The heated argument between daughter and father

Alexander found herself in a tense confrontation with her father, vehemently objecting to the idea of marrying a complete stranger.

Her father have always been particular about her coming out, but there have never been a time, he spoke of her getting married.

"I can't marry him, Father", she cried, her eyes brimming with tears. Her father, though not surprised by her reaction, had hoped she would understand his perspective before making a final decision.

"My dear Alex, I understand your fears, your reluctance to step out into the world. But you must see yourself as you truely are, You are beautiful inside and out", He began, his voice filled with emotion. The silence that followed, led him to continue, hoping his words were sinking in.

"Your mother, would want nothing more than to see you happy, settled. If you continue to deny yourself this chance, she will never rest in peace, and I will bear that burden. Please my child, reconsider", he implored, his heart breaking at the thought of disappointing her.

"Are you hearing yourself, father?

Alex retorted, her anger rising. "You want me, your only daughter, to marry a stranger? Is that how little my happiness means to you? Her tears flowing profusely. Is Marriage a trivial matter to you? Oh I see, you are tired of taking care of me, I am a burden to you, you cannot do this anymore, you want to be free to be with your wife and her son, and that is why you want to marry me off to some stranger? You disappoint me father". She retorts as she cries out loud, hoping to get her father to change his mind, like he always does, whenever she blackmails him emotionally, but he seem even more prepared, to get her to understand from his own point of view.

"Marriage is no trivial matter,  but you have isolated yourself for too long. You push everyone away, thinking the world is against you when, in truth, you are your own adversary", He exclaimed, surprising both himself and Alex with his intensity.

Despite her father's new found assertiveness, Alex remained steadfast. She is never going to Marry a stranger, there was no way, she would do that, and the earlier she let him in on it, the better. "No matter how you spin it, I am not ready to be anyone's wife, especially not to someone I don't even know. I'm sorry, but I cannot do it".

Mr Damien Brick, anticipating her response, responded firmly, "He may be a stranger to you, but I know I have picked the best for you. I had my research done on him, before approving of him for my daughter, and I am never tired of taking care of you. Since your mother left, you have been my priority, and you still are, but right now, I never thought I will have to say this, but you leave me no choice. Alex, if you refuse to marry him, you must be prepared to leave my house and start a new life else where. You turn eighteen in two days, and I had hoped to celebrate your marriage then. Since you decline, you will have to find your own way. I will support you, in anyway you want, but you cannot stay here".

With a heavy heart, he walked away, unable to face her, leaving her alone with tears as he stood outside the door, listening to her sob,  knowing that a rift had formed between them, that might never be mended.

Alexander was so shocked at her father's words, she kept looking at the close door, unable to believe that they had gotten to this point. 

As Alex, stood by the mirror, her gaze fell on the scar on her face, a constant reminder of the accident  that changed her life. Her leg, disabled by the same event, served as a smile witness to her struggles. Flash backs of that fateful night flooded her mind.

She remembered sitting beside her mother, excited about her upcoming birthday, as they drove to pick up her cake. A sudden call had changed everything. Her mother consumed by urgency, had accelerated, leading to the accident that took her life and left Alex with lifelong scars, both physical and emotional.

Now a decade later, the choice before her was stark. 

Should she marry a stranger to remain under her father's protective roof, or should she refuse and face the world on her own? The weight of her decision hung heavy on her heart.

As she reflected on her mother's memory, Alex knew that whatever choice she made, it would be a step toward reclaiming her life and her independence.

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