Returned Rich

Ferdinand couldn’t believe what his ears were hearing. He never really knew his grandpa’s net worth, but he was sure that it was not something to joke with.

All of a sudden, his grandpa had mention to him that it was the time for him to take over his entire consortium. Was he ready? ( A consortium is a group of companies, under the ownership of a single entity. )

Grandpa showed Ferdinand the list of all the companies under the Hawthorne consortium and he was washed off his feet with how long the list was.

All the companies on the list were giant companies which were very popular all over the world. From vehicle manufacturing companies to phones, clothes and shoes, social media platforms, to giant restaurants. Grandpa mentioned that he owned above eighty five percent of shares in all of those companies.

And now Ferdinand would be the new owner of those companies and run them as he pleased.

Since Berkeley was a top university, grandpa decided that Ferdinand was to keep attending the university, but he would no longer live in the dorm.

He was to be given an apartment in one of the best estates around the school. Grandpa sent for Duke and gave him these instructions. Duke was grandpa’s assistant, and also grandpa’s lawyer.

With Duke’s, guidance, Ferdinand sighed some documents which made him the new owner of the Hawthorne consortium.

“Now that you are the owner of a consortium, you will need to dress as one, move as one, and spend as one.” Grandpa stated. He looked at Ferdinand for a while, then he asked. “How much do you have in your account?”

“I… I…” Ferdinand couldn’t speak about his shameful situation.

Grandpa understood this and smiled, then he looked at Duke and nodded.

Duke understood the sign and brought out a brief case, then he opened it. Inside the briefcase was a single golden card. The letter H was carved on it, standing for Hawthorne.

Grandpa took the card and handed it over to Ferdinand, saying, “Take this card, it is like a credit card which you can use on all the companies under the Hawthorne consortium. It is filled with ten billion dollars.

Take it for a start. It should be able to provide you with a change of clothes, and other expenses.”

Ferdinand received the card, praying that this shouldn’t be a dream. Yesterday he couldn’t afford $5000 dollars, but today, he is a multi-billionaire. Since Ferdinand never had a bank account, Duke was to process that later and fill that account with another five billion dollars.

Grandpa indicated that since Ferdinand was still in his last year of the university, he needed an assistant to help him run the companies till he got his degree in business management.

He needed to get his degree as people could look down on his capabilities as the consortium’s heir. Ferdinand decided that he would appoint Duke as his new assistant, since he had been working with grandpa for years and had the experience, and too, because he had faithfully served grandpa for years and Ferdinand never had the time to build trust with a new assistant. Duke was so pleased that Ferdinand chose to keep working with him.

Finally, grandpa asked duke to take Ferdinand to the garage and let him choose any two vehicles of his choice. Duke led Ferdinand to the garage which was built underground and connected above.

Ferdinand couldn’t start to count the number of cars in the garage. The number of vehicles made it difficult for him to choose.

Ferdinand decided to seek Duke’s help.” Mr. Duke,” he called out, catching Duke’s attention. “I am having a little bit of trouble picking a car, can you help me?”

“Sure,” Duke smiled.

“I’ll like a simple vehicle which I can use on campus, without gaining a lot of attention, and any other vehicle which I can use for professional occasions.” Ferdinand requested.

Duke smiled as he totally understood what Ferdinand needed. He went straight to a particular vehicle. “This is a Lamborghini Veneno. I believe it wouldn’t draw so much attention. Do you like it young master?” He asked.

The color of the car, silver, and the small compatible frame of the vehicle was just the perfect vehicle to use on campus. Ferdinand was beginning to understand why his grandfather had picked Duke as an assistant.

With the first vehicle a perfect match, Duke led Ferdinand to another part of the garage. He pressed some buttons and the garage gate went up, revealing a single black car inside. The car stood different from all the other cars in the garage.

“This vehicle is the most expensive vehicle in the world, with a cost price of 28 million us dollars. It is called ‘Rolls-Royce Boat Tail’. The very presence of this vehicle commands respect, and I believe that the head of the Hawthorne consortium deserves nothing less than this.” Duke suggested.

Ferdinand looked at the car and he couldn’t help but smile. “Perfect,” he commented. “I am very impressed, Mr. duke. Thank you.” Ferdinand appreciated.

Duke smiled at Ferdinand’s compliment. “I am glad you liked it young master.” He said.

“I’ll prefer you call me Ferdinand, rather than young master.” Ferdinand requested.

“As you wish, Ferdinand.” Duke replied.

With that, Duke led Ferdinand out of the garage, but before they went out, Ferdinand wanted to tell Duke something. “Mr. Duke, I know that my grandfather has instructed you to find me a new apartment and all, but can you wait with the apartment and the vehicles for now, till I give you the go ahead, please?” Ferdinand asked.

“Sure sir. If that is what you wish.” Duke replied with no further questions. He knew Ferdinand had his good reasons why he wanted it that way.

Ferdinand wanted to lay low on campus for a while as he was still trying to avoid too much attention on him. He wanted to reveal his wealth bit by bit.

Ferdinand spent the rest of the evening, getting acquainted with his grandpa. When dinner was served, it was the best dinner Ferdinand had ever had his entire life.

He finally went to bed, and for the first time, he slept on a comfortable bed which provided him with a good night’s rest.


Ferdinand had enjoyed his time in the mansion with his long lost granddad, but unfortunately, it was Monday and he had to return to school. Duke offered to drop Ferdinand, and he declined, then he took a cab to school. When he got to the dorm, Tom, Josh and Frank were there, waiting for him.

“Dude, you are back!” Tom yelled with a big smile. “Where have you been bro, we heard that you were taken by the cops. Then we went to the police station and you weren’t there, we tried your number, but it wasn’t going through bro.” Tom explained.

“Yeah, we thought you had been taken to another station or something.” Josh added.

Ferdinand looked at his three friends, they all had genuine concern written on their faces. He wished he could tell them the truth, but he knew that now wasn’t the right time, he just decide to bring down the topic. “Don’t worry about me guys, I am fine now, and I am back. But I appreciate all your efforts, though.” Ferdinand reassured.

“You sure? You know if you need anything, you have us.” Frank said. He was the richest among the four friends, and had helped Ferdinand financially many times.

“Yes, I am fine, I promise.” Ferdinand replied.

With that, the trio headed to their various classes, however, Ferdinand still decided not to head to class today. The incident of Sarah and Damien was still fresh in his mind, and so was every other student.

He decided that today he was to use it to get himself new clothes, shoes, and a new phone. But he knew that he wasn’t to get stuffs that were too expensive as it could make his friends suspicious of him. He just needed clothes that could make him look smart, that was all.

Since Duke had not yet opened the bank account for Ferdinand, he was forced to visit his own companies to get the items, as the golden card could only be used in his companies.

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