?️EPISODE 10?️ Nick opened his mouth aghast wondering why unice didn't inform him. There's only one explanation. "Monica". Nick whispered. The triangular sign ✡️ disappeared and appeared in the door of the room that Hannah walked out from and it then disappeared. Nick walked carefully toward the door and stooped in front of it. Why did the sign appear here before vanishing?. He placed his ear On the door but there was no sound heard. He then took a bold step to click the knob open. He opened the door slowly and peeped in. There was no one in the room. He then opened the door completely and enters into the room. "There's nothing here". Nick said looking around. He then noticed a black liquid on the mirror. He touched it and then felt the texture. "Blood". He whispered. It was same black blood in the apartment they investigated today. "Mr. Frank said Monica is a stealer of bodies.. Does that mean???". Nick said and paused a little. "She might have stolen a student's body already and might be in the field right now, i need to go". Nick said and ran out of the room immediately with the aim of finding a any suspicious student. ???MEANWHILE??? ?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️ Laura got he seen adjusting to her trouser before wearing her shoes ? ?. She tied the rope and made to leave when Rosita who was changing her cloth spoke. "Hey wait for me?". She said. "We're suppose to be at the Field right now ". Laura said. " Team Falcon's Attention is at the field right now ". The coach voice rang from the electric bell above their heads. " You heard that? ". Laura asked. " Yeah go.. Hannah and I will come ". Rosita said. " Yeah sure ". Hannah said as she tied the rope of her show with a devilish smile. " OK then gotta go ". Laura said and left immediately. "Let's go Hannah". Rosita said turning to Hannah as she finished dressing up but here was a woman in the white gown instead of Hannah. ?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️ The entire field could be seen field up with student as they sang victory songs for the team they were. It was a match between team Falcon And Team Tiger. It was always the boys playing matches but now it was the turn of the girls. There was going to be a intra sport competition that month so they all needed to practice among themselves before going out to face other schools. All the students cheered in happiness as Laura bounced into the field, Laura was one of the best player and the captain the team. She join her team mate in the line and waited for Hannah and Rosita. Nick was the only one who was on his feet while other students sat, his eyes scanned from left to right in other to see if there was any suspicious movement made by any students. Glenn soon pulled him down. "Hey dude who are you searching for? If it's Laura then she's also one the field. Over there". Glenn said pointing to the field. "I know. Am not searching for Laura ". Nick said. " Then who? ". Glenn asked. " i stood so i can get a proper view of the game ". Nick lied. " Liar .. Don't tell me you can't see from up here just tell us you want to get a proper view of her ". Lance said and laughed out but nick frowned angrily at him. "Stop it Lance you know nick hates that". Glenn said. "But it's a joke". Lance defended. "Well it's too expensive". Glenn replied. ??????????? ⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽ Rosita walked backwards in fear. "Hannah, Who are you?". She asked. "I am not Hannah, i am Monica!". She roared. Rosita turned back quickly and tried to open the door but Monica smiled softly the door refuse to open. Rosita turned back to her and was now sweating. "What do you want?". Rosita asked almost crying. "Your body". She said and transformed to Morris. "No... No this isn't real. This a dream". Rosita said. Morris shook his head vigorously and turned to Jude. "Your body". He said and transformed to Hannah. "Give me your body". She roared me turned to Monica. "Don't worry dear, i take it myself". She said and drew out a dagger from underneath her gown. "You're lucky am chatting me with you. That's rear of me". She said and made to stab Rosita in the hand but surprisingly Rosita blocked her hand and twisted it making Monica to face the wall. Monica's head like a robot ? turned to the back facing Rosita and her hand detached from the body. Rosita screamed out and dropped the hand. Monica's tongue turned to a snake And shot out to bite her but she managed to jump backward escaping it but fell to the ground. Monica's head turned back to it position and she turned facing scared Rosita who was on the ground. A new hand grew out of Monica's shoulder and she snarled. "Seems you proving stubborn". She said and made to grab Rosita neck to the ground but Rosita held her hand and they struggled with each other. Monica's head snaky tongue tried to enter into Rosita mouth but the distance was much and needed To get closing but Rosita was preventing her with her hands. Rosita was already crying as she could see a serpent close to her face with the aim