strange nightmare


Daniel didn't know how to react.

He could not afford to get angry or offended,

because the agreement was already signed and sealed.

That was the reason why he kept calm, he had to act like he wasn't hurt by her words.

It was too late to change anything, it was already done, he had to accept it and move on.

They all started to defend themselves.

"Lady Wilson, you're hurting us, that's not the proper way to behave" a senior partner said.

"Daniel" a partner said "this lady is hurting everyone here".

A director spoke up, "Lady Wilson, please let's talk about it calmly and peacefully."

A senior partner said.

Everyone looked at each other and apologized to Lady Wilson.

Daniel did not understand what had happened, why would she say such thing?

"Let me get this clear , she's my mother-in-law, you shouldn't take her words and twist them.

They all started to defend themselves.

"Lady Wilson, you're hurting us, that's not the proper way to behave" a senior partner said.

"Daniel" a partner sa
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