"Mr.Henry,you're fit to be discharged," The doctor said while walking into Henry's private room with a smile plastered on his lips.

"Thank you doctor,I can't wait to leave here,I hate the smell of the hospital," Henry uttered while sitting on his hospital bed,his eyes fixated on the doctor.

"I can understand,but I would advise you to abstain from strenuous activities, you are not to carry heavy things with your hand till you have properly recovered," The doctor advised Henry with an official tone,one that's used to communicate the importance of anything.

"Thank you doctor, but I don't know if I would be able to follow your advice," Henry said while Shaking his head at the doctor's request. He had thought long about everything and knew there was no way he could escape his fate.

Tony was furious about his mother's death and everything that had happened and his involvement with it all,there was absolutely no way Tony would forgive him and he wasn't about
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