Sex with a stranger at the club

As he left the Damien's Mansion, Ryan felt the weight of the situation settle on his shoulders like a heavy cloak, suffocating and inescapable. 

He realized with a sinking feeling that he was in deep trouble, caught in a dilemma, with no easy way out. No matter how much, he tried to rationalize or find a loophole, the reality remained stark and unforgiving. 

Now he had promised Mr Damien that he would come to the wedding, though he didn't tell him as what. The realization dawned on him slowly, like a dark cloud moving across the sky, casting a shadow over his thoughts and actions.

He didn't bother taking a taxi, he wanted to walk, it feels better, walking on the road, clearing his head.

He is going to be married in some hours time, to someone he doesn't know, someone perceived as a rejected soul.

It was a moment of clarity, where he understood the gravity of his predicament and the harsh consequences that awaited him.

Juliana his ex would laugh at him. She had left him because he didn't have the resources to look after her, and buy her all the good things of life, but if she hears that he finally ends up with Alexander the hidden princess of the Damien Brick family, she would laugh at him, that he couldn't find someone beautiful to be with.

Panic and fear gnawed at the edges of his mind, as he grappled, with the harsh reality that there was no easy escape from the mess he found himself in.

As Ryan trudged home, the weight of his predicament hung heavy in the air around him.

 He had hoped to find solace in the familiar surroundings of his house, but as he stepped through the door, his heart sank at the sight of his father seated in the living room, waiting for him. 

This was the same way he had been sitting the day he delivered the bad news to him. Just that now, he isn't drinking. Ryan wondered for a moment how he was able to get home before him, when they had just been at the Damien's a while ago? He didn't want to encourage a conversation between them, and Despite his father's attempts at conversation, Ryan knew the futility of it all. 

He could predict the well meaning, but ultimately unhelpful advice that would be offered reasons to stay  the course to persevere in the plan that now felt like a noose tightening around his neck.

 Unable to bear the thought of it, Ryan silently slipped out. His father tries asking him, what his discussion with Damien Brick was all about, but Ryan just walked on, leaving his father's words hanging in the air unspoken but understandable.

With no destination in mind, Ryan found himself wandering the streets until he stumbled upon a club.  This is the only place he could go to, to find solace, his life was close to being ruined. And he cannot say No. If he doesn't want it, his father would never forgive him, and to think that Damien had practically begged him, for help. Seeking refuge from his thoughts, he entered and drowned himself in alcohol, hoping to numb the overwhelming weight of his circumstances, if only for a few fleeting moments.

As Ryan sat in a dimly lit corner of the club, nursing his tequila and lost in his thoughts, he was approached by a woman wearing a nose mask. At first, he was not in the mood for company, wanting only to drown his sorrows in solitude. However, the woman was persistent, her curiosity piqued by the air of mystery surrounding Ryan.

"There are so many persons here, but I cannot help but notice you. What is the matter, you look sober".

"Leave me alone Mask woman, I don't wanna talk! He yelled, because he needed her to hear him, through the music.

"The mask is just because of the smoke, I can't stand it". She says, getting Ryan's attention.

"Then what are you doing at a club, if you cannot stand the smoke? He inquired, and that marked the begining of their conversation.

Despite his initial reluctance, Ryan found himself drawn into a conversation with her. She had a way of asking questions that made him open up, even though he couldn't tell, if he was answering her genuinely, because of the effect of the drink or something else. He was sharing details about his life that he had kept hidden even from himself. He found comfort in her presence, a temporary respite from the turmoil raging inside him.

What endeared her to him even more was her insistence in keeping his glass full, ordering round after round of drinks without hesitation. 

"I guess you gotta do what you gotta do dear. For the sake of your dad". She says, and he nodded in agreement. That was how he saw it all, he was doing this for his father, if that will make him happy, he will do it for him.

Refilling Ryan's glass, was a small gesture, but one,  that spoke volumes to Ryan, a sign that someone cared, even if for a fleeting moment, in a haze of a drunken night.

After consuming alcohol to excess, he lost control of his senses.  He soon found himself outside the club house, still standing with her, she motioned to him to move up the stairs, but his vision was blurry, he couldn't see anything order than his nose, when she saw that he was not able to climb the stairs, he tapped his fingers together, and then, three men came out. Ryan, Feeling hands on him, he attempted to resist, but his efforts was futile. 

They guided him into a room, where a masked woman awaited him. As she removed her Mask, her beauty struck him, even in his intoxicated state.

She approached him ultimately, taking off what was left of his dignity. Was he dreaming, or was he being robbed? But he has nothing on him, he couldn't understand what was going on, he couldn't scream, he was too drunk to scream, She pushed him on the bed, and started to undress, Ryan knew he was not going to like the outcome of what was about to happen to him, but  before he could comprehend the situation, he blacked out.

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