Into The Future XIV


      He knew that he heard something. Kinda a voice. Twas real and pricked his consciousness. He knew that twasnt some illusion. At least if he was not telling lies to himself. He tried to settle the dispute between his mental ken and his rage. He needed to affirm a stance. He was sweeping his new thoughts into a whole. He was putting his ideas into a place. He was driving his motive and goals towards discerning what had been supplanted. Twas all to no avail. He couldn't arrive at a sane stance. He wanted to, but couldn't. The more he tried, the lazier he seemed. He wasn't ready to give in to or ignore what had been let loose. He was trying to figure out the odds. He was trying to prune his rage. He was trying to make his acumen worth the sight. He couldn't had made up the voice in his callous consciousness or sewn subconsciousness. He knew that he did hear something - a voice. He knew that

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