Chapter 91: You let us down, Serpents!

The following morning, the chief granted Serpens and Xin bail. Just before they could leave, he gave them a card. "Just in case you don't have anywhere to go, you can put up with him. Just give this to him and you'll have somewhere to stay."

Serpens took the card from him, his eyes widened in surprise as he saw the name of was addressed to, "Professor Layton,"

"Be careful out there. You're out against forces beyond our understanding."

"Thank you Chief," Serpens nodded. "We will."

"You're not planning to go there are you?" Xin asked, pointing at the card that he was holding, as they left the station.

"Of course not, we have to get back home as soon as possible."

They hailed a cab and it took them back to Serpens' parents' house. They were careful to make sure the neighbors didn't find out that they were back. He knew once he could get the time machine to take them out, there will be no way the police can find them again.

Unfortunately for Serpens, as he activated the time machine, it
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