seeking for a better life. With a feeling of dejection, He pushed the door, to the cramped three-room apartment, he shared with his father. He was wearing a gloomy face, because of all his disappointments, and he was also expecting such gloom that accompanied their modest living, but to his surprise, his father who was supposed to be at work, driving Damien Brick around town was not only home, but appeared unusually content, sipping on what seemed to be an expensive wine. Ryan had to look closely to confirm that his father is actually drinking an expensive wine.

He looked around the house, before looking behind him, to be sure, he was safe, then he inquired.

"Dad! What's going on? His father looked up at him, wondering what he was talking about. then he noticed his eyes was on the wine, he smiles, but still ignores him.

"Do you know how much that wine costs? Ryan asked, closing the door, behind him, concern evident in his voice.

" I know how much it is cost, I bought it myself. Very soon, this is how I will be drinking rich wine, every single day.

Sit down, son. We're about to be wealthy", his father said, gesturing for Ryan to join him.

Ryan's mind raced with possibilities. Things have not been easy for them, if his father say, they are about to be wealthy, then something must have happened, but what could it be? He thought. Had his father won the lottery? Or found a hidden treasure? Or perhaps he'd received an unexpected inheritance? Yes, that could be it, he thought further. After all, he used to claim his great grand father was wealthy, and had properties everywhere, and though Ryan never saw any of the acclaimed wealth, he has dreams of becoming rich some day.

Ryan settled into the chair, eager for his father to explain.

"You remember when you visited me, at Mr Damien's Brick's house, right? He asked, and Ryan nodded affirmatively. "You remember the way he looked at you? he asked again, and Ryan did same.

I knew he liked you. He had asked about you that day, wanting to know what you do, he was concerned about you, But that wife of his, though she is a different story, so wicked, and not welcoming at all", Mr Scott said, taking another sip of wine.

"Dad, it's not right to speak Ill of people. And I don't think Mrs Brick is that bad. She's just very private, Ryan interjected, but his father waved off his concerns.

"That is what you think. Most people outside the Damien Mansion think same, but if only you live with them or work with them, you will know her better.

You don't know them like I do. Damien Brick used to be an Angel, but Things changed after his first wife passed, and marrying that Lindsay, was his biggest mistake", his father continued, ignoring Ryan's protests.

" Father you have to stop, if she hears what you say about her, you will be shown the way out, and we will both be out of jobs". Mr Scott tries arguing about Lindsay's cruelty, but Ryan was not ready to gossip. "Father, can we get to the point? What's this all about? Ryan asked, growing impatient.

"Alright, alright. I will tell you. So after dropping Mr Brick at home, he called me into his study and offered me something big". Ryan's eye open wide with expectations, inquiring to know just how big the offer is " He wants you, my son, Ryan Scott, to marry his daughter, Alexander", Mr Scott said, beaming with pride. "He didn't pick anyone from his class of friends, he didn't go looking for a wealthy young man like he, he looked down, because he knows what he wants.

Ryan was taken aback. 

Marry someone he didn't know? And what about the rumors surrounding her appearance after the accident with her mother?

What about all the talk of her looking like a female beast, which is why her father had kept her hidden for years, that not even the workers in the house, knew how she really looks. With these thoughts in mind, Ryan shook his head in the negative.

"I can't do that , Dad", He says, Mr Scott had expected his reply, so he attacked him back with yet another question.

"You can't do what? he asked, getting angry.

"I can't marry someone I don't know, and what about the rumors? I can't be part of this, Ryan protested, shaking his head.

Mr Scott looked angry, and he dropped his glass aside, getting up from the couch, he looked Ryan directly in the eye.

"Ryan, I've done everything for you since your mother left. This is the least, you can do for us. If you refuse, I will have nothing more to do with you", his father said, his tone firm and resolute.

Ryan was stunned. Disown him? He had never heard his father speak like this before. He was thunderstruck. The words hung in the air, heavy and final. Like a door, slamming shut. 

As his father turned away, Ryan realized he was faced with an impossible choice- Marry a stranger or lose his father's love and support.

His father, usually so kind and understanding, truely he has sacrificed a lot for him, but now, he had just delivered an ultimatum that shook him to his core. The choice between marrying a stranger or losing his father's love was a cruel twist of fate he never saw coming.

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