of entering her mouth. Rosita straightened up her leg and shot her knees with full force hitting Monica away. She rose up quickly and made to open the door but Monica fisted her head and the door opened furiously slapping Rosita away, she crashed roughly to the mirror on the wall and fell to the ground with the broken pieces. ?????????? ?????????? Nick watched as team Falcon waited patiently for two players left. He could see Laura looking around like she was looking for someone. She finally left the life heading for the locker room. "Excuse guys". Nick said and left the field too. They almost bumped into each other in the cross corridor and gasped out. "Did you see Hannah And Rosita?". Laura asked. "No.. I saw you running from the field i decided to check what was wrong?". Nick was saying when they heard screams from the Girls Locker room. They ran there toward there immediately. ? ????????? Rosita though wounded rose up immediately to punch Monica but Monica turned into a wall gecko ?. Rosita jumped back in fear but boldly moved forward to step On it with all her might but the gecko turned into Monica hitting Rosita's foot away. Rosita crashed to the wall and fell weakly to the ground. "Here you are stubborn... I finally had my way". Monica said and made to grab her but suddenly stopped hearing running footsteps. She quickly turned into a lizard ? and as the door burst open revealing Nick and Laura it flew out past them. "Oh my God Rosita what happened to you?". Laura said squatting beside her. "Hannah, she's a witch". Rosita breath out. "Did you fought with Hannah or what? We whereas where's she?". Nick asked. "Hannah is Evil, She transformed to a woman in white gown and attacked me, she turned into a lizard and left immediately you came in". Rosita said crying. "That's unimaginable, maybe you were kinda day dreaming, What happened between you guys, did you fought". Laura said looking at the broken mirror. "Believe me, she's a witch". Rosita breath out. Nick was shocked as she said Hannah turned to a woman in the white gown, That must be Monica, Monica must have possessed her. "Let's get her to the clinic". Nick said. They helped her up and took her away. They got to the clinic and the nurse asked them what happened to her but nick quickly cuts in That she was attacked by a student. The nurse took her to her room and Rosita asked Laura to help her get her bag. Lauren then left while Nick stayed with her. The nurse was already taking the first aid box from the shelf above her head. "Shit! There's no Methylated spirit.. I need to get one". The nurse said and left. "The woman in the white gown you saw,was her tongue was a snake?". Nick asked. "Yes. How did you know?". Rosita asked. "Because I believe you". Nick said. "That's insane, i don't even believe myself, i guess Laura was saying the truth i was day dreaming". Rosita said. "is the injury all over your body a dream too. Listen to me Rosita that woman is dangerous and...". Nick was saying when Laura entered and handed over Rosita's bag to nick. "Where's the nurse?". She asked. "She went to get a methylated spirit". Nick said. "Well i should get going before the school authorities start searching for us.. I'll tell the coach that she suddenly fell ill and won't be able to play". Laura said and made to leave. "What about Hannah of which we can't find?". Nick asked. "I'll say same. The Coach can substitute them". Laura said and left. "So as we were saying?". Nick said. "Please get the pain killer in my bag me". Rosita said. "Okay. Nick said said and dipped his hand into her bag but felt something of which he brought out and it turns out to be a Beretta 45' pistol. " Oh my God i forgot that it was there. Just get me the damn pain killer ". She said. " Rosita what are You doing with a gun". Nick asked and brought out the pain killer she needed. She swallowed it before speaking. "You wouldn't want to know". Rosita said. "I already believed what you said about Hannah now tell me about the gun". Nick said. "What if I said am an ex assassin?". Rosita said. "That's a joke". Nick said. "Now i understand why that woman wanted to kill me, i guess it's the ghost of someone i killed before". Rosita said. "This isn't a ghost Rosita it's a demon". Nick said and wondered why he was actually spilling out all this. "You're funny nick what businessman does demons have with earth?". Rosita said. "Do you believe on supernatural beings?". Nick asked. "Yeah. After seeing my boss teleport and his friends using magic then i believe in the supernatural". Rosita said. "Who's your boss?". Nick asked. "The Red Trigger Of course". She said and Nick almost flew off his seat. "You work for the world most wanted Assassin?". Nick asked. "I worked. Right now he's not a bad guy anymore that's why there is no news about him". Rosita said. "But i thought he died". Nick said. "He faked his own death so he can start a new life". Rosita said. "So you're actually an ex assassin. That's intriguing". Nick said. "and that's a secret. You tell no one". Rosita. "Sure". Nick