Chapter 92

"Peal, I'm sorry. I didn't know it would turn out like this." Mr. Patrick kept apologizing, but Peal beat him:

"Trash, waste, parasite. Why don't you die? At noon, when you had dinner with Kelly, Justin was there but why didn't you say so sooner? Now I'm bankrupt because of you."

Mr. Patrick cried and cried as he spoke. “Peal, please allow me to make it up to you.”

"What can you do to make it up to me?"

Two days they were passed.

Ketki and Kelly called Mr. Patrick but it didn't work.

The two went to Rose Bank many times, but the bank was always closed.

Both were very confused.

Another day will be the monthly salary payment time, besides, they still have some big debts to pay. The fifty million dollars is still not available.

If the hospital cannot borrow money, its capital will be cut off.

The night before the employee's salary is distributed.

The books are still blank.

When Ketki and Kelly met again, they each took out a copy of the real estate deed.

After that, they both laughed h
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