: "RUN!!!" : "DON'T LOOK BACK!!!" The civilians were all running away from the chaos, caused by the great disaster the magical realm has ever seen. : "AAAAAHHH!!!!!" A monster at the center of the city shouted with a thunderous voice, which was so powerful it was able to clear the very atmosphere and caused a massive aftershock that shook the very earth itself. : "AAAHHHH!!!!!" The roar destroyed the whole city with little effort. : "hold the barrier ". The master of the dragon guild shouted for them to keep the roar from hitting the cities.CRACK!
The barrier could no longer hold the mighty roar and shattered, but was still neutralized and caused the death of many guild members in the process.
: "that monster!!!" The guild master shouted as he took a gaze at his fallen comrades.
: "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!" It said as it used its power to conjure up a massive dark sphere that had a large amount of mana that was ready to lay waste to the entire population in one move and has almost reached the size of the moon.: "DIE!!!!!!" It was all over, all S-class guilds and mages are all down there was nothing left to do.
: "BEGON-". But it was cut off by a large chain holding it down in place and some of them had gone through it and grabbed its very soul.: "W-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!!!!" The huge sphere of dark mana, capable of reaping a planet in half, was being absorbed into the chain, but what shocked the monster more was what had summoned the very chain that bind's him and his power. : "NO!! NO!! IT CAN'T BE, AAAAHH!!!! ". It shouted, as it tried to break the chain, but failed to do so. : "THIS CAN'T BE POSSIB-". It shouted, but stopped when it heard him. : "don't bother; it's all over for you". The figure said, standing on the top of a huge skyscraper, as all the whole civilians saw the figure they all begin to rejoice. : "it's the executioners ". : "they are here to save us ". : "Yeah!!!!- wait a minute". : "is that a child up there". The people were all shocked to see a child up with the executioners, and thinking what a child had to do with all this.: "NO!! NO!!! YOU DARE TRY SEALING ME!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!! ". It said with pure rage, that even the chains had started to crack under the almighty pressure of the monster's power.
: "as I said, it's all over for you AZUL! Now it's time to be sealed away you bastard ". Said the head executioner in rage as slit his hand, he placed his palm on the ground and activated the magical seal with the containment host at the center, but unaware to them that a baby about 12 months old was crawling into the circle.: "finish this brother, and end this terror so that he shall be sealed away forever," said the second executioner in rage as he was too fed up with azul reign of terror over the realms, as that being said the first executioner had charged up a large amount of mana in which was so much for his body to handle that it started to leak out of his amour. : "ENOUGH KIDDING AROUND, SOUL ART!!! ". : "GRIMM REAPER SEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted, as all the chains starts to pull Azul's very entity into the containment host.: "NO YOU DON'T, I WILL END YOU ALL ". Azul shouted, as he swung his gigantic hand at the executioner, which was like comparing a hand swiping away a speck of dust.
: "DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Azul shouted, ready to kill the execution but was then blocked by a barrier that created the joint effort of three of the executioners and was then turned into a powerful offensive attack simultaneously.THUD!!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!!!! : "BEGONE ". : "PERISH ". : "SUFFER ". : "DIVINE ART; MAJESTIC RAPTURE!!!! ". They shouted. in sync as a bright white light engulfed the whole monster which was just too big for him to stop and was so bright that everyone had to cover their eyes not to be blinded by this light of its magnitudeBOOOOOMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As all of this took place unaware to them that they were being watched by a strange figure floating up on the top of a church, which had a sadistic smile on his face.
: "so this is the power of the executioners, very interesting, so this is the amount of power the sacred treasure gives to those who are chosen but can still be corrupted.“Hahahahaha good show," The strange figure said in a very crazy British accent and then vanished from plain sight.