said. "You talked about the woman or Hannah been a demon can you explain better?". Rosita said. "It's complicated Rosita. You wouldn't want to know". Nick said. "Seems the pain killer worked. Am leaving here Right now i don't know why the nurse is taking long ". Rosita said trying to get down the bed. Nick helped her and they exit they room. " Now i don't regret been an assassin. I wouldn't have been able to fight that psycho woman or maybe I was day dreaming actually ". Rosita said. " Fighting a demon that's risky". Nick said. "if you ain't ready to tell me about this demon issue you keep mentioning then keep quiet". Rosita said as they walked down the corridor. Nick wanted to reply but paused seeing a body ahead of them. They walked up to the body and it was that of the nurse. Her neck was ripped out and she was shaking vigorously. She began to shrink until she became an infant. "Oh my God,.. Inferno". Nick said. "What's inferno?". Rosita asked. "It's a who?". Nick said and the lights suddenly goes off putting everywhere in darkness. "Isn't this day why is everywhere so dark". Rosita said. "Seems it's cloudy ⛅ outside". Nick said. Rosita pulled out the gun from her bag and reloaded it. "What are you doing?". Nick asked. "With mysterious things happening here, i guess vice city is making me scared now". She said and brought out a torchlight. They then heard a walking footstep at their back. Rosita switched On the torch ? immediately and turned back with nick shinning the ray of light on the face of a figure. It was a zombie with yellow eyes, flat nose and a circular mouth. "demonic presence detected". Unice said. "Run!". Nick shouted. ?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️??????????? It was getting dark Dark outside but no one seemed moved as they were enjoying the game. "Where's nick he hasn't returned?". Glenn said. "Maybe he's still searching for Laura". Lance said and laughed. Lance ignored him and continued watching the game. Laura dribbled the defender and been face to face with the goal keeper to shot the ball into the goal post but she suddenly paused and started looking all around. "What's she doing? Shot the ball into the net". Glenn shouted. "Maybe she's looking for nick too". Lance said jokingly. The goal keeper rushes out and pushed absent minded Laura away before taking the ball. Laura crashed roughly to the ground. The referee blew the whistle and gave the keeper a yellow card ? She shouldn't have pushed Laura in such manner. "Penalty!". Everyone shouted knowing fully well what it was. Laura rose up slowly and was still looking around like she was hearing something. The referee blew his whistle and pointed to the penalty area but something unimaginable happened. A giant skeletal leg crushed him to the ground. Everyone eyes rose up quickly and saw a giant Skeleton as it took it other leg into the field. The giant skeleton kicks five of the players away and screams filled the air as everyone began to run Helter skater except Laura who was still standing in the middle of the field. #TBCRelated Chapters
The demon 11
THE DEMON HUNTER??️EPISODE 11?️Nick and Rosita suddenly stopped by the emergency exit and tried opening the door but it refuses to open.They turned back hearing footsteps and shown the ray of ray into the darkness but there was no one.Demonic presence approaching ". Unice alerted.Nick shown the light all over the corridor but there was no sign of inferno." What's Demonic Presence? ". Rosita asked." Keep Your voice low or you're gonna lead him right to us ". Nick said.They heard a snarl above their heads and they're heads rose up slowly allowing to meet with Inferno's horrible face as he crawled on the ceiling." Arrgh! ". Rosita screamed and Nick drew her front where she stood.Inferno landed on the ground and dived at then nick, nick used his boot to kick his head and they took to their heels.They turned to the left corridor and Nick switched on the light as they headed for the door.Nick held the knob to press it down but it shocked him and threw him to the wall.Rosita hel
The demon 12
THE DEMON HUNTER?️EPISODE 12?️She grabbed his neck to the wall and strangled him."Who was the former demon hunter?". She asked angrily.Nick held her hand trying to free himself but to no avail.She let him go and walked backward."Answer me now". She screamed out.Nick coughed out heavily and stammered out."What business's do you have with him?". Nick said.Laura grabbed him by the collar and flung him away."Who was the former demon hunter???". She asked again walking toward him."You know what Laura?". Nick said and she made to punch him.She paused to listen to him."For the sake of our friendship let's this without a fight". Nick said.She smirked her lips and punch his face causing him to fall to the ground."Oouuun!". Nick moaned as blood drip from his lips."Please Laura". Nick said but is punch his chest angrily."Answer me". She screamed out."Am sorry Laura". Nick said and she paused."For what?". She asked."Whatever happened to you? Let's talk it out". Nick said."No!
