One thirty four: Sixty million dollars!

The sky darkened over the residence of the Shay's. Mrs Shay took a sip from the pot of boiling soup on the gas and exhaled a sigh as a smile of satisfaction made its way to her face.

"Honey! Dinner is ready!" She yelled out for her husband to come down for dinner.

Mr Shay made his way down the stairs with hurried steps and sat himself down on one of the chairs in the dining room.

"My love, I made a wonderful discovery today, like I was saying before you asked me to go up and shower first." Mr Shay said with a big smile on his face.

Mrs Shay let her eyes roll skywards as she set the table for them to eat. "Yeah yeah, I can remember clearly what I said."

She sat down and took out a spoon to start eating. She had prepared some rice and chicken soup for them, after her husband requested for chicken soup before leaving the house that morning.

"So tell me," Mrs Shay continued. "Where did you go today that kept you out way until dark?"

"I was going through the old cupboard in our bedroo
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