: "NNNOO-O-OO!!!!!" Azul's shouted, as his every entity was now sealed into the containment but had started to crack because of azul trying to break out from it. : "NO I WILL NOT BE SEALED BY THE LIKES OF YOU MORTALS." Azul said, with anger, and then broke out of the containment which scattered into pieces. : "noooo-oo" Said the first executioner; who was trying to stop him but failed in an attempt to do so what made him shocked was that the seal was not yet destroyed but was transferred to another host close to it. But how is that possible? : "is that a child there" .said the second executioner; who was too shocked to see a child in the circle. : "STOP THE SEAL RIGHT NOW BROTHER OR AZUL WILL BE SEALED IN THE CHILD. STOP IT NOW!!!!".the second executioner shouted. At his brother. as everyone can't believe what is going on in front of them.: "I CAN'T!!!!!!!!!".He shouted but was pushed away by the ritual seal. The people watched in horror as the seal was then transferred to the baby that was near it as the baby begin to cry like hell;: "IT CAN'T BE, HOW IS THIS SEAL STILLING WORKING HOWW!!!!" Said azul, as he was being sealed into the child; who began to cry more as his body began to change his hair which was once black was now snow white color, now had fangs and a now golden pupil with the white part now pure black and a tiger tattoo his back. As the great disaster was done the crowd cheered and cheered why some had pity for the boy, as the child's parents came to get him who was top nobles of the nation and had been given access to reach him. : "MY SON, GIVE ME BACK MY SON ". The child's father said. as he held his child he didn't like what he saw and was overcome with pure rage as his son was now a host of a demon god. As the mother tried to calm him down so that he won't do anything to harm her son, even though her child's appearance has changed, but saw that her very own husband has been corrupted as he had an aura of pure bloodlust. : "look dear, I know he looks different but please don't kill him-AH!" She said. nevertheless was cut off as her husband hit her away as the corruption had taken him away, as he drew out his sword and was about to stab his son as he had a very sadistic smile with horns coming out of his head. : "DIE!!!" He shouted. As he raised his sword up ready to end his son's life he brought it down at full speed but noticed that he had stabbed his wife because she moved in the way of the strike. : "pl-lease spa-re him, he is our s-son ". She said. But was thrown to the side by her husband who was already corrupted by his rage as his son saw him he started to cry. : "oh shut up you a little piece of shit ".he said, as he raised his sword up this time infusing it with corrupted mana as he brought it down. : "YOUR DEAD TO ME DEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"He shouted as he brought the sword down with full force.: "AAAAAHH-AA-A-AAA ".THUD!!!!!
His own head was met with the cold floor, one of the executioners which had glowing blue eyes and a mad and angry expression stared at him.
: "you shall burn in hell for you have corrupted your very soul with rage ". As he made his way to the head and crushed it with no effort, stared at the baby and noticed the changes and then changed his direction to the boy's mother who had already bled out and was already on the brink of death after being stabbed to the heart with the sword which was fatal. : "p-please t-take c-care o-of m-my s-son p-please ". She said, with tears in her eyes but the executioner said. : "I'm in no position to be taking care of your son but I will take him to the temple am sure the church will take good care of him at least I will make sure of that ".He said, with some little amount of pity in his voice. : "tha-nk y-you ". She said, with her last dying breath and then all the life in her eyes was gone and left in the void. : "may your soul rest in peace asuna ". He said as he took the baby and teleported away.The first executioner P.O.V
Damn, I can't believe that this boy, this baby in my hand was able to handle the omega seal I used to seal azul in him. Like seriously he is showing no sign of instability it's weird his supposed to have exploded or something, but I guess he was able to be stable. Hmm seems like somebody is following me, huh, He thought correctly.
