Two hundred and five: Her Majesty

The car pulled up at the front space of the mansion and their driver hurried down to open the door for them.

Three smiling faces stood close to a fountain, standing impatiently for Ivan and his wife to arrive.

The driver opened the door but no one got out. Alfred wondered what was keeping them but he declined when Mrs Banks said to go to them instead. He decided they would just wait for them to join them.

“We'll be a minute.” Ivan said to his driver and the handsome young man nodded his head and gently slammed the door back.

“Is there… is there a problem?” Mrs Banks asked again but Alfred's decision to wait behind still stood.

“They'll come out eventually, let's just wait and see what is going on first.” Alfred responded in a respectful manner and Mrs Banks nodded her head.

Mr Banks didn't bother to protest or even utter a word. He knew that if he were to speak, he would have to break his perfect smile and he worried he would not be able to get a smile as perfect as that again.
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