chapter 57

While the meeting was still on and everyone was still sharing their ideas and theories. One of the officers yelled "What about werewolves?" From the middle of the crowd of officers in the room and everyone turned their eyes to him.

"Yes, those attacks look like what werewolves could do. Look at the claw marks, look at the bite on the necks of the victims, if those are not werewolves then, I don't know what it is." Another person said, to support the previous theory.

"And has it ever occurred to you all that those bite marks might be something else? I know vampires bites on their victims neck, too." Hank countered the theory and idea that it might be werewolves.

"Well, I know that vampires don't have claws, they'd have gone for the heart and the victims hearts are all intact. Moreover, vampires have kind of been extinct or what should I call it? Like a myth." Another person spoke against Hank in support of the previous theory.

"Why are you all supporting this theory when it's so unreal
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