: "what do you want shito, I thought you were watching the guilds to see if there were any losses huh, ".he said, as the figure who was following him was no one other than the second executioner, shito kazama also known as as the night beast. : "sheesh chill okay I just came to check up on the child and thought he might need another motivational speech I am good at it ". He said. he said why jumping down from the tree he was in. : "I think he doesn't need any more of your so-called motivational talk and whoa when did an executioner start to care for a child ". Asura said, with a smug look on his face. : "hey you don't know me you fool, for I am the night beast, I am shit—oh nooo ". He said but was cut off by tripping face-first on a pile of poop. : "AAAA!! Which demon would shit on the road where people are walking by? That evil is the real scum of this world ". Shito said. as he was trying to remove the poop from his face. : "hahahahahah! Maybe they should call you shit-o kazama then will know they are real scum hahahah!!!! ". Asura laughed and laughed which just made shito even angrier. : "it's not funny asura!!" Shito said, angrily but was soon even angrier as the baby too started to laugh. : "why you shit face," Shito said. : "see who talking hahahaha!!!!!" Asura said as shito was already pissed off to the point the ground starts to shake. : "I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!" Shito shouted, in rage even with the shit on his face. : "ah see ya shit-o hahahahahaha!!!!" Asura said. as he teleported away to the temple as he spotted a grand church with an impressive décor to go with it, as he spotted the door and walked to it, and knocked on it.Knock!!Knock!!
: "ahem excuse me but is anyone there ". He asked. and was answered by a priest who had glasses and wore a very white robe that shows that his a priest. : "how may I help you s-i-i-OH MY GOODNESS". The priest said, in shock as he got on his knee and bowed to him. : "asura-sama you bless me with your very presence!" He said but was gestured to stand by asura. : "yeah sure, I need you to take good care of this child by the order of the executioners, if you don't mind he is an orphan ". He said as he handed the child to the priest who had been terrified by how the child looked as he could feel the terrifying aura radiating from the child as the baby just sited him and smiled with fangs clearly visible to him.: "o-okay lord asura-sama " he said, as he took a bow.: "thank you very much," said asura, as he was leaving but was stopped by the priest.
: "sorry for stopping you lord asura-sama but what's the name of the child if I may ask," said the priest. : "hmmmm " said the executioner he thought of one that will be most suitable for the child at least to him. : "his name is Dante sarutobi ". He said, and with that teleported away leaving the priest. : "hmmm sarutobi such a nice name ". He said as he closed the door behind him as went inside the church. : "good evening father Alfred. Who is that in your arms? ".a beautiful young nun asked as she was as curious as to who was that.: "his name is Dante sarutobi and I want you to take good care of him". He asked, the young nun: "of course father Alfred I shall do my best in taking good care of him". She said to the priest. as he handed the boy to her care, as she went off to the church nursery to drop off the boy, as she reached there she opened the door and dropped the boy in the crib, but as she was about to go she saw the boy staring at her with a grin cause he was not supposed to have grown teeth at this very young age and just seemed creepy when smiling and his golden eyes illuminated in the moonlight as she taught it was beautiful but was still feeling a little bit uneasy around him but still cares for him.
