a whirlwind of emotions

On what is traditionally considered the happiest day in a man's life, Ryan Scott found himself, enveloped in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Standing at the alter, in his impeccable tailored suits, and his hair that have just been done in a hurry, he struggled to maintain composure and avoid glancing backward, as he would have, if he was getting married to someone he proposed to, nit to someone, he is being threatened to marry, despite the palpable joy radiating from his father.

It was an expected look, his father, should be very happy, when he had thought his son was not going to show up, and all of a sudden, he shows up, it was his dream, and his wish, but for Ryan Scott, this wasn't what he envisioned for himself; marrying a stranger, was never part of his life's plan.

As he anxiously await the arrival of his bride, who was taking too long to show up, as though she hadn't been waiting for him all the while, the events of the previous night weighed heavily on his mind. The realization, that he had spent it with someone he didn't know, someone, who was now somewhere, watching him, for all the wrong choices he has made and is yet to make, filled him with a sense of unease. The whispers of anticipation from the assembled guests forced him to look up, and there she was, entering with her father, a picture of grace and beauty, a royal blood, she smells wealth, her self esteem threatened by uncertainty, yet Ryan could sense her reluctance, her veil barely concealing her sorrow.

Her eyes, though shielded, betrayed her true feelings. This was not the joyous occasion she had dreamed of; instead, it felt like a cruel twist of fate. As she approached him, her steps faltered slightly, and Ryan's heart went out to her. He knew that what was supposed to be the best day of her life, felt more like a burden, a sentence to a life she never asked for.

As Alexander finally reached the alter, and her father moved backwards, she found herself standing face to face with Ryan. The look in their eyes spoke volumes. Alexander's eyes reflected a mix of uncertainty, apprehension, and perhaps a glimmer of hope, as she stared into Ryan's eyes. Ryan's gaze seemed conflicted, torn between duty and the unknown.

The silence that enveloped them was heavy with unspoken words, a poignant moment, pregnant with possibilities. They exchanged a brief tentative glance, their eyes locking for a fleeting moment, as if seeking solace or understanding in eachother's gaze.

With a soft sigh, Alexander broke the silence, her voice barely above a whisper. "Hey! Her voice trailed off the weight of the moment, evident in her tone. Ryan too seemed to be struggling for words, as, standing Infront of him, is a beauty, looking so different, from what the world said about her. Ryan could see someone who had suffered, and seem to still be suffering. He hates the situation, because he could not love her, but just as it has been said, he was there to help her come out of her shell, and that is what he would do for her.

Ryan was taken by her beauty, wondering why the world would say such ill about someone, they didn't even know.

"I....". Ryan started, then paused, gathering his thoughts. as he swallowed hard "I never expected...". He trailed off, his voice filled with emotion. She smiles, and he noticed just how beautiful she really is.

"You don't expect me to be this ugly right?

have you not heard the rumors? Why is it so surprising to you? Ryan is shocked that he was misunderstood, and he didn't say anything to remedy what she felt or must be feeling.

Their brief exchange was filled with emotion, a poignant moment of connection amidst the chaos of the wedding ceremony. And the fact that Ryan didn't try to remedy or say anything about what she said, she felt even angrier, that she was right, he thinks she is ugly.

They stood, facing eachother, the world around them, fading into the background, as they took a moment to acknowledge the gravity of the situation and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

Alexander clenched her jaw, feeling a surge of anger all of a sudden. She resented being seen as just a pawn, she blames her father, she is a pawn in her father's plans, a means to an end. But beneath the anger and frustration she was feeling, was a more profound hurt. She couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal, knowing that her father had orchestrated this marriage for his own gain and reputation, without consideration for her feelings or desires.

As she glanced at Ryan, she saw a man, who seemed out of place in opulent surroundings of the wedding venue. There was a weariness in Ryan's eyes, a weariness that mirrored her own.

She wondered, what had led Ryan to this point, what struggles he had faced, and what dreams, he had abandoned along the way.

But despite the attempt to empathize, Alexander couldn't suppress the bitterness that welled up inside her. She resented Ryan for being able to walk away from this marriage, with a fat paycheck, while she would be left to pick up the pieces of her shattered dreams.

As the priest began the ceremony, Alexander felt a sense of resignation wash over him. She knew she is powerless to change the course of her life, that she would be bound to this marriage by duty and obligation. And as he spoke the words of the vows, she couldn't help, but feel a profound sense of loss for the life she had once hoped to live.

And for the first time in a long time, she wished, her mother was still alive, she wish she could look back and see her, she would have made better choices for her, she would have wanted her to be happy. She turned back, to stare at her father before taking her vows, and he was smiling. she etched, he is the one that is happy, not her. This is his dreams, not hers

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