chapter 52

Tom slammed his cellphone shut, his face contorted with anger. His daughter, Emily, had just informed him that she was going to see Father John at the church. The thought of her venturing into a place of worship sent shivers down his spine, filling him with unwarranted rage.

Sensing his distress, Martinez, Tom's colleague and confidante, walked over and gently patted him on the back. "Hey, buddy," she said cautiously, "Is everything okay? You seem overly angry."

Tom took a deep breath, struggling to keep the boiling fury within him under control. "Emily… Emily went to see Father John at the church," he replied, his voice laced with a mixture of anxiety and anger.

Rachel, another colleague who had been engrossed in her work nearby, overheard their conversation and raised an eyebrow. "Wait, Tom, isn't that the same church people go to on Sundays? Why are you so worked up about Emily visiting Father John?"

Tom's voice trembled as he tried to explain himself. "I don't know, Rachel. It's j
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