: "I will always take good care of you always okay little guy ".she headed to the door, and closed it behind her. : "goodnight tobi". As she went off to her bedroom to sleep what she never noticed was that the boy's appearance had changed back to normal but still had the fangs and the baby did something unnatural for its age, as it said. : "thank you......".and it closed its eyes and slept off, but deep within the boy was a dark figure that darkly chuckled in a sinister mannerRelated Chapters
The unliving sage Nightmares from the past... blasted tattoo
Time skip .Dream worldI guess I’m back here to this place call hell also known as my dream where crazy shit play out. I can't stop it, I can't change it, I just can't avoid it. Well might as well live with it.Damn, the void really suck, hmmm let me try to find a way out of this abyss, oh on it's a void it's supposed to be endless whoa what a genius I am well might as well see what happens in this dream.And on cue, the once void had changed to a familiar sight, one that I wish to forget, .....The day I had lost her' the day I had lost my.......mother.: "YOUR DEAD TO ME DEMON". Shouted the dark figure. I guess that is my dad ...... I just can't take this anymore. As he was about to kill her ..... Again.: "my s-son..... Am so sor-".no no NO! Not again don't leave me again. As I tried to reach for her hand, she started to fade away into the abyss: "no no no NOOOO!!!!" I shouted at the sky of the abyss, I wanted to safe her but I was too weak to do so and now she g
The unliving sage happening so fast......am I dead
Dream space.Dante P.O.Vthis is odd, why does the dream space feel different from before. Hmmmmmm, something isn't right here.: "hmm...does it have something to do with the wrist band father Alfred gave me." I said. As I stare down at the wrist band with a look of disbelieve and curious, as that how this material could alter my dream. Though I guess that It was a good thing, if not I could have lost my very sanity, and might have been corrupted and exterminated by the church and that was not on my bucket list.: "but still, why do I still feel like as if am being watc-."I said. as I was about to finish that sentence. I felt two eyes staring into my soul from behind me. As The very air around it was filled with despair and death. But still the entity is not moving.... it's just staring at me. And hell does it feels both weird and scary at the same time. But then the entity's form started to change into a more humanoid figure, but I couldn't still make it out as a thick fog started t
The unliving sage It's all my fault...!
: "DIEEE!" the Shouted as he threw it down at us as the sphere had started leveling the sky scrapers. Executioner: "HEAVENS CRONICLES: HOLY GRAIL!!!!" father Alfred shouted as everything went white. Hmm......... am I dead: "NO UNFONTUNATELY, BUT I KNOW YOU HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS SO I WILL SPARE YOU AND ANSWER ALL FOR YOU." It said as I remember him from my dream but now I can see him in a humanoid form with two gigantic scythes and a mask and the mana from him is off the scales.: "w-who are you really." I said in a curious tone as he stood up from his sitting down position and raise both his scythe and stared at me as I felt this feeling of dominance through the air. Like as if he could kill me with his very existence.: "I GO BY MANY NAMES SUCH AS THE REAPER, JUGDMENT AND VERY KNOWN AS AZUL." as I heard that very name azul, I felt my legs gave up and I went down on my knees as I used all my remaining strength to raise my head up as am already losing my consciousness as my vision h
: "t-this c-can't b-be h-happening....... J-just w-what a-are you t-trying t-to a-achieve t-to g-go to t-this v-very extent..... y-your h-holiness." One of the bishops said in both shock and misbelieves.As there was a huge magic circle that covered the whole sky.Somewhere in the fantasy realm:: "It can't be, how is this possible." said the figure in shock, as he saw the magic circle in the sky.: "the king must be notified by this." The figure said as the person had teleported away.Limbo:: "SO THAT WAS THERE TRUE MOTIVATE HUH. HAHAHA SO I GUESS THERE BACK." Death said as he saw the magic circle up in the skies of limbo.Back at the humanity realm:: "very well then if you must know then so be it. For I plan on joining the five realms together so that he can rule over it all.......and so for that to happen I resurrected the 12 executioners to make that possible for my chances of success has no flaw hahhahahahah." He said as he let go of the spell as the resurrection is now over. A
The unliving sage good but not yet perfect, the emperor vs the sage!
