Chapter 88: I'll get justice for your deaths!

Serpens kept an eye on Attorney Logan. He knew whatever he was about to find out that night would be the answer to the question he had asked for years regarding the death of his parents.

"Make sure you don't lose him," Serpens instructed the taxi driver whom he had paid to tail Attorney Logan's car.

The drive was quite a long one but in no time, they arrived at the place where Attorney Logan had asked his father to meet him.

It was both his parents that had come which made his heart beat. He had the feeling that what he was about to witness could probably make him cry but he was ready to see everything for himself.

Tsung and Sonia stepped out of the car and met Attorney Logan who had equally stepped out of his car too and was now walking towards them.

"Attorney, why did you call us here?" Tsung asked, having the feeling that something wasn't right about the call he had received from him.

"I'll advise you to give up the SFX-chip," Attorney Logan began. "Hitler won't stop until he gets
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