Seven: The school's dance II

"Who is she?" One girl asked another and the question went round the hall but no one had the answer.

All the attention was shifted to Ivan and his date making Charlie turned red with rage but he tried to keep calm and not ruin the dance for everyone.

"Why is everyone staring at us like that?" Ivan's date, Mia asked.

"Because everyone is always used to seeing me in ragged clothes." Ivan replied sipping his lemon drop.

She nodded in reply and took a sip out of her kombucha.

Other students still stared at Ivan and his date who just sat down sipping their drinks.

Ivan didn't care about the dance and he was making it obvious though Mia misunderstood.

"Mr Wayne–"

"--don't call me that outside okay, just Ivan." Ivan corrected her.

"Right, Ivan–sir–"

Ivan giggled.

"--do you not feel comfortable being here with me?" She asked looking down at her glass.

"What? No not at all. Don't get me wrong, you're a very beautiful girl." He instantly said and she smiled.

"Thank you sir." She replied blushing.

Ivan smiled then said "I don't have any friends, will you be my friend?"

"Yes of course!" She yelled out "sorry" she said in a lower tone and they both laughed out loud.

Meanwhile, Tara had been watching them and the way they laughed and whispered things into each other's ears made her jealous and angry and it wasn't easy to hide.

"I know how you feel." Charlie said.

"What?" She asked.

"He's very annoying isn't he?"

Tara smiled in response.

"Let's get revenge on him—together. What do you say?" He asked but Tara doesn't respond. She just sips on her cup and glares at Ivan.

Charlie stomped off to Ivan's direction ready to beat the hell out of him but he didn't want to ruin his suit cause he'd be announced as the king of the party.

"Errand boy." He called out to Ivan.

Ivan turned his head to his direction but says nothing.

"Who do you think you're fooling with that borrowed suit."

"You caught me Charlie, I just wanted look good for one night but, you're so smart I couldn't fool you." Ivan said with a little tone of sarcasm that Charlie doesn't notice.

"Of course I can't fall for it. I'm gonna let you enjoy this night and then we can get back to war afterwards." Charlie threatened and stormed off.

Mia had a kind of look on her face that said 'what's his deal' but she kept quiet.

"Hey do you want to dance?" Ivan asked Mia.

"Excuse me?" She asked shining her brown eyes.

"Come on." He said with his hand stretched out.

Mia hesitated a little before finally accepting his hand.

He dragged her to the dance floor and both of them tried to dance but ended up laughing at each other's mistakes. After stepping on each other's toes, they returned to their seats laughing like crazy and they decide to have more drink.

"Martini?" Ivan asked Mia.

"Why not." She answered with a cute smile on her face.

Ivan took a sip from his glass and faced Mia "you know, I didn't want to come to this party and I didn't even want to inconvenient you or stress you–"

"--not at all–"

"--but I ended up having fun tonight and it's thanks to you." He said smiling.

"I'm grateful to spend a night with you—-not like that."

"I know." He said with a chuckle.

"I'm glad I finally saw the Mr Wayne sir Alfred had been yapping about." She added.

"Really, is this what you were expecting." He asked.

"Well yes and no."

"How so?" He questioned.

"My mom used to work with your parents and she said every Wayne was very kind and caring but your that and also fun and cheerful–"

"--wow–" he interrupted gulping down the last of his drink.

"--and you say kind words. Yes you are." She said giggling.

"Thank you for those words, feels like I've never heard them before." He said staring into his empty cup.

After a moment of silence, Mia then said "I'm sorry about your parents Mr Ivan, they would have said it to you every time." With a look of sympathy.

Ivan smiled and nodded in reply.

"Gather up everyone–" a feminine voice called out "--it's time to announce our King and Queen."

"Finally, then we can get out of here." Ivan said and Mia giggled.

"Our King and Queen of IBB is–" she unfolded the paper in her hand "--errand boy? Errand boy and his date!" She yelled out.

"What?!" Charlie yelled out crushing his glass with his bare hands.

"Sorry I mean Ivan Shay and his date." The MC corrected herself.

A few cheered while majority booed but even those booing were part of the people that voted him in.

"What? Oh my–" Ivan exclaimed in disbelief.

"Get up here and get your crowns your majesties." The MC commanded.

Ivan and his date climbed up the stage and received their royal sashes and crowns.

"Anything you want to say King?"

"Yeah uh–thank you." Ivan said and dragged his date off the stage.

"Charlie relax!" Tara said pulling him but he jerked free.

"Are you all falling for his fakeness?, he doesn't even own that suit and probably the girl!" Charlie yelled out.

"Listen Charlie, everyone knows errand boy doesn't own that suit cause obviously it cost millions and he doesn't have such money, he doesn't have any money even." The MC said and the crowd laughed.

"All I'm saying is that the award belongs to the person that looked best tonight and he won that through the votes of the students."

"Thank you for that nice heart warming speech." Ivan said with sarcasm and the MC smiled in response.

Ivan grabbed Mia by the hand and pulled her "let's get out of here."

Mia nodded in response.

Ivan's phone ranged and he took it out of his pocket and he answered it "hello?" Ivan's dark blue eyes widened with shock after hearing what the caller had to say.

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