Chapter 96

Boxing Fitness.

In an old house located in the suburbs.

Although this place is not located in the city center, real estate prices are not cheap, a boxing gym with only a few dozen square meters is also very expensive.

Mr. Arlo has been hanging under the sycamore tree in front of the gate for several days now.

No one gave him food or water.

His whole body became quite skinny.

Two fighters guarded Mr. Arlo day and night, regardless of whether Mr. Arlo asked for a sip of water, but they were all indifferent and uninterested.

“You just need to give me a sip of water, I will give you one hundred thousand dollars.” Mr. Arlo spoke with great difficulty, his breathing was very weak.

The boxer shook his head: "The deputy manager of the gym said that before he returns, no one can give you food or water."

“Give me a sip of water, I will give you a million dollars." Mr. Arlo felt like he was about to die, money was just an external thing. Even if he used all his money to buy a sip of water, he wo
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