

Suddenly, Daniel woke up in a cold sweat, realizing that it was all just a nightmare. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked around his room, grateful to be safe in his own bed.

But as he tried to shake off the fear and confusion of his dream, he noticed something odd. His room looked different. The walls were a different color, the furniture was rearranged, and there were unfamiliar objects scattered around.

"Where am I?" Daniel muttered to himself.

Just then, a woman's voice called out from the doorway, "Good morning, Daniel! Did you sleep well?"

Daniel turned to see a woman he didn't recognize, smiling at him from the doorway. "Who are you?" he asked, his heart racing.

The woman's smile faded. "Don't you remember me, Daniel? It's me, Samira."

Daniel's mind raced as he tried to make sense of what was happening. Was this another dream? If so, it was more vivid and real than any dream he had ever experienced.

But deep down, he knew that something was very wrong. And as the woman c
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