The demon 13
THE DEMON Hunter..EPISODE 13..Mr. Frank quickly pressed down another button on the wall and the area where she stood becamecharged with electric current shocking her really hard."Laura you're forcing me to do this, i don't want this" Mr. Frank shouted and there was a beep onhis phone.He checked the notification pane and tapped on the alert notification from the security cameraapp.He tapped on Cam 008 which was blinking red and a footage was displayed.He could see nick and Glenn dancing toward a crowd of people who surrounded an ugly lookingcreature."Oh no.. Damon". Mr. Frank said and took his hand off the button he was holding forgetting it wascontrolling the electric current.Laura rose up slowly and raced at him.She grabbed him to the wall and flung him to the ground.The phone fell from his hand and crashed to the ground facing them but the video was still playing.He pushed her to the wall and made to flee but she grabbed him back and punched his facecausing him
The demon 14
THE DEMON HUNTER??️EPISODE 14?️Nick kicked away one of the zombie and turning back he cuts off the head of the other.One of the zombie flew at him but he squat and it flew over him.There zombies leapt at him but he made a circular turn slashing them away.Another zombie jumped from the back and he blocked it with his sword.Another one roared at charged at him from the back, he quickly pulled out one of his gun and blew off his head and turning to the zombie at his front, he placed the gun on the head and scattered the brain with bullet.He kicked away another zombie as as the one by his side tried to grab him, he dodges it and slice his head into two.Laura used her wings to hit the zombie at her back and kicked the zombie that ran at her.She slapped the ground and a heavy fire erupted burning the zombie but they kept moving.She flew up and landed on the head of one of the zombie.She grabbed the hand of the other to fling him away but the hand detached from the body. Laura kic
The demon 15
THE DEMON HUNTER...EPISODE 15.."Freeze!". They shouted.Nick rose his sword and gun up like he surrendered."Turn around and drop your weapons". One of them shouted.Nick turned slowly.Laura from nowhere landed in their midst and an erupted fire hit them all away.She grabbed nick and flew away immediately.Nick mind controlled his bike to follow after them and Laura soon dropped him off, he landed onthe bike and dodging a truck, he rode away speedily.He could see five cops ahead of him blocking the road and knelt behind the door to shot.The bike flew over them and sped away.There was another set of cops ahead of him and there was no way he'll get past them to AMC asthey shot sporadically at himNick turned the bike quickly to the left and rode in between two buildings."Unice, Revert Transformation". Nick shouted and his outfit turned to light entering into the watch.Nick quickly adjusted himself and played a music in his phone.He slide it into his pocket and walked aw
The demon 16
THE DEMON HUNTER....EPISODE 16.."Arrrrgh". The entire class screamed out and everyones began to run outside except nick, Laura,Rosita, Glenn and Lance."What just happened?". Rosita asked looking around.The window frame scattered into pieces and a whirl wind flew out."There was a demon here". Nick said."Yes i felt it too". Laura said."What are you guys talking about?". Lance said."Gosh he's here". Glenn said."Can you please excuse us Lance?". Nick asked."not until you tell me what's going on here?". Glenn said."You know what let's get out of here before we become a prime suspect of whatever happenedhere". Laura said and they made to leave."I guess we ain't friends after all". Lance said."That's not it Lance, let's go". Nick said and they all left the class.Soon police officers started rushing into the classroom they were also followed by some medicalpersonnel."Lance let's have a word". Glenn said and left with Lance.The team knew that Lance did that to take him
The demon 17
THE DEMON HUNTER....EPISODE 17.."Unice, Initialize Full Armour Sequence Of The Demon Hunter". Nick shouted but nothinghappened."Sorry nick, the cuffs are suppressing unice power". He said and smiled softly."Shit". Nick cursed out."But cuffs does not hold fai feerie". Laura said and breath in.She roared loudly and a heavy emitted from her body burning the cuffs.She grabbed misery but he flipped her over and her body scattered the wind screen rolling overthe bonnet to the ground.Misery opened the door and walked." You should have also known you're no match for misery".He raised her up and pinned her neck to the bonnet of the car."We're not gonna seat down here are we". Rosita asked.She managed to open the door and walk out. She ran at misery to kick but he grabbed her leg andflung her away.Nick bounced on bonnet and landed on misery but misery raised him off and smashed him to theground thereby making the cuff to shift from touching the watch."Initializing Securi
