62. Final wedding preparations

AT JULLY 29 AT THIRD PERSON'S POV: As soon as Wanessa stepped out of the changing room, Nina's and Ana's reactions was something that she unexpected to happen. Nina was in pure shock while Ana was noticebly crying. "Are you okay?"Wanessa asked. "I am good."Ana said and sniffed. "But you are crying."Wanessa said. "You look like a princess."Ana said and sniffed. Wanessa smiled a bit. She was expecting this reaction, but it was still surprising for her to see crying face. "It's alright Ana. I am happy."Wanessa said. "We are taking this dress?"Nina asked. "Yes. I think we are."Wanessa said. As soon as she was done paying she went to have lunch with them. It was time for her to have some 'woman' time while Michael was with his dad and brother. At the same time Michael was at Rise-up compay and Elias was helping him to make some final preaparations. It seems that everone are realy excited for soon to be wedding ceremony and it makes Michael understand how much evryone cares for him. "Thank
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