Oh my God
last update2022-03-07 01:30:12

The demon 


"So you're actually saying this demon of Deception can't be captured?". Nick asked.

"Not really. But this demon is named deception for a reason, he's always tricky in his acts". Mr. Frank said.

"So am in the bloodline to take up the legacy of the Demon Hunter?". Nick asked.

"That's it nick, it's your turn to protect this city". Mr. Frank said.

"No no am still a kid..why should it be me? Someone else can take it.. Am sorry". Nick said and took to his heels.

"Nick!". Mr. Frank called out but he was out of sight already.

"Hm. You can never run away from your responsibility nick". Mr. Frank said.



Harry opened the door and let Nick who was sweating into the house.

"Am sure you've gotten all the answer you needed Nick". Harry said.

"Yes but why should it be me?". Nick asked.

"Because you're next in the bloodline". Harry said.

"That's bullshit uncle, j have my studies to face and have a future not thinking of becoming a hunter". Nick said..

"You're not an ordinary hunter nick, You're a unique type, The lives of everyone now depends on your hands". Harry said.

"Someone else should take up the legacy, i have an education to face". Nick said and walked away.

"There are some things that you can't run away from nick and this one of them". Harry said.



Nick walked out of the Bathroom only to find an envelope and a spec 👓 casing on the bed 🛏.

He looked around the room wondering how they got here cos it wasn't there when he left for the bathroom.

Nick sat on the bed and picked the envelope ✉, he shred it open and took the letter in it.

He opened it and read out.

"i guess You're still finding it difficult to take up the legacy, i don't know what crises is coming but I'll beg you tackle it before it spreads because when it does you might have your self to blame, one way or another you're still going to take it up nick, YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM YOUR DESTINY ".

" Bullshit". Nick cursed and made to throw it away but seeing a word father, he continued reading.

"That spec is what's left of your father, everything a demon hunter needs is imbedded in it"

"Are you kidding me?". He said and flung the letter away.

He took the spec casing and open it, there was a red glasses 👓 laid it.

He closed oh up and flung it into his bag.

In minutes he dressed up and walked past uncle Harry in the living room.

"I hope you saw the gift". Harry said.

"Was that a gift whereas who brought it?". Nick asked.

"Mr. Frank, you might think that he's pestering your life but one day you'll appreciate all he's doing". Harry said.

"I don't need to a bullshit legacy uncle, waking up one day to be told am a freaky demon hunter, well am. Okay now, no nightmare anymore, no strange action, am. Fine uncle look at me". Nick said.

"There's an incoming crises Nick, but if you wish, kick it off away but i hope it won't be late when this crises kicks in, good day nick ". Uncle Harry said almost angry.

Even nick felt sorry for what he just did, His uncle had never spoken like this to him except it was really important.

" Uncle Harry.... ". Nick tried to speak but he cuts in.

" You heard me nick good day". Harry said and nick walked sluggishly out of the house.

Why was his uncle pressing this hard on him was it that important, he shrugged and left the house.

Nick walked through the corridor into the class as several thought flowed through his head.

The event that happened in the class and the issue of the Demon Hunter.

He knew for sure that he was in trouble because of what he did yesterday, he needed to apologize first to Miss. Sarah.

He turned to the other corridor that lead to here office and walked straight through it.

He knocked gently on the door and waited to response.

"Get in, the door isn't locked".

Nick heaved in heavily before entering.

"Mr. Robert what brings you to my office thus early". She asked.

"Em.. Actually ma'am, i came to apologize for what I did yesterday it wasn't really my intention". Nick said thinking of the best word to say.

"There was no need of coming after your uncle came to settle everything already". Miss. Sarah said.

"My uncle?". Nick asked with eyes opened.

"Yes, He said he was Mr. Frank or isn't he your uncle?". Miss. Sarah.

"Yes. No. Some kind of". Nick said.

"" I came to confirm if you did Anything bad yesterday, he apologized on your behalf that you were suffering from a trauma because your father died not too long ". She said.

Remembering nick that his father was dead caused tears to start forming in his eyes.

" Well Maybe i shouldn't have angered a kid suffering from a trauma , well most importantly he brought something to fix the damage done to the door and it's all okay now without a trace". She said.

"Mr. Frank did all this?". Nick thought.

"You're forgiving nick". She said.

Nick nodded and left the office.

He was heading for the class when he meet Lance and Glenn.

"The angry boy!". Glenn hailed him.

"Stop it guys". Nick said.

"But seriously nick that was unusual of you man, what happened you just throw back something at the teacher and broke down the door". Lance said.

"Am sorry guys, when anger sometimes kicks in, you can't control it". Nick said.

"Was it Laura again?". Glenn asked.


"Even if she's my sis, i still have to warn you bro she has vengeance running down her blood". Glenn said.

"So is this really because of a damn tea". Nick said angrily.

"Easy boy, am not Laura so don't literally get mad at me, i told you bro avoid any conversation with her it'll only prolong this". Glenn said.

"I guess the teacher is here". Lance said walking to the class.

"Just be careful nick". Glenn said and left.



All the students walked out of their classes as the electric bells all around rung for a close.

Nick walked Out as well wanting to wear his bag when Laura held him back.

He wanted to speak but still remain silent.

"You forgot this yesterday". She said handing over the textbook to him.

He collected it and walked away without a word.

"Am sorry alright". She shouted.

