Chapter 04

Chapter 04

Eliza Campos

I wanted to understand why Pedro looked at me that way, it seemed like he was going to unveil my secrets, that made me embarrassed, I had never felt that way.

I walk a few minutes with Carla to her desk, where she picks up a piece of paper where it says the schedule she has to work.

— Eliza, I am happy to have you on our team, here is the paper where the working hours are marked, you will start tomorrow only because we urgently need someone to take care of Mr. Monterey's schedule, I was not able to do it – She says handing me that paper and after reading it for a few minutes, I say.

— I will also love to work here. I understand that I will have a lot of work tomorrow, but this will be amazing, it has been a long time since I have had a job," I say with a laugh. I really had been out of work for a long time since I got addicted to drugs.

Not only that, but I felt so close to Carla, it seemed as if I had known her for so long, a friendship of years. I don't know how to explain this feeling, but I still wouldn't have the courage to tell her about everything I have been going through.

- Really, in the last few weeks we have had a lot of work. Some national authors discovered our work here at the publishing house and decided to launch their books - she says.

- Here in Brazil, unfortunately, the national authors are not so valued, and the big publishing houses only aim to publish works of well-known and international people - Carla says.

We keep talking for a few more minutes, when Mathews sends me a message wanting to know how the job interview went, so I turn toward Carla and say.

- Carla, I have to go now, the interview was amazing. It was great to meet you.

- I loved meeting you too, so see you tomorrow," Carla says smiling in my direction and waves goodbye to me with a handshake.

After saying goodbye to Carla, I went to the garage where my car was, but when I arrived at that place, I lost the beautiful smile that was on my face, I had once again found Pietro and Violeta.

As I approach my car, Pietro looks intensely in my direction and approaches me, already speaking.

- Eliza, how are you? - Pietro was probably talking to me out of convenience.

- I'm fine. Now excuse me, I have to go," I say, but as I open my car door, Pietro, who was at a safe distance from me, comes closer and closer to take hold of one of my arms.

- Calm down, redhead, why are you in such a hurry to get away from me, are you afraid you can't resist? - Pietro speaks about debauchery.

I took a deep breath before answering Pietro, he knew how to break my patience.

- Pietro, don't make me lose what little patience I still have with you - Pietro was apparently doing all those things to provoke me.

Pietro looks in my direction more calmly.

- Wow, you look so different," he says, "Have you stopped taking drugs?

I looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to our conversation.

- Pietro, you are already dating someone new, leave me alone. I don't owe you any more responsibility for what happens to me," I answer as calmly as I can, "Now let go of my arm.

Pietro then lets go of my arm and I can finally get into my car, I put the cell phone in the glove compartment of the vehicle for fear of doing something stupid, and I immediately start it to get away from that man, who had done me such harm.

The blond is an ex-boyfriend of mine from school days, we were together for years until I got addicted to drugs, however, it was after I became pregnant with Olivia that my nightmare began, because of this addiction, I ended up losing my daughter when she was eight months pregnant.

As he always said, he would never relate to a person who ruined his life like that and when I revealed my pregnancy to him, I believed at that moment that he would support me when I needed him the most, the only thing he did was scoff and say that the child was not his, and that's when he broke up with me.

I drove for a few moments and parked the car for fear of doing something stupid, I needed to breathe before continuing the trip.

Without being able to expect any other reaction from me, I started to cry, I couldn't control myself anymore and afraid of having any relapse, I decided to call my therapist Giulia, I nervously took out my cell phone from the glove compartment of my car and call her, it was several rings before she answered, probably busy with other patients.


Heart, did something happen?


I need to meet with you now. Are you busy?


For you, I'm never busy. We can meet in the square near my house.


All right, I'm heading that way right now.

After this brief dialogue, I seemed to be strangely calmer just by hearing Giulia's voice, only she, my brother, and Mathews could calm me down like this.

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