chapter 48

Martinez tried so hard to keep her drama going but she was forced to laugh after seeing Lisa's reaction.

She looked so pitiful like she was caught with a piece of candy that she was not supposed to be seen with. It was so hilarious to Martinez.

"Look at your face, you were so scared, I was hoping to see tears but it didn't come out but nevertheless what do you want me to say?

Like you said, it was my idea and you both took it, so I am happy for you. I know and I have said it again and again. Tom is old school, he doesn't even want to offer to pick you up at home because he feels your home is your safe house and your privacy.

You won't want to give it out to just anyone. So he offered that you both should just meet at the beach. Well, he is a bit rusty. You might have to add grease on him.

He will be as smooth as what you want if you can do just that.

But to be frank. He is interested in you. But scared to put his eggs into another set of baskets, he loved his late wife and his daugh
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