The demon 18
THE DEMON HUNTER..EPISODE 18..Mr. Frank and Glenn enters into AMC hurriedly."So what now, Misery sets them up and they've been arrested?". Glenn asked."i never thought he could go thus far, working on a plan Glenn, we'll surely get them out to kickMisery's ass"."Detective Gomez is on this issue and he always has his way of finding things, hope the secret of the supernatural won't be leaked out"."The secret of the supernatural has leaked out years ago, everyone knows that demons existedbut they don't know that the demons have return, sooner or later they'll find out"."So right now how do we help them before misery does more harm". There's only one way to saveyour sister and friends legally or would i say a little illegal". Mr. Frank said."Anything, just to stop misery's set ups and all the misery he's causing". Glenn said."We have to get to the station and manipulate the evidence, We need a fake finger print to put onthe cocaine and Nick's own to put on Rosita's gun si
Latest Chapter
The demon hunterSeason 2 Episode_Eighteen"No! Could someone kindly wake me up from this nightmare?". Doris said closing her eyes.She opened them but there was still Mrs. Stedman seated on the couch in her Dark Nun's outfit."No! You're impersonating her, You're only trying to make me hate my mom". Doris said and she chuckled."Have you ever wondered why Mom always returned home late after the demon faction returned to the city few month ago?". Mrs. Stedman asked."Stop it, the mother I know, wouldn't do all the evil you've done". Doris screamed."I did it for you all Doris, so we could live together happily with great powers that no one can ever hurt us". Mrs. Stedman said."No you're not my mom stop trying to trick me ". Doris said."Do you remember that picnic at bureau, when we went fishing, you know that was the day I kind and soft hearted, that butterfly with broken wings, you took it in your hands and caress it, encouraging it to fly". Mrs. Stedman said."Only my mom knew ab
The demon hunterSeason 2Episode_SeventeenNick stared at the face of Kay who was dying in his arms."I need to get her out of here". Nick whispered."Imp is gonna attack once you try to leave". Mr. Frank said."To what do I owe this visit?". Laura asked as she bounced out of her building in a sparkling gown."Here you are Fai Feerie, you look beautiful". Monica said."That's funny cos you should take your leave now". Laura said."Oh you're scared we're gonna crash your party, then join us". Monica said."Enough of this shit!". Laura said taking off her gown revealing her black jacket and leather trouser."aww you came prepared....". Laura didn't allow her to finish as she blast her over a vehicle with fire.Imp turned speedily to Laura conjured a great deal of fire at her, she tried to block it but it knocked her over the wall."It's an ancient demon and really powerful you need to help Laura". Mr. Frank said."Kay". Nick said staring at the innocent girl's face."I'll take her to A
The demon hunterSeason 2Episode_Sixteen"Laura? You need to stop". Nick screamed moving toward her as the wind emitting from her body threw devices away."Nick it's dangerous stay back". Mr. Frank said."Laura you have to listen to me, you need to calm down". Nick whispered in tears."My brother is dead and it's all because of her". Laura roared in a demonic voice."Laura, we're gonna find her and she's gonna pay for what she's done, Glenn is my best friend". Nick said and sniffed."No, I'll destroy everything I set my eyes on". She roared hitting Nick away with a wave of flower.Hannah wanted to move forward but Mr. Frank held her back."Fighting her is only gonna unleash more anger". Mr. Frank said and turned to the box.He was shocked to see a rock instead of a head.He picked it quickly and raised it quickly."It's a trick Laura, The Dark Nun wanted this to".Laura dashed at him and gripped his neck with her claw."He's alive". Nick whispered.Laura gasped as she felt a sharp pa
The demon hunterSeason 2Episode_FifteenIt was a beautiful morning as the sun shown its bright ray of light on earth and mankind.Nick rubbed his eyes as the ray of light itch his skin.He opened his eyes gently and jolted from the bed immediately.He took his phone and stated at the time."Eight am..Such a late fellow". He heard Hannah's voice and turned to the door."You're awake mom". Nick said."Am not a sleepy head, I've mopped the floor already and prepare meal already"."Moms super powers I guess". Nick said and she laughed."Right now am really late for work and Mr. Frank will be glad to cut off from my salary". Nick said and Hannah laughed."You're too young to handle such money". Hannah said."More reason am sending them to your account, Just treat me well and...."."Make good pancakes ". Hannah said and he nodded."Glutton!". She said and walked away."Freshen up and get down here". Hannah said as she walked down the stairs.She switched on the Television and crossed her