He made to stop but seeing His friends ahead, he ran quickly to catch up with them.

"Guys Laura just said sorry". Nick said.

"You mean? Are you serious?". Glenn asked.

"Yes. She gave me my book and walking away without a word she screamed out that she was sorry". Nick said and they laughed out.

"Seriously and you think it's over just like that?". Lance said.

"well let me tell you nick they're always unpredictable, i broke Laura's toy last year and throughout the year it was hell for me, she said sorry but that only meant that was only the beginning". Glenn said.

"Seriously?" ". Nick said scratching his head..

" You know what nick? Whenever you get into trouble with people like Laura it's best you avoid because she's the definition of vengeance herself ". Lance said.

" But why is she like this? ". Nick asked.

" You can ask her yourself nick". Glenn said and they laughed out.

"So what do I do now, get her the damn tea?". Nick asked.

"You need to know one thing nick, when a girl decides to punish you even the devil himself will cross his leg with a pen and Book to write down the lesson he learnt". Glenn said and they laughed again except nick.

"You know what nick you can never make up for what happen, trying to get her the tea might Escalate more trouble, you know what nick whenever you see her run! Run! Run nick, that's a brotherly advice ". Glenn said and left with Lance.



Some men in white apparel could be seen surrounding a red building armed with swords and guns.

Unannounced a black portal opened up in the air and a black horse leapt out with a man on top.

He was huge with two horns, faceless but had some set of dangerous fangs. His entire body was black and had an elongated tail which pointed like an arrow.

His hands were cactus 🌵 which gripped the rope tied to the horse.

The men guarding the building turned immediately they heard a neigh and lo and behold was a terrible looking creature.

The all aimed at the horse and began to shot as it projected down.

The bullets pierced into the body until it dropped to the ground.

They approached it and were surprise seeing a toy horse and no one on top of it.

A sword shot out horizontal out of the ground dividing one of the men into two and he dropped dead in a pool of blood...

The remaining guard were now afraid as they walked backward.

Soon a girl in a veil dripping with blood emerged out of the toy horse with a knife and staggered toward them.

They opened fire at her shooting sporadically but she turned to a wall gecko 🦎 and ran at them.

As it got close it turned into a prey mantis and flew into the mouth of one of the men.

He screamed out and fell to the ground as he fell his intestine and other organ.

The remaining men ran back in fear and the man died and a hell lot of cockroaches ran out of his mouth, nose 👃 and eyes 👀.

His stomach suddenly burst open and a big maggot emerged out.

The men were now afraid as their hands began to shook.

All around them was headless girls with a bloody garment singing 🎶.


The men began to shot again as they marched toward them and the headless girls dropped to the ground.

They rose up again like toys and jumped on the men ripping out their throat.

One of them dropped his gun and began to take to his heel but he hand shot out of the ground and grabbed his leg.

He fell to the ground and struggled hard with it.

A thorny chain burst out and tied him up immediately.

He screamed out as blood gosh out of his skin.

A creature proceeded down from the sky with a horse. It was the same creature they saw before this began.

He jumped down from his horse and approached the tied man.

"Who are you?". He cried out.

"Deception". The creature said leaving the man stunned on how something without a man could speak.

"Please don't kill me". The man said.

"No am not". He said and squat beside him.

"What do want?". He asked.

"To let my people go free". The creature said and took his face closer to that of the man.

He opened it slowly and a black scorpion 🦂 crawled out into the tied man's mouth.

The creature rose up and left for the building leaving the man as he screamed out feeling his organs been ripped out of place.

He shook vigorously until he Died and maggots crawled out of his mouth and nose.

"Let my people go!". The creature roared as it approached the building.



Nick walked home alone through the street kicking empty cans.

His bicycle got faulty while returning back from school and took it to the mechanic who said it'll be ready by tomorrow..

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he brought it out.

An unknown number was calling him.

He stared at it until it stopped and there was a message notification.

"Pick my call nick, got your number from Glenn".

"Laura?". He said in surprise.

The phone rang again and as he tried to swipe it, his phone displayed battery low, shut down.

"Shit!". He cursed out and returned it to his pocket.

He unzipped his bag and brought out the spec casing.

"The reason you're still with me is because the letter says this was what was left of my father, but what does he mean by the powers of the Demon Hunter is embedded in it. Let me try it on then, it look beautiful". Nick said.

He took the glasses and placed it on his eyes.

"Welcome Demon Hunter Am Unice". He heard a voice in his ear.

He looked around but there was no one.

He tried to Take off the spec but it wouldn't, it was stuck to his ear.

"Initializing Full Armor Sequence Of The Demon Hunter". He heard another voice in his war.

Everywhere became cloudy and dark and the whole place began to strike with lightning.

"What the heck?". He said and struggled hard to take off the spec but all to No and avail.

He looked up and saw an incoming lightning to strike him.

He screamed out closing his eyes but after seconds nothing happened and he voice rang in his ear.

"Transformation Completed".

He opened his eyes gently and was surprise by what he saw.

He was now dressed up in something else.

A red jacket and a trouser plus a steel mask covering his nose and mouth.

There was also a cross sectional sword ⚔ at his back and two guns by his waist with ammo all around his waist.

"What happened?". He asked staring at the black glove on his hand.

His face rose up slowly and saw a bike he had never seen in his life.

It was a red bike with a glittering physique and two guns attached to the handle including the side of the headlight.

"Oh my God". Nick exclaimed.


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