Chapter 6

"Jane, get away from there!" Tom yelled but Jane was so lost looking, more like she was in a trance even with the gun aimed at the werewolf.

Tom could not think of anything better but firing at the werewolf and the werewolf gave a loud sound and attacked Jane.

Throwing her away after it's claws had hurt Jane on her hand. Tom let out the second fire and the werewolf ran toward Tom very fast and the breeze blew him to the floor.

Before Tom could catch his breath, the high school gym was empty and disorganized. He looked around and saw the crashed window.

He rushed their to check but the werewolf was totally gone. It escaped again.

Who could it be? It's never that they would be there?,or was it a set up?

He was so lost in the thought looking out of the broken window when Jane groaned and he remembered her.

He ran to her side and checked on her wound.

"It's gonna be fine" he said and picked his phone and made a few calls.

He was by her side for a few minutes before the ambulance and the police team arrived at the scene. The rescue team rushed to them and carried Jane into the van and left.

Hank and Dave walked up to Tom who was looking so disorganized and anger. 

"What is the situation at hand sir?" Hank asked and Tom turned back and looked at them. "It attacked us like it was well informed about the situation." 

Tom said and the officers looked at each other. 

"What does that mean sir?" Dave asked and Hank, whose head was down, raised his head up and looked at Tom.

"Do you mean someone tipped the werewolf?" Hank asked and Tom looked away instantly.

"It's looks like it!" Tom replied and Hank chuckled. "It's not possible sir, no one will work with an animal, a dangerous animal at that!" Hank responsed and Tom sighs.

He raised his head in frustration as he could not seem to see a solution still.

His eyes went straight to the CCTV hanging up. He smiled and looked at the officers.

"Get me the CCTV footage of this room and the guy who came to report at the station, set up a meeting with him. I have some questions for him." Tom said and walked towards his door.

"Okay sir!" They both responded and walked away to get the duties done. 

This is so annoying!

Tom said as he kicked the plastic in his way and walked straight to his car.

Home sweet home.

He could see the lights on when he drove into the compound. In no time, he put off his jacket and walked straight to the door and unlocked it with his keys.

"Emily, Are you in?" Tom called out immediately. He pulled off his jacket and placed it on the dining chair.

"Dad!" She said as she walked out of the kitchen in a short gown and her hair loose, falling on her shoulder and also with two cups of tea.

"Welcome home!" She said and handed him the cup of tea and Tom sighs as he collects it.

He sipped a little and looked at Emily who was a lot quiet. He could still the light of her mother in her.

Long dark hair like her mother and those eyes, brown eyes, it's just like the woman he loved all his time as a youth.

"Dad,I am sorry about today!Me and the girls were…" Emily said looking down at her cup and was so remorseful but Tom interrupted immediately.

"Emily, enough, I still don't get it, I have tried hard as your father but I don't know what else you want as my daughter because you are not getting any younger.

You and those girls don't belong together, don't you see, from clubs to bars to night shows, is that you?" Tom said and Emily looked up at him with a drop of tears on her cheeks.

"But they care about me!" Emily said and Tom chuckled.

"Care about you!Come on, Emily, what is wrong with you?" Tom yelled and Emily stood up and looked at him and this time, she was crying.

"At least, they have my time!" Emily said and walked out and straight to her bedroom.

"Did she just leave!" Tom said to himself as he looked around and picked up the cup of tea again and sipped a little and he involuntarily looked at his side and saw the picture of his wife.

He smiled a little and picked his jacket and went straight to his room.

The next morning

Tom was already dressed for work and he was making breakfast for himself and Emily. He brought the breakfast out to the dining table happily and after a few seconds.

Emily walked down lazily in a nice short skirt and a crop top and in her Nike sneakers. She turned her face cap to the back to look at her father.

"Morning sunshine, breakfast is set!" 

Tom said and Emily looked at the table and could see her favorite was well set on the table. Tom must have been up for a while to get it done.

She looked at him and looked away with a straight face and pulled her face cap back to the front.

"Morning dad, I'm going out for a set meeting, have a nice day!" Emily sat and walked to the door.

Tom could not believe Emily ditch his hard work. He looked down at the meal, he took his precious time to make and sat down. He ate his part and packed Emily's part in a lunch box.

He walked out and straight to his car.

He entered his car and sat in while he placed his bag and the lunch box on the passenger's seat and he looked at the rear mirror and the passenger's side mirror afterward and he saw a figure.

The person was staring at his car.

Someone with visible blood on his shirt and a wide grin on his face.

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