
Tom felt a mix of frustration and confusion as he entered the busy train station leaving his car back at the hospital. The morning rush hour was in full swing, with people scurrying to their destinations like ants on a mission. He tried to navigate through the crowd, his mind preoccupied with something much more pressing than the hustle and bustle around him.

Lost in his own thoughts, Tom failed to notice the familiar face standing just a few feet away. Martinez, his colleague and often his confidante, had seen him approach and eagerly prepared to greet him. However, to her surprise, Tom walked right past her without acknowledging her presence. Confusion furrowed her brow as she muttered a quiet "Hello", but her words faded into the crowd.

Martinez stood there for a moment, taken aback by Tom's uncharacteristic behavior. They had always been friendly, sharing jokes and work anecdotes during their daily interactions. Even on his most hectic days, Tom never missed an opportunity to gree
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