Chapter 87

Many of them wanted to come talk to the two women, but they didn't dare.

"Who is this shameless man? Does he want to flirt with two beautiful women at the same time? He is truly greedy."

"It seems like these days, shameless men are more liked by girls."


Under the jealous eyes of countless people, Justin continued to walk with them with a smiling face.

Kelly was talking and laughing with Ketki, but suddenly she stopped smiling. "Justin, why are you looking for me?"

Justin said with a chuckle. "I want to invite you to lunch."

Kelly didn't think, she glared at him. "I do not have time."

Justin stood awkwardly in place with an embarrassed look on his face.

Ketki then snorted coldly. "You scum, now Kelly is extremely disappointed in you. Even if she had free time, she wouldn't go out to eat with you. Go eat alone."

Justin felt extremely confused.

“Kelly, let's go.” Ketki took Kelly's arm and walked away.

Justin was stunned, his expression embarrassed.

The men's laughter rang out all
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