The night before the wedding

Ryan Scott, In his usual nature, had been unable to focus, since his last conversation with his father, His thought consumed him, he hates having a fight with his father, and though it's just been few hours since then, it seem like forever. After much deliberation, he devised a plan, he would confront Damien himself. Clearly talking with his father on the issue isn't working, his father is consumed by the thought of having a wealthy inlaw, therefore, nothing he says, sinks in, but he needed to confront Damien, to understand why he has been chosen to Marry his  unwanted Daughter.

Going back what the rumors say about her, no one would want to be with someone like that, which is also why, she herself have found it difficult to come out and face the world.

Since his father isn't home, he, being determined, headed straight to the mansion, confident that both his father and Damien Brick would be there.

When Mr Scott, saw his son approaching the mansion, he feared Ryan had come to reject the offer outright. He watched anxiously, holding his breath until Ryan spoke.

"I am glad you are both here, though I had come to see you, Mr Damien Brick", Ryan said, showing no regards for the elder. 

Mr Brick Damien didn't mind; He expected such behavior from Ryan, No one forced into Marriage, would be happy especially someone, without ulterior motives of siphoning wealth.

There was no expecting less from him. what if he has someone else in mind, and all of a sudden, he is called out to come and Marry a total stranger. Though in his research of Ryan, he found out that he was not dating anyone, and he had only been focused in achieving his dream of going back to school. After taking a long look at the young man standing Infront of him, 

Damien, motioned for Mr Scott to leave them. As his father departed, he stared intently at Ryan, silently urging him to behave and not ruin everything.

"So, son, what is it, you wanted to talk to me about? I didn't expect to see you until tomorrow, I mean at the wedding off course, I supposed your father have told you everything. Damien said, cutting to the chase, assuming Ryan had accepted, based on what Mr Scott had told him.

"I have not accepted to be your son in-law, and I am not your son. I just want to know how much my father owes you, to make you choose me, to be your son in-law, when there are other men you could have chosen or asked, as the case may be? Ryan asked, his voice steady, his gaze unwavering.  His actions, portraying anger.

Damien let out a hearty laugh. He had encountered many ambitious young men in his life, and he could have chosen any one of them for his daughter. However, after thorough consideration, he concluded that Ryan was the right match  for his daughter, a young man of dignity, pride and honor, despite his current lack of fortune, which he hoped to remedy soon.

Mr Damien clears his throat, as he answered.

"To answer your question, you were chosen because you met all the requirements. I will be honest with you; I couldn't choose just anybody for my daughter. I needed someone I could trust with her".

"Or someone you could use, as your puppet, the way you are using my father right now? Ryan retorted, his voice rising, determined to make his point clear. But if that was Damien's intent, Ryan was not going to be a mere pawn in his game. How ever, Damien remained calm, smiling before shaking his head.

"That is not what I am looking for son. I am looking for help". His statement shocked Ryan and he winced. "I know this is difficult for you, as it is for me. I never anticipated this day, where I will force my only daughter to marry against her own will, but things doesn't always happen the way we plan it, and with all my wealth, I still cannot change somethings, which is why I am begging,  I need your help. I have threatened my daughter  to push her away, although I cannot do that. I just want to push her a little. I want her to come out of hiding, She is not the first to live with a disability. I have tried everything I could, spent money and resources to make her look the way she was before the accident, and I have come close, She is nothing like the media say, she is beautiful, and I love her just the way she is, but she cannot spend her entire life hidden. I have plans for her and I want  her to achieve all the dreams she had while growing up. I wronged her mother before she died, I didn't get the chance to apologize. I cannot wrong my daughter too. If I don't see her regain her self esteem, I will never forgive myself. Knowing that I could have done something and I didn't.

So please son, I will do anything for you. I will pay you any amount. Just marry her and bring out that star in her. When she is herself again, and you still feel like this is all a big mistake, I will pay you off, and you can both go your separate ways.

You don't have to do anything with her, you are not obligated to. She just needs to face the world and reach her full potential". He concluded, looking down. He just opened up himself to a little boy, he didn't even tell Mr Scott this much, but it feels good, and he feels it is the right thing to do.

Ryan was speechless. He had come prepared to reject the offer, but now, he felt sorry for Damien and his daughter.

He got up, and took a final look at him.

"I will see you tomorrow at the wedding ", Ryan said abruptly, standing up and walking away, leaving Damien Brick deep in thought.

His only happiness is that he had promised to see him at the wedding the next day, that was all he had to hold on to.

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