Chapter 7(The silver spoon)

The soldier returned expecting to find the great wizard, but he was gone. His eyes evaluated the place, yet there was no trace of the wizard.

He had gone to get the magical key to get inside this door, but it seems the great wizard might have found his way inside.

Something was strange also. The lights in this place began to flicker as though wanting to go blank.

Anxiety grip him as each of the magical lights had its own essence in this glorious castle.

It could only mean an evil spirit was lingering in around the place! He brought out a round ornament and placed in the middle of the door.

This door automatically vanished, the warrior peek left and right and quickly stormed inside. Immediately his arrival, he could see the maids racing up and down.

Each had a napkin stained with blood and tears in their eyes. One of the maids gave him a bow, and her sad gaze and negative nod passed across the message.

“She's bleeding uncontrollably, her lights might go blank soon” the maid proclaimed.

“And the king?” The warrior asked.

The maid gestured to him that he was with the queen and devastated.

“Where's the great wizard?” The maid requested travelling her eyes behind this man.

This warrior had thought the wizard was also here, but it seems like the wizard had run away.

He folded his knuckles into a fist, in rage and groaned inside. If he hadn't run away, why was he not inside neither outside?

“What do we do now? The queen can't die or else, Draco might attack…”

“Shh, let your lips not utter such words, we would find a way but first let me get the wizard” the soldier assured and marched out.

He wanted to avoid meeting the king who would interrogate him about the great wizard, then what would he say?


He was exhausted and struggling from the grip of a shadow who flew with him. His legs weren't touching the ground and every place they pass through was still inside the palace, except that it was somewhat scared and isolated in this place.

The shadow got into a chamber which looked gothic and dumped him there. He let out a grunt because he sprained an elbow and then attempted to stand.

There was a chandelier hung up and had dull colors emitting from it. His eyes could see the drawing of dragons on it.

Soon, more shadows began to lurk out of the walls in this place. He had to strain his eyes to take a look at where he was because it was dark inside here but yet, his eyes could still see.

“Who…are…you, what do you want” He stressed, trembling to his feet.

“So you're the wizard the prophesy speaks about!” A voice screech. This voice had that of a feminine and masculine. As it spoke, wails and whispers were heard.

All Brian was seeing were shadows plastered on the walls like manque, but he doubt if it was any of them speaking.

The stunned man didn't know if to agree or disagree, and so he silently said;


“Ha! Ha!” The voice mocked, and everywhere began to shake. There was silence for some minutes as he suddenly saw that the shadow began to vanish, leaving only him here.

“You must have what I seek after, where is it?”

“What exactly?” He asked. Brian was finding it difficult to speak but had or else might get trapped inside here.

The voice mumbled gibberish words and then snarled the words;

“The silver spoon!!”

Oh, no! What does the sliver spoon have to do in this? If he could recall, he didn't come along with it.

“Give it to me!!” It roared, and the place began to shake again. He felt like the chandelier would drop on him, and so he covered his head with his arms.

“I don't have it” he professed, shaking vehemently where he manages to stand.


“I'm not” he defended.

The shadows who he thought had vanished suddenly appeared but were shaped as spear, surrounding him.

“I seriously don't have it, I'm not the man they seek after… please spare me?”

“Search him” the voice ordered.

Immediately the voice uttered those line, invisible hands began to search all over him and a shadow screech wildly.

There was nothing on him, and the voice chuckled.

“Where have you hid it?”

“Please, I don't know what you're talking about…”

“Silence!!” The voice ordered, and he kept quiet, at once scared for his life.

This strange voice was the only one doing the talking as it desired no explanation from this man.

“Three days, I give you to bring the spoon to me or else, I would destroy everything you ever worked for, and you might never go home… Brian…” It paused and chuckled wickedly.

“If you want answers to your questions, bring me that silver spoon”

The last statement this voice muffled got Brian shock and stiffen. Does this strange voice know him?

He intended to ask the voice a question, but suddenly realized that he had faded away from this dark chambers and found himself at the door which the soldier had left him.

“It knows my name! It must have known how I got here! The spoon, I need to find it” he reasons with a serious look.

Brian wished he could locate that chamber, but it was impossible. He told himself to calm down because his blood pressure was rising.

What could he have probably wished for that he found himself here? If he could recall, he only jokingly wished to come to a place where everyone acknowledges him as a great man with powers.

Could that wish have been granted, but in an awkward way? Over here, he had received threats from the leader of warrior who almost beheaded him, thinking he wasn't the one.

Secondly, another strange voice threats him if he doesn't bring back the silver spoon. It could only mean that even though he was regarded to be great over here, there were still factors that could harm him. That was also determined by what he says.

“The spoon?” He thought, searching through his memory to recall what the old woman had said.

Where on earth was he going to find it? Everything was taking place so fast that it made his stomach twitch with wonders.

He rested his arm on the door to support his feeble legs that were tired of this day, of misery that he was still confused about.

Brian used his other hand to rake his hair with its fingers, attempting to recall and suddenly, he sank through the door without realizing it.

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