Nine: Wayne Cooperation

The halls of Wayne were extra busy that morning, men and women formally dressed were either rushing from a meeting or to a meeting. The busy hallway was interrupted by a man running and pushing past the staff causing a commotion.

He wasn't neatly dressed like the others, he had on a sweaty ash colored polo with a washed green jacket, tattered black jean trousers and an old pair of flip-flops. His black hair wasn't combed and didn't look washed either. He had a long scar on his face, preceding from his black eyes down to his cheek and his lips were chapped.

The security chased after him as he ran up the stairs and straight to the manager's office.

"Hey stop there!" One of the security called out but he didn't answer.

On arriving at the manager's office, he pushed the doors open without knocking, interrupting an ongoing meeting.

They all turned towards his direction wondering who had the guts to barge into Mr Andrews office like that.

Mr Andrews was short of words at the sight of this man and he immediately stopped the security as they tried to drag him out. The man kept on screaming "I have found him! Mr Andrews you need to know about this! The missing piece!"

The guards let him go on the orders of Mr Andrews and the meeting was disbursed.

"My friend, why create a scene like this?" Mr Andrews said as he helped the man adjust his jacket.

"Because you've been ignoring me, my calls, my texts, everything!" The man yelled out.

"Calm your horses now Jacob, I'm a managing director slash soon to be CEO, I don't have time to hang out with you or anyone even." Mr Andrews explained with a smirk on his face.

"That's not going to happen." Jacob said, frowning.

"What?" He asked, the smirk disappearing.

"It won't happen because there's something you don't know that I do." Jacob explained. He pulled a chair and sat down.

"And what could that be?" Mr Andrews asked, sitting next to Jacob.

"You gotta buy this information Andrews."

Mr Andrews frowned but tried to keep his cool "okay, how much do you want for it?" He asked in a calm manner.

"Twenty million." Jacob said after hesitating for a moment.

"You must be joking!" Mr Andrews lashed out.

"Oh I'm as serious as that mole on your neck." Jacob said without feeling threatened.

Mr Andrews placed a hand on his neck, searching for the mole but Jacob interrupted him.

"You know I never bring fake news, but since you're not ready to pay up, it'd be funnier when you find out on your way to prison." Jacob threatened with a devilish grin on his face as he stared at Mr Andrews bewildered facial expression.

"What?" Mr Andrews frowned, his expression portraying both anger and irritation.

Jacob stood up and started towards the door but was stopped by Mr Andrews voice.

"Fine, but it better be worth it." Mr Andrews brought out his phone from his pocket and transferred the money to Jacob who received an alert almost immediately and he smiled as his phone dinged.

Jacob turned back to face Mr Andrews "my friend, you don't always have to be stubborn. I think you'd better sit down for this one." He suggested and Mr Andrews did as he was told.

Jacob looked left and right as if they weren't the only ones in the room, he moved closer to Mr Andrews and whispered into his ears "I have found the missing son of the Wayne's." With his hand covering his mouth.

Mr Andrews eyes widened in disbelief, he held his chest like he was having a cardiac arrest and he sunk into the leather chair he sat on.


Ivan didn't go to school the next day but instead stayed with his parents at the hospital. His father's surgery would commence any time soon and his mother wasn't so thrilled about it.

They didn't tell her about her having five years or less to live, instead they planned on making it the most memorable years of her life and they decided not to tell her husband until he was fully recovered.

"Dad, after you and Mom's surgery, I want us to go somewhere special and fun." Ivan said, holding his dad's hand.

"Really?" He father questioned in anticipation.

"Yeah! Where do you wanna go?" Ivan smiled.

"I want us all to go to your wedding." Ivan's dad said with a broad smile on his face.

"Uhm okay, I'll see what I can do in the next four or five years." Ivan replied and they all laughed.

Ivan spent some time browsing through the internet for some funny jokes and comedies, especially the one's they enjoyed to watch to keep them happy and high spirited until it was time for the operation.

"Stay strong dear, I'll be waiting for you." Ivan's mother said before she placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"We love you Dad!"

They took him inside the theater and Ivan stayed with his mother praying for his dad.

The surgery went on for about five hours and Ivan didn't leave his mother's side once. They both waited patiently for the outcome when finally, the head surgeon walked out of the theater.

"Hi excuse me, remember me from the other time?" Ivan asked.

"Yes Mr Shay, nice to see you again." She said as she shook his hand.

"How was it doctor?" Ivan asked inquisitively.

"Congratulations on this one, it was a success." She shook him again to congratulate him "--and please, call me Sandra."

"Thank you Sandra, I really appreciate it." Ivan said after a sigh of relief.

"Was only doing my job. Now it's normal for your father to experience a few side effects like stiffness, itchiness, soreness and a few others but all will only last for about four to six weeks. If it exceeds that then please notify me as soon as you can." She explained.

"I understand." He nodded while his broad smile never left his face.

"And do bring him in for regular check-up even after discharge okay?"

"Yes ma'am."

He thanked her again and she went to her office.

He went to his mother to deliver the good news and they were both overjoyed, even though deep down, Ivan was sad about his mother.

He received a call from Alfred who instructed him to go outside the hospital and wait for him.

"Mom I gotta step outside for a moment okay." He said to his mother who couldn't stop smiling.

"Okay dear, be careful." She said rubbing his stubbled bearded face.

"As always." He replied with a bright semi forced smile on his face.

He strolled down the hallway with a mix of happiness and sadness on his face but he promised himself he wouldn't be sad.

On his way out, he accidentally bumped into an old woman that looked at least seventy and he instantly apologized.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry ma'am, are you okay?" He asked as he tried to help the woman balance on her feet.

She raised her head and looked at him with teary eyes "my grandson!"

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