"So, what now?"
He tried not to look at her. He was still vexed with her. She was doing what he didn't like. She had done it and had taken a new form. There were quite the numbers of things he wouldn't put up with. He didn't care whether or not he was being rude. It didn't really matter to him. He could use the odds. He could play around the odds. Didn't really matter to him. He couldn't even be sure what did matter to him anymore. He was trying to put up with the recent feelings which were gnawing at his instinct. He was trying as possible to ignore them. He knew that he wouldn't keep up with that forever. He knew that he would still have to knuckle under some odds. He didn't know what those odds were or would be. He didn't know how to prepare for them. He knew that time would test him and he would be read for the test. He knew that things would play out odd firstly then would take a new turn. By t
"What do we have here?' He wanted to be sure of what he was seeing. He didn't know how to around that. He had no idea how to go about it. He was trying his best to figure things out. He was trying to make up with his instinct and brush out the odds and the pain. He did know that he needed more than million feelings to use. He didn't know where to get them from. He knew that he would have to do that later. He knew that he would have to test the odds and know his stance. He wasn't so sure of what he did need. He wasn't so sure of what he was putting up with. He knew that time was treacherous and would test it. He didn't know how to feel. He was hoping that he would be able to have his instinct register the odds. He was hoping that his mental ken would identify with his rusty rage. He wasn't so sure how true that was. He didn't know how well and long he would be able to bank on that. He hoped that he
"Where are we?" Fate was becoming fetish because even none of them was able to figure out where they were. They probably were trying to register the odd. They couldn't bring themselves to doing it. One wasn't so sure of how he was trying. He didn't know what that was or what would be supplanted. He was trying to ignore things which were so real. He didn't know why he would have to do that. He didn't know why he was putting up with that. He didn't know why fate was that treacherous. He was making his rage known. He was weary of hiding it. He didn't want to hide it anymore. He didn't want to fix it the closet of his rage. He couldn't had done better. He was hoping that he would do better. He couldn't be so sure. He didn't know which thought he was supposed to embrace. He didn't know which rage he was supposed to leap at. He wasn't sure what to think or what not to. His thoughts had been shattered by whooshi
"There seem to be a mess." He could feel it strongly. He could make meaning of it. He could make the odds visible. He did love the odds. That was all that he could make meaning of at that moment. That was all that he could do. He did know what was amiss. He knew that things were not going to be what they were. Twas too early for him to be too dismissive. He didn't want the pain to be seeped. He was only hoping that all would take a new turn. He was hoping that he would make his rage known. He was hoping that he would own the odds and steer clear of whatever was present. Time was being promiscuous. It had always been that way. He didn't just want to be so cruel identifying the odds. He didn't want the odds to be given new forms. He did all he could. He was trying all he could. He didn't mind sweeping all his rage into a whole. He didn't know what effort he was supposed to put. He didn't k
"Who are you? Make it as plain as you would." They had drawn to the figures. He was quite sure that he had been sane in the first place. He had known that his rage had not been displaced. He knew what grasp he was up for. He was only thinking of putting up with his odds. Those were all he could do at that time. He knew that he would figure the rest out. He was just finding an excuse to use. He couldn't choose. He did wish that he could. He couldn't help it. He tried as much as possible to. Twas more than much for him. He didn't know what rage he was supposed to fleshen. Time would give up on him. Time would prune his rage. Time would feed him all he did want. He was ready for all he had been preparing for. His motives had been sharpened and his zeal was ready. He did tiptoe his ire. He would figure the whole deal out. He would make it into what he thought best. He would make it into the best
"What are we going to do with these things, mate?" He moved his box sideways as he did have his way with the words: "I haven't figured out yet. I'm sure that we both haven't had figured out." "Uhmmm, say we put them in a cage?" "To some extent a good idea. I can't really be sure though." He passed the other man a cigarette as that one fiddled with his chest pocket to get what he would kindle the cigarette with. He did know that that would hurt. He had been told over and oftentimes by the doctor. That had become more of an illusion to him. He didn't need it. He would figure things out himself and would of course be responsible for anything that did happen to him. He would do ex
"What do you think of Korasov, eh?" He put the newspaper away from his face. He hadn't done that because he wanted to see him only. He did want to catch some air. He had been digging into the information etched in the already folded lots of binded papers on his hand. He dropped it on the table as he did pick up the telephone and tapped some digits in and spoke over it: "A cuppa and two cups of cappuccino." "Why three cup?" The man who was seating before him did seem to have a contention with his decision. Why wouldn't he of course? He was the only one with him in the office. There was no one else. He should be worried. The elder man in fine and boxy suit wielded his face into a
"News got to me that your siblings are back on Michigan's street." He lifted the cuppa and tilted it as though he was going to pour it on the one who was sitting opposite him. He had his legs crossed as though he was some smothered cross. He looked over the man again and did the best of the smiles which always did sun his wiles. He knew that the fellow wasn't so keen to figuring such odd out. He would take advantage of it. Twas exactly what he did best. He would keep to it and would make his skills known. The other fellow didn't seem so interested. He seemed to be enjoying his... whatever he was doing to him. He didn't know if he was truly right about that. He didn't know if he did know what that did mean. He could be making guesses of course. He did know what guesses were capable of doing. He
"What did you think I meant in the first place." A new cuppa had been brought to him. He was all-smile. Lambz didn't know what to make of him anymore. He was tired of wanting to talk him outta it. He did know that the fellow would stick to whatever did seem pleasant to him. He was ready for it of course. He wouldn't push. There was no point in doing that. He had only had the time to make meaning of all which he couldn't address. He would figure out that soon. He wasn't so sure about it. He didn't want to nurse the thought. He would figure out sooner or later. He was acquainted with that fact. Twould always come around. He could say that over and over again. Of course he wouldn't regret saying that. All it didn't say it out if course. He had enclosed it in his rage. He was mastering the whole art. He wanted to be the dean of atrocity. He was more than glad that the whole thing was coming out c