The wedding day

Ryan woke up in a haze, unsure of his environment, moving his eyes round his surrounding, he realized he was in a hotel room. But how did he get there? He questioned within himself. 

He looked down the duvet that served as the only covering on his waist side, and he sees that he was naked. 

The scent of the mysterious woman, still lingering on him, like an invisible mark of his betrayal.

He hated himself already. Due to depression, he had slept with a stranger, a night before his wedding.

 Even though the marriage is a sham, he would have still loved to stay faithful to his bride, until they were both done with their parts of the deal.

 He held his head, as though it was going to fall off, due to the hangover of the drinks from last night.

Flashes of the night before flooded his mind, and he recoiled on self disgust. "But who was that? He asked himself, referring to the mask woman, but no clue, only her scent, linger, as a constant reminder of his betrayal, to his unknown wife to be. 

Yet, as he glances at the clock, dread washed over him. He couldn't believe it,  He was late for his own wedding.

His phone started ringing just at that moment, and that was also when he realized that his phone was on silent mode. He glanced through it, only to realize that he had been called severally by his father. He is the only friend he has. The only one that have been by his side, through thick and thin.

"Oh, father must be devastated". He cried, as he tried getting into his trouser in a hurry.

Panic surged as he rushes to leave, his mind racing with excuses and regrets.

He was late to his own wedding, he was looking tattered, he couldn't have his bath, and he didn't know his bride, he is the worst kind of groom, anyone could ask for, but he wasn't doing this because he wanted to, he was doing this because he needed to please his father, who have sacrificed everything for him.

Outside Damien's Mansion, where the wedding was to take place, anticipation turned to concern as the minutes ticked by with no sign of the groom. 

Just few family members and friends, have come together to grace the occasion. 

It is an auspicious day, a day, they have all silently and loudly wished for. But their concerns was evident on their faces.

The officiating pastor, hesitant to voice the growing unease, as he watched Damien's face darken with anger. Naturally, he would have loved to tell him to postpone, but the way he was looking, spoke volume, and he dare not say a word. If Damien,  needed the wedding canceled, he would be the one to voice it out.

Even the family members around, started to gossip, for they know he is the one that is really trying to get his daughter married, just to prove a point to the world, that he could be a good father, when clearly, he is the cause of her accident in the first place.

Lindsay, stood beside her husband, trying to console him, but deep within her, she was very happy, that the groom, have not shown up, and she was hoping that he wouldn't show up. 

She have been blamed from the begining, so putting up a show, of a loving and supportive step mother, was the least, she could do. She is hoping Alexander will continue to hide, and they will have no other choice, than to wait for her son, to grow up, to become an adult, and take over all Damien's inheritance, but even if she does get married, she has a perfect plan to destroy her.

"Brother, are you sure you planned this well? Damien's sister inquires, in a quest to mock her billionaire brother, because she never stopped blaming him, for the death of his late wife, and he never stopped blaming her, for putting a call through to her, on that same day, telling her what she shouldn't know.

Mr Scott, Ryan's father, frantically called his son, but there was no answer.

He thought they had the discussion already, why his son decided to embarrass him in such a manner was something he couldn't explain.

He had no face to look up his boss, he buried his face in his phone, hoping his phone will just ring, and it will be his son,  he just wants to hear from his son, all he wants to know is that he is fine, and he is going to show up for the wedding. If he doesn't show up, his life will be ruined, all his future plans will be ruined. Closing his eyes, he said a word of prayer.

Meanwhile, Alexander, who was still kept inside, had a smile on, looking outside her window, she could see the tension on their faces, but she felt a mix of excitement and relief. 

Maybe now her father would understand that not everyone would want to be married to a stranger, and not every research is thoroughly done. Her father was so sure, he had his research done on the young man, and that he was the best person for her, but now, he is standing everyone up, instead of him to just air his mind outrightly.

Alexander couldn't wait to wipe off the makeup on her face, she still believe she is too ugly, and her face should be kept hidden, Despite some guests glimpsing her face, all in the name of missing their way, she  knew she could disappear back into obscurity. Eventually, memories of her presence would fade, allowing her to return to her hidden life.

She was still lost in her thought when she heard a roar of applause. She looked outside the window, and all the gloomy faces suddenly looked happy, she couldn't see any new face in the crowd, so she wondered what the noise was about, until her personal maid rushed up to her.

"Young miss, he is here, and he is a total mess, he has been taken inside the dressing room, to get him refreshed". Alexander allowed the words sink in, and she could only wonder, just how poor the young man is, for him to show up for his own wedding, looking tattered.

She fell back into sadness. She had thought that the wedding was not going to hold, but sadly, it seem it was holding.

She waited in her room, now in tears, no longer in smiles, when her father came.

"It is time". Was all he said, giving her his arm for her to grab, she took it, and all her fears, which she thought had disappeared, appeared all over again.

Her father, was sending her indirectly away, into the lion's den.

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