Chapter 86

Justin was stunned. “Even though I'm a new security guard, there's no need for everyone to welcome me so enthusiastically.”

At this moment, five employees simultaneously gave Justin a thumbs up.

“Dude, you're so good. You crossed the line with Ketki in her office. Moreover, Ketki also approved it for you.” A young man in his mid-twenties put his arm on Justin's shoulder. “She is someone that everyone who meets is afraid of in our hospital. Even though she had just arrived here not long ago, all the doctors in the departments were very afraid of her. It's been almost a month since I came to this hospital. This is the first time I've seen someone dare to do this to her. You seem to have helped us vent our anger."

Justin smiled silently, his face shrinking, he talked to everyone for a while, at this point, he roughly understood his colleague.

The person who just hugged Justin's shoulder is called Anselm. He is a discharged soldier, young and handsome. He quickly got the job.

Today is Jus
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