Six: The schools dance

"That will be all. Thank you for your cooperation." The director said gesturing towards the door.

"No! that can't be all! uncle how can you say that right now?" Charlie fumed.

"That will be all gentleman!" Charlie's uncle instructed in a loud and stern voice.

Charlie got up angrily and stormed off,mumbling to him while Ivan walked out elegantly smiling. He turned back and faced the director "thank you Mr Hudgens."

"My pleasure as always Mr Shay." Mr Hudgens replied with a smile that lasted only a second.

On his way to class, Ivan was stopped by Charlie who was fuming, "I don't know how you managed to bribe my uncle but it won't stop me from doing you as I please dirt face, this is my school and there's no way that I am going to leave for you."

Ivan once again, kept quiet and watched Charlie storm off.

After class, he was heading to see his parents at the hospital when he noticed Tara with a few of her friends chatting and he went to meet her.

"Hey can we talk?" He said, ignoring the words of her friends as they questioned Tara relentlessly, "why's this poor boy talking to you?" One of them expressed, irritatedly. "Yeah, why do you mix yourself with the originator of poverty Tara." Another voiced out.

She stood up and followed him to a place where they could be alone and they both stood in awkward silence for a while.

"Really Tara?" He asked with an arched brow.

"What?" She replied him with a question as she folded her arms under her breast. Trying her best to stick with her big ego.

Ivan scoffed "you're asking me what? You're dating Charlie?"

"How should that concern you? You have no right to intrude in my love life." She said frowning.

"Wow that's nice, you asked me to the dance, asked me to come see you but instead I was publicly embarrassed in front of the whole school because you helped your boyfriend pull of his prank and now this is what you're playing at?"

"I'm not playing at anything, if you ever thought I'd end up with a poverty stricken freak like you then you're wrong." She yelled out.

Ivan's expression changed from rage to shock. "Wow! I–" he noticed Charlie asking Tara's friends about her whereabouts so he quickly discarded her before trouble would arise. "--I think you should go, your boyfriend is looking for you."

Before she could speak, he turned and walked away leaving her alone with her guilt and pride.


On his way to the hospital, his phone buzzed and it was a message from Alfred that read; 'meet me at house of belle in the next twenty minutes'

'I'm going to see my parents so I'll meet you in the next forty minutes.' Ivan texted back before tucking his phone back into his pocket.

He bought some fresh flowers and fruits for his parents and quickly dropped them off without staying long then headed to house of belle—the boutique he went to before with Alfred.

"Hey Alfred, what's going on?" Ivan asked as soon as he arrived.

"Your school's dance is just a few days away and you're going." Alfred explained rummaging through some clothes.

"No I'm not." Ivan declined. He searched for the nearest chair and sat down with his legs crossed. "I don't even own a suit."

"Nor a girlfriend, but we can make it happen." Alfred said.

Even though Ivan was a little offended, he said nothing about it.

"I had madame Belle find you a Stuart Hughes Diamond Edition suit. It would look amazing on you, try it on." Alfred said, handing the suit to Ivan who refused to accept it.

"What is a Stuart hudge…. Whatever, I'm not going to–"

"--it will boost your reputation so you have to do it okay?"

Ivan groaned "Alright fine, give me the suit." He rolled his eyes. "Sometimes I wonder if you're my boss or if it's the other way around."

"What did you say, master Wayne?" Alfred asked even though he heard Ivan loud and clear.

"Nothing." Ivan immediately lied.

"Great. Pay her." Alfred said.

"Okay how much madam Belle?" Ivan asked the French woman who had been watching them argue over the suit.

"Nine hundred." She said.

"Nine hundred what? Dollars?" Ivan questioned.

"No darling, thousand dollars."

"Nine hundred thousand dollars!! For a freaking suit!" Ivan exclaimed.

"It is not a freaking suit,it is a Stuart Hughes diamond suit now pay up." She said frowning.

Ivan turned to look at Alfred and he just shrugged his shoulders.

Later that day, one of Ivan's house maids was given a chance to dress pretty again and accompany Ivan to the dance.


The day finally came and all the students were looking their best, especially the women. Tara and Charlie were the popular couple at the dance until a certain young man walked in.

The roaring crowd suddenly grew silent at the sight of a young man and next to him was the most beautiful woman they've ever seen. Her makeup was very light and hardly noticeable but she looked elegantly beautiful, her long brown hair was let loose to dangle at her waist and her curves were exposed through the beautiful Nightingale of Kuala Lumpur dress she had on. Her face was complimented with little diamond earrings and her shoes were diamond to match.

These two looked like the originators of fashion themselves, the words beautiful and handsome wouldn't be enough to describe them. The students divided in two creating a walkway for them and their steps were so elegant and graceful like their beauty.

The questions that ran through all the students' minds at that moment was 'who are these people? Where did they come from? And most importantly, why were they at their school's dance?'

"Oh my goodness!!!" One of the students yelled out.

The two originators of beauty were standing in the middle of the dance floor with the spotlight shining down on them.

"Is that who I think it is?" Another girl asked her friend.

All their jaws dropped as they realized who was standing in front of them and they found it hard to believe.

"It's errand boy!" A guy yelled out and the whole crowd loudly gasped in one harmony.

"It couldn't be!" Another said in astonishment.

They all murmured about how handsome Ivan was but Ivan didn't really fancy the attention and neither did Mia.

They all watched him like he was an alien and adored his sudden change in fashion but something else still baffled them.

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