Chapter 12

"Yes, I honored his invitation as a police officer, and he is a good friend of my boss" Sean answered and Tom nodded as he noted something in what Sean just said.

"And who is your boss?" Tom asked and Sean stared at him before looking down. 

He was very strong on the inside but quite crumbled within himself, Tom was breaking all his defended walls and he could not tell what would happen next to him.

"Okay, Sean, did you really see the werewolf?" Tom asked and Sean looked up at his face and nodded, this time, he was avoiding speaking, so his words won't be captured.

"We went to the same gym yesterday and guess what happened, a werewolf attacked us and my partner was injured and presently in the hospital, we checked the CCTV footage and guess what, it only showed your activity twenty minutes before you showed up in the station.

And guess what!It takes only twenty minutes to get to the station from that gym and you calmed down when you saw the werewolf, when?"

Tom said word for word and each time one word lands, Sean's sanity was messing with him.

"Please, I want to go home, I don't want to remember that ugly incident, please, let me leave!" Sean said and Tom stood up from the seat and looked at him.

"You will be allowed to leave now but remember their body is on your neck. Each time any one gets killed by werewolf, remember, you hid the truth now and it will forever haunt your soul"

Tom said and walked out.

He met Martinez at the door and frowned, "let him go, but keep a close eye on him" Tom said and walked away.

Martinez entered the room and looked at Sean who was sitting in the room with his heads downward.

"Sean, you can now leave, it's all over now, have a nice life" Martinez said angrily but Sean didn't move. "Are you deaf!" Martinez yelled at him after a few minutes of waiting for him to get up.

HMartinez watched him a little longer and grew impatient and went to hit his leg but instantly he fell to the ground.

"Sean!" Martinez called softly trying to check on him but realized he was dead.

"Help, somebody, help, he is not breathing!"Martinez yelled twice and the officers nearby rushed in. They carried Sean out to one of the vehicles and took him to the hospital.

Tom was still going through Sean files when Dave barged into his office 

"What's that all about?" Tom asked without looking up as he heard his door open.

"Sir!!, You have got to come and take a look!" Dave said but Tom didn't look concerned.

"That's happening in the station again!" Tom asked with little concern and Dave didn't know what to say.

Martinez barged in and this time, Tom got pissed and looked up to yell at who just barged in.

"Sir!" Martinez said almost shivering.,n

"What's the matter?" Tom asked and the duo looked at each other.

"He is dead!"

"He wasn't breathing " they both said at the same time and Tom was confused.

"Hold on, what are you guys saying?Calm down and talk, do the talking, Martinez " Tom instructed and they both sigh.

"Sir, you asked me to send Sean home and I opened the door and instructed him to leave but he wasn't responding. I waited for a while but it was still the same, so I went to him and kicked his leg and he fell to the ground, I checked and he wasn't breathing.

He is dead, boss!" Martinez explained as she was sniffing in-between to hold back her tears.

"What!" Tom yelled and stood up

He rushed out and saw the officers were looking away. Tom looked back at Martinez and beckoned to her to tag along.

He walked out to his car and drove straight after the car that took Sean to the hospital.

They arrived at the hospital and met the two officers who brought Sean to the hospital at the door trying to leave the hospital.

"What's the news?" Tom asked and they both looked up, shocked to see their boss, "dead before arrival" they responded and Tom stomped her feet hard on the ground.

"Tell them I want an autopsy to be conducted at the moment, this is crazy!" Tom said and the officers nodded and went into the hospital. 

"This is the second time I am entering this hospital today. It's so weird!" Tom said as he turned his back at the hospital and watched the sun set.

"It's really so difficult now, it's not even a full month yet. We still have two nights and this is happening. I can't say what will happen next" Martinez said.

"I can't handle any more surprises oh lord" Tom cried out loud and Martinez chuckled.

"You may have to listen to this first" Martinez said and Tom turned smiling thinking she was joking but was faced with another lady.

"Lisa" Tom called out and Lisa chuckled.

She blushed a little as she tucked her hair behind her left ear.

"I didn't know, sheriff would remember my name," Lisa said with a smile.

"Why won't I remember your name when you have such a pretty face and nice voice!" Tom said and Lisa blushed the more.

Martinez chuckled and Lisa let out a slight cough before remembering why she came looking for the sheriff.

"I came to inform you that the attack survivor is now awake and you might want to meet her now" Lisa said and Tom was surprised.

"That's nice, we will come over now, thanks Lisa" Tom said and Lisa smiled and walked away.

"Are you into her?" Martinez asked and Tom looked back and was shocked at Martinez's funny face.

"No, I was just complimenting her, is that a crime, officer?" Tom asked and Martinez chuckled.

"I hope she thinks the same, you just made the poor girl blush and she even tucked her hair behind her ear, you are such a flirt!" Martinez said and Tom laughed.

"You are such a party popper, Martinez! And she is just a little older than my daughter" Tom said and Martinez looked at him.

"Who cares?" She asked and Tom was more shocked.

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