Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Eliza Campos

After talking to Giulia, I realized that it was already very late, and I had to go home. I had to pack a few things and get ready to go to work early tomorrow, since Pedro had asked me to start work in the morning.

So I decided to say goodbye to her.

- Giulia, I loved being able to talk to you, but unfortunately I have to go," I answered, "Tomorrow, as you well know, I have to start work as a personal assistant.

- All right, I am glad you are better, you know that whenever you need to let off steam, I am here for whatever you need," she says.

After saying goodbye to Giulia, I get into my car and drive towards my residence.

When I arrive home, I finish tidying up some things that my mother had left behind since we had had that little argument. Until today, I wanted to understand why she didn't want me near the Monterey company, could it be that she knows Pedro, my boss?

Of course, I didn't care what my mother had said, I loved the new job and thought it would be a difficult interview because I believed in their level of demand, however, what surprised me even more was not the interview but my boss, who, when I closed my eyes, came a monument that was that man, who made me feel in ecstasy.

I assumed that I couldn't forget that man even if I wanted to, he had made me feel strange things, I felt a chill run through my entire body. Would this job make me open my heart again to a new passion? That could make me see the world differently, with more color.

When I remember the way Peter had looked at me, it was as if he wanted to unveil all my darkest secrets. After thinking about all these things, I end up falling asleep.

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard my alarm clock go off, I tried to ignore it, but the sound didn't stop.

Looking at the clock on my bedside, I realized that it was already time to get ready for my first day of work, strangely I am not nervous but anxious, because, to think that I will meet Peter, his presence makes me good, calms me down, makes me happy. Carla had sent me a message on my cell phone explaining what I will do today and the time I will be in and out.

It was a good schedule, from eight in the morning until five in the afternoon, but I would probably stay late to help Pedro with some pending issues at the company, since I am his personal secretary.

I got out of bed, took an invigorating shower and after finishing getting ready, I saw that it was almost seven o'clock, I decided to leave home soon for fear of catching some traffic, but, until it did not take long to reach my destination, greater my disappointment to realize that Pietro was with his girlfriend who I discovered had started working there the same day as me, and that Pietro already worked there some time.

I park my car in the company garage and get out of the vehicle, walking forward without even looking at Pietro's face for fear of having a relapse when I remember again the things that only bring me sadness that I want to forget at all costs.

Upon entering the company, I am greeted by Carla.

- Eliza, how are you? - She says, hugging me tightly and with a kiss on the cheek, she seemed to be already waiting for me.

- I'm fine—She answers, I was afraid of Carla noticing my deep dark circles under my eyes, last night I was more afraid than today, but when I imagined meeting Pedro that nervousness magically went away, however, if she ended up noticing something, she preferred not to say anything - Since you arrived early, I will prepare you, because today we will have a very important meeting.

- But already? This early - I question because I wasn't expecting it, a meeting on the very first day of work.

- Usually it is not like this, but, as Pedro's secretary just left the company, I was swamped with all the service, besides taking care of all the interviews, I had to help Pedro temporarily - She answers - Now with you here, everything will be easier - Carla says smiling in my direction, her smile was so contagious that I could not help but reciprocate.

Carla has a wonderful way, and although I have known her for such a short time, I feel that we can be friends. Her way reminds me a lot of my brother, Lucas was this way, playful, charming smile, and welcoming to everyone.

- All right, then, tell me what you'll need for the meeting, and I'll try to arrange it as soon as possible," I say. I was really committed to being the best employee in this company, I couldn't bear to disappoint the others one more time.

After this brief dialogue with Carla, she leads me to where my office was located. The space was quite large the size of my room, maybe even a little larger, the place was equipped with a dark wooden table, a padded chair, on the table there was a computer that I would probably use while working here and there was stuck a paper with a very cute note written "Welcome to work, I hope you enjoy everything", worst of all it was signed precisely by the man who lurks in my thoughts in recent days, Mr. Pedro Monteiro.

After analyzing that room, I finally sat down in the chair that was super-comfortable, and now I'm starting to feel a little nervous, I didn't know what could happen in this meeting.

I come out of my thoughts when I hear someone knocking on the door.

- Come in," I say, believing it to be Carla who had gone there to talk about the meeting that would take place in a few moments.

However, I was more surprised to see that it was Pedro, so I immediately tried to get up from the chair, I didn't want him to think that I was some kind of lazy person.

- Eliza, is everything all right? - Pedro asks with a penetrating look in my direction.

- Yes, - I answer smiling broadly, I was afraid to answer something that might displease him - And you?

- Better now," I end up being embarrassed by his answer. Peter then takes my hand.

Neither of us could look away, it was as if the world had ended around us. Pedro smiled as if I had given him the best thing in the world.

Before anything could accidentally happen, however, I end up bumping my leg against the chair, bringing us out of our stupor, and Pedro then lets go of my hand.

- Okay, Miss Eliza, I just came to see how you were doing and if you needed anything," he looks away, even ashamed.

- No, I'm fine and don't need anything - I answer - I don't need anything, Carla gave me some information about the meeting.

I know that Pedro probably was not talking about it, however, I could not let anything happen between us, not at that moment. I needed to be professional.

- Okay," he says looking disappointed, "Well… I'm going, I'll ask Carla to come by your office to call you when it's time for the meeting.

After this brief interaction, Pedro leaves the room and after fifteen minutes, Carla finally appears knocking on my door.

- Eliza, the meeting's about to start, shall we go? - Carla says.

- Yes, let's go - I answer, getting up from my chair, grabbing some papers that I had made for the meeting, there were things that could help me in the meeting after Carla had told me that it would be to discuss the company's finances.

And so we proceeded to the meeting room. I wonder if everything will go well, I am afraid of what might happen, and I might relapse because of a possible rejection.

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