Chapter 118- THE COURT

Chapter 118- THE COURT

Tony was seated in the law court coupled with Collins and Williams Storm when Mrs.Josiah Uncle Robert's wife was brought in,her eyes were blazing in hatred as she stared into his eyes and that of Williams Storm,speaking in no words about how she felt about them.

Tony noticed she wasn't remorseful,her behaviour spoke about how determined she was still interested in causing havoc to them and everything she touches,her mood was totally zero and Tony was relieved that the law would take their full course on her.

It was better she was put behind bars than for her to be roaming on the streets free and causing problems for their families.

"MRS.JOSIAH STORM, FOR KILLING YOUR HUSBAND WITHOUT REMORSE,THE COURT HAD FOUND YOU GUILTY OF MURDER,YOU'RE HEREBY SENTENCED TO LIFE IMPRISONMENT WITH HARD LABOUR," The judge rendered his declaration after the court proceedings and evidence were found against Mrs.Josiah that found her guilty.

Tony's heart teared apart as he heard the
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