"Mother, why would you prune that? Of all pranks?"

       He was trying as much as possible to be sane. He didn't want to raise his voice of course. He was addressing his mother and should ascribe quite the great deal of respect. He knew that and was trying as much as hard to maintain that trail. That was a little bit of a faker skin compared to what had been supplanted, yet he could play around the odds. He didn't know what did get into her. He couldn't be sure. He wanted to be sure but had no means to be. He wanted to trail the tracks of odds and sieve several options time would not lease. His instinct was raged and his pain had been inflected. He was glad that he wasn't hurt and didn't know whether or not she was. That should matter to him of course, but a dark side in him almost would not give a shit about it. He was more of an inflection of odds. He didn't mind what he was turning into. He cou

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