Chapter 93

At this moment, Mr. Eugen came in from outside holding a big stick, he laughed loudly. "It's so noisy here. I just saw two men crying as they left."

The appearance of Mr. Eugen suddenly made the atmosphere in the office tense.

Kelly quickly stood up straight, and she spoke respectfully. "Boss Eugen, why are you here?"

Mr. Eugen is the richest man in the city.

His status is separate so in places like Rose Town, Mr. Eugen rarely sets foot there. Normally, Kelly wants to meet him, which is very difficult. But now he went directly to the hospital.

Kelly secretly felt worried.

Mr. Eugene smiled and said. "Peal didn't do well, I fired him. Rose Bank was closed because of me. I opened a new Fitness bank, and for the first three hundred million dollars, I will loan you at 0% interest for an indefinite period and an indefinite payment amount."

Having said that, Mr. Eugen took out a document and gave it to Kelly. "The terms have been drafted. Mrs. Kelly, you sign and you will receive the money
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