The demon hunterSeason 2Episode_FourteenNick jumped at Monica as he launched his axe at her.She dodged it and gripped Nick with her claw but he hits her with his elbow and took his stance one again.A clawed hand shot out of Monica's hand to slash his face but he cut it off with his axe.The Dark Nun directed lightning at Laura but she blocks it with a wave of flower and breath fire at her.She deflects the fire and clenched her fist causing Laura to scream.Hannah leapt out of nowhere with red magic glowing around her hand as she sent a punch onto The Dark Nun's face.The Dark raised her hands up conjuring lightning from the sky straight at them but Hannah controlled the burnt bike with her fingers and collides it with the lightning causing it to scatter to pieces.Different parts on the bike dropped down like rain and Laura gripped one of the metal.She turned swiftly and drove it into the head of the inhuman that tried to hold her.Carol(Real Rosita) placed arrows into her bow
The demon hunterSeason 2Episode_ThirteenThe real Rosita who was now faceless could be seen struggling vigorously with the ropes as the fake Rosita smiled wickedly."Oh Rosita, Don't worry you can have my face this time around so you can soliloquise while am gone". The fake Rosita said and took the black ring on the table.She placed it on Rosita's fore head and she shrieked.A new face appeared on that of the real Rosita and she gasped."What have you done?". The real Rosita screamed."What needs to be done"."You can never be me". Rosita screamed."Of course, why would I be a egret ex assassin who think she can atone all she's done by been a hero, My Name is Carol and I can never be you". The Fake Rosita said and punched her face."Well you can never be me, you're just an idiot with no life ambition and at the end Lucifer will get rid of you because you'll be useless". Rosita spat out angrily.Caroline's countenance changed immediately."You didn't know, Do you think Lucifer will
The demon hunterSeason 2EPISODE_TWELVE"Seems you guys are having a nice time". Mr. Frank said."Where's Doris and... Kay?". Laura asked looking around."They left with their mom this morning". Mr. Frank said."Isn't it dangerous with the dark nun still out there?". Nick asked."They deserve at least a family picnic, we can't keep them in here forever there's one way to stop everything". Mr. Frank said."We kill the Dark Nun". Tania said."You told her?". Laura said."Of course, when she work up she was quite aggressive, had to tell her the latest happening to cool down her brain". Mr. Frank said."You know anything about this dark nun? You were one of the top one demons". Nick said."There are lot of Nuns with different purpose, i only new the ones we who worked for deception but they're all dead um except one, she received a higher calling from Lucifer". Tania said."Is she a human?". Laura asked."Of course she is but it's an abomination to see the face of a dark nun so it's alwa
The demon hunterSeason 2Episode_ElevenMr. Frank could be seen walking into the lab with the unconscious Kay on his shoulder.Hannah followed closely behind carrying the other teen girl in a bridal style.The rest also followed in anticipation."We need to hurry, we got only then minutes before she's awakened". Laura said."Patience Laura". Mr. Frank said and placed Kay on the table.He moved to one of the large transparent tube and opened it up."You're up Laura".Laura heaved heavily as she walked into the tube and he closed it up."Put the body there". Mr. Frank said pointing to the tube opposite it.Nick opened the tube and his Mom puts the body of the teen girl in it before it was closed up.There was a kind of worried look on Hannah's face and Mr. Frank noticed it."You don't need to be worried Hannah, they'll be no casualty". He assured."Get we get this done please?". Laura said."Take a deep breath Laura, let the spirit out, let go of her, release the soul that have been bo
Season 2Episode_Ten"Son of a bitch, is that you?". Nick roared."Oh Nick Robert, even without your powers you're still an arrogant kid, Just like your father". The Demonic voice roared and Hannah's heart skipped."What are we waiting for?". Laura said."I can feel your presence Frank, you're the last being I saw before getting trap, so good to feel your aura again"."We're running out of time we need to do this now". Mr. Frank whispered."What's the plan?". Nick asked."I have the supernatural marker with me all I do is redraw the circle and it neutralized the spell on it but the serpent will attack". He said."We'll take care of him". Laura whispered.Mr. Frank pulled out the supernatural marker and marched toward the marker."Kill them all". The Demonic voice roared and the large Anaconda advanced toward Mr. Frank speedily.AMCThe Dark Nun staggered to her feet just as Rosita fired another bullet.She clenched her fist and the bullet changed direction piercing into the head of a