Time skip 40 years in limbo:Dante p.o.v:AAAAAHHHH!i heard a loud roar coming from my back direction, as I sensed a large beast coming my way trying to swing his giant maze at me.: " you damn ogres don't just know when to give up huh." I said in annoyance but then had a smug smile on my face as I had dodged it in a blink of an eye as the maze was swung down to the ground and was now stuck which had surprised the ogre.: "W-WHAT, H-HOW?" The ogre was in awe by the inhuman speed I had displayed as it was all over for him.: "isn't it obvious. I'm just stronger than before.... Now be extinct." I said as it was frozen in pure fear as I just placed my right hand in front of him.: "MAGIC TECHNIQUE: SHATTERING LIGHT." I said in a cold tone as the ogre got covered by a blinding light like dome which then vanished with the ogre with, as the ogre was no more.Then suddenly I had clapping from behind me as it was death. Who as usual had a chilling aura that always gets under my skin.: "BRAV
The unliving sage I'm risking it all but the battle shall transcend
'A-am just a-a f-failure'[Number of strategies decreased from 3 to 2]: "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!" he said as I reached the ground with so much force that I had bounced back up.[Number of strategies decreased from 2 to 1]: "YOU'RE JUST TOO WEAK, SO JUST STAY DOWN!" he shouted as he gave me a final blow to the face as the shockwave was too powerful that it was able to ionize the air around us making it to compress into plasma then it caused an explosion as everything went black.[Err0r e-err0r number of strategies unknown].BOOOOOOM!Death p.o.v:10 years ago in the limbo, during the 100000 demon onslaught trial:'Hmmmm it seem that the brat is actually making some progress.' I thought to myself.: "LIGHT INVERSE: FLARERING SPEAR!" the brat shouted as he had launched a giant spear of light towards a large hoard of demons, as the blast disintegrated them all in one swoop.'Interesting... he managed to form another spell making this one his 1000th new spell.... Fascinating.' I though
Latest Chapter
I'm risking it all but the battle shall transcend
'A-am just a-a f-failure'[Number of strategies decreased from 3 to 2]: "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!" he said as I reached the ground with so much force that I had bounced back up.[Number of strategies decreased from 2 to 1]: "YOU'RE JUST TOO WEAK, SO JUST STAY DOWN!" he shouted as he gave me a final blow to the face as the shockwave was too powerful that it was able to ionize the air around us making it to compress into plasma then it caused an explosion as everything went black.[Err0r e-err0r number of strategies unknown].BOOOOOOM!Death p.o.v:10 years ago in the limbo, during the 100000 demon onslaught trial:'Hmmmm it seem that the brat is actually making some progress.' I thought to myself.: "LIGHT INVERSE: FLARERING SPEAR!" the brat shouted as he had launched a giant spear of light towards a large hoard of demons, as the blast disintegrated them all in one swoop.'Interesting... he managed to form another spell making this one his 1000th new spell.... Fascinating.' I though
good but not yet perfect, the emperor vs the sage!
Time skip 40 years in limbo:Dante p.o.v:AAAAAHHHH!i heard a loud roar coming from my back direction, as I sensed a large beast coming my way trying to swing his giant maze at me.: " you damn ogres don't just know when to give up huh." I said in annoyance but then had a smug smile on my face as I had dodged it in a blink of an eye as the maze was swung down to the ground and was now stuck which had surprised the ogre.: "W-WHAT, H-HOW?" The ogre was in awe by the inhuman speed I had displayed as it was all over for him.: "isn't it obvious. I'm just stronger than before.... Now be extinct." I said as it was frozen in pure fear as I just placed my right hand in front of him.: "MAGIC TECHNIQUE: SHATTERING LIGHT." I said in a cold tone as the ogre got covered by a blinding light like dome which then vanished with the ogre with, as the ogre was no more.Then suddenly I had clapping from behind me as it was death. Who as usual had a chilling aura that always gets under my skin.: "BRAV
: "t-this c-can't b-be h-happening....... J-just w-what a-are you t-trying t-to a-achieve t-to g-go to t-this v-very extent..... y-your h-holiness." One of the bishops said in both shock and misbelieves.As there was a huge magic circle that covered the whole sky.Somewhere in the fantasy realm:: "It can't be, how is this possible." said the figure in shock, as he saw the magic circle in the sky.: "the king must be notified by this." The figure said as the person had teleported away.Limbo:: "SO THAT WAS THERE TRUE MOTIVATE HUH. HAHAHA SO I GUESS THERE BACK." Death said as he saw the magic circle up in the skies of limbo.Back at the humanity realm:: "very well then if you must know then so be it. For I plan on joining the five realms together so that he can rule over it all.......and so for that to happen I resurrected the 12 executioners to make that possible for my chances of success has no flaw hahhahahahah." He said as he let go of the spell as the resurrection is now over. A
It's all my fault...!
