chapter 24

"Ye, the youth of nowadays don't want to be calm anymore, you do things like you wish and not how it ought to be!" Father John said and Emily nodded.

He looked at her and shook his head. He opened the last page of the book he was holding and showed her.

"Look at this!" He said and Emily was baffled. She had never seen the drawing before. How come she drew it?

"Are you shocked?" Father John said and Emily nodded as she could not find her voice after seeing the drawing.

"I was also shocked the first time I saw you and you told me you did the drawing yourself. After first, I doubted but I realized, you can't have access to the book or drawing by coming into the library and you haven't even been in the church before.

And I came to the conclusion that you are special, you must be something beyond what the eyes can see" Father John said and Emily looked up at him slowly.

Nothing was making sense to her anymore. She drew an ancient picture without seeing the picture before and the father was
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