Chapter 88

Mr. Patrick held out his hand, his expression disinterested: "Then we don't need to discuss. We at Rose Bank have been kind to you. No matter what you go to another bank, they won't lend you money."

"We can raise the interest rate reasonably, but double the interest rate, that's too high," Ketki said.

Mr. Patrick said arrogantly: "No, you either agree to my conditions, or we don't need to discuss."

The atmosphere sank into awkwardness.

At this time, Justin had finished eating the last of his food. He took a tissue, wiped the oil from the corner of his mouth, and said: "Mr. Patrick, the hospital's assets are very high quality, banks want to lend us a lot, not just your bank."

Mr. Patrick snorted coldly: "You try. In Rose Town, no bank will lend you money. The hospital's business is limited to Rose Town. If you go out of Rose town, the disease The hospital is nothing, the bank doesn't care about your hospital."

These words made Kelly very uncomfortable.

She knows that Mr. Patrick is tel
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