: "DIEEE!" the Shouted as he threw it down at us as the sphere had started leveling the sky scrapers. Executioner: "HEAVENS CRONICLES: HOLY GRAIL!!!!" father Alfred shouted as everything went white. Hmm......... am I dead: "NO UNFONTUNATELY, BUT I KNOW YOU HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS SO I WILL SPARE YOU AND ANSWER ALL FOR YOU." It said as I remember him from my dream but now I can see him in a humanoid form with two gigantic scythes and a mask and the mana from him is off the scales.: "w-who are you really." I said in a curious tone as he stood up from his sitting down position and raise both his scythe and stared at me as I felt this feeling of dominance through the air. Like as if he could kill me with his very existence.: "I GO BY MANY NAMES SUCH AS THE REAPER, JUGDMENT AND VERY KNOWN AS AZUL." as I heard that very name azul, I felt my legs gave up and I went down on my knees as I used all my remaining strength to raise my head up as am already losing my consciousness as my vision h
happening so fast......am I dead
Dream space.Dante P.O.Vthis is odd, why does the dream space feel different from before. Hmmmmmm, something isn't right here.: "hmm...does it have something to do with the wrist band father Alfred gave me." I said. As I stare down at the wrist band with a look of disbelieve and curious, as that how this material could alter my dream. Though I guess that It was a good thing, if not I could have lost my very sanity, and might have been corrupted and exterminated by the church and that was not on my bucket list.: "but still, why do I still feel like as if am being watc-."I said. as I was about to finish that sentence. I felt two eyes staring into my soul from behind me. As The very air around it was filled with despair and death. But still the entity is not moving.... it's just staring at me. And hell does it feels both weird and scary at the same time. But then the entity's form started to change into a more humanoid figure, but I couldn't still make it out as a thick fog started t
Nightmares from the past... blasted tattoo
Time skip .Dream worldI guess I’m back here to this place call hell also known as my dream where crazy shit play out. I can't stop it, I can't change it, I just can't avoid it. Well might as well live with it.Damn, the void really suck, hmmm let me try to find a way out of this abyss, oh on it's a void it's supposed to be endless whoa what a genius I am well might as well see what happens in this dream.And on cue, the once void had changed to a familiar sight, one that I wish to forget, .....The day I had lost her' the day I had lost my.......mother.: "YOUR DEAD TO ME DEMON". Shouted the dark figure. I guess that is my dad ...... I just can't take this anymore. As he was about to kill her ..... Again.: "my s-son..... Am so sor-".no no NO! Not again don't leave me again. As I tried to reach for her hand, she started to fade away into the abyss: "no no no NOOOO!!!!" I shouted at the sky of the abyss, I wanted to safe her but I was too weak to do so and now she g
The birth of a disaster
: "RUN!! RUN!! FOR YOUR LIFE!!!". : "RUN!!!" : "DON'T LOOK BACK!!!" The civilians were all running away from the chaos, caused by the great disaster the magical realm has ever seen. : "AAAAAHHH!!!!!" A monster at the center of the city shouted with a thunderous voice, which was so powerful it was able to clear the very atmosphere and caused a massive aftershock that shook the very earth itself. : "AAAHHHH!!!!!" The roar destroyed the whole city with little effort. : "hold the barrier ". The master of the dragon guild shouted for them to keep the roar from hitting the cities.CRACK!CRACK!!The barrier could no longer hold the mighty roar and shattered, but was still neutralized and caused the death of many guild members in the process.: "that monster!!!" The guild master shouted as he took a gaze at his fallen comrades. : "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!" It said as it used its power to conjure up a massive dark sphere that had a large amount of mana that was ready to lay waste to the en