Chapter 95

Those words, although hurtful.

But Justin was so touched, he felt warm.

Kelly said: "But who is that woman hugging you at the train station? I'm very concerned about that. I've always tried to convince myself not to think about it, but I can't do it."

"I can allow my man to be a useless person, I can also accept him to be a useless person, I can tolerate him playing around and loitering, as long as he is faithful and treats me well. The only thing I can't stand is my man having an affair with another woman."

"Originally, I didn't want to find you and talk about this, but now that I'm supposed to be someone else's lover, I suddenly understand your previous resentment, so I agreed to give you a chance to explain. It's also giving myself a chance." Kelly looked at Justin:

“Justin, what I want to tell you is, I don't know Mr. Wycliffe, I've never met this person either. We are extremely clean between us, you should also be frank with me now, right?”

Kelly was very candid.

Justin was very
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