A bell rumbled from the side of the cathedral square, announcing the end of another day. People - living and dead - involuntarily added a step. A prickly drizzle charged, and the outlines of the houses blurred, floated along the dirty streets. The first peals of thunder rolled along the horizon - a storm was promised.
The coming October tirelessly undermined the day. Early winter breathed after him, which, hand in hand with toothy winds, brought people of various occupations under the roofs of the city: pilgrims and merchants from the East, fallen maidens and gypsies, preachers and predictors of the Third End of the World, breters and mercenaries, merchants of holy relics and Lords of iron - many, many rogues that the Saved Kingdoms are so rich in.
Among these waves of playboys, Cres walked invisible. His tall figure under a fur hat flashed in the dim rays of the setting sun. His path lay along black pits, on the site of which there was once a great number of haunts - until recently Brokeback Street was famous for them. A group of children of the last victorious slaughter crowded in a cavalcade along the wall of one of the houses. Slanting and lame, they stretched out their hands, grabbing the clothes of anyone who escaped from the rain fast enough. One of the beggars, an old man in a faded uniform hung with clusters of faded medals, ventured to try his luck and, as if by chance, brushed Kres with his shoulder:
“To the glory of our Savior…” he habitually sang, drowning his crutches in a viscous puddle.
Cres bent over his ear and whispered a few words. The dim windows of the shack behind him reflected the gleam of a couple of coins and a wrinkled face that was instantly contorted.
The old man drew his bushy brows together in concentration and pointed the stump of his thumb at a gap behind him that could only be called an alley in jest. Cres thanked the beggar with another worn coin and, bowing his head low, like a sinner in a confessional, descended the boardwalk.
The sun went down over the edge of the roofs. The ringing of bells shook the city for the last time.
The path went deep into the yard gut; where the night darkness lurks like a wild beast. The noise of Brokeback Street was instantly bogged down in the mass of houses, choked in the viscous swamp underfoot. The street breathed dully in the back of Cres: the echoing tunnel, formed from a dirty gateway, was filled with sounds. Every crevice in the wall and dark corner breathed menace. Cres involuntarily quickened his pace when he caught an unkind muttering behind him. The hand itself lay on the whip under the cloak. It smelled like a sewer.
The desired house lurked in a dead end. A heavy sign with a harlequin gave him away. In one hand, he clutched a jagged cleaver, the other raised his own severed head high by the hair. A cheeky grin broke out on his face. A black liquid dripped from the iron hinges of the sign onto the ground.
At that moment, something grabbed Kres's sleeve.
Your love warms my pocket.
Cres lowered his chin slightly. Something shapeless and torn dangled from the boy's narrow shoulders. Her greasy tousled hair looked like a crow's nest. Two thorns in front of his eyes, thin - he looks about six years old at most.
"I'm afraid you can't afford my love," Cres muttered in a hoarse, hissing voice. It seemed to come out of his throat with an effort.
“Don’t be afraid for my pocket,” the street breeze grinned impudently, not letting go of his sleeve. – It is better to hold on to your Love and share it with me.
“Sharing with you was not part of my plans,” Cres sighed. “And what makes you think that you will like my love?”
– Why not? After all, Love is the same for everyone.
– Is that how? And what is it?
“Money,” the molestation bared a discordant row of a dozen teeth.
“Smart boy,” Kres grinned, rummaging through his pockets.
- I am a girl!
Before the coin had time to make even a dozen turns in the air, tenacious paws picked it up.
- You don't value your Love very much!
“That's enough for you,” Kres said, and went to the doll shop. At the door, he involuntarily turned around: from the girl there were only two prints on the greasy dirt. Cres could have sworn he didn't hear the squelching of bare feet. The beggar vanished like a ghost.
The door chimed with the chime of a bell. A stingy streetlight stepped into the tiny shop, lit by a single light on a table. The room was clamped on all sides by long, tall racks. With their tops they went high up to the ceiling and dissolved there in the darkness. As soon as Cres crossed the threshold, the front door closed by itself and left the guest alone with the inhabitants of the shop.
Hundreds and hundreds of dolls for every taste and budget met the visitor from the sagging shelves. They sat on the shelves in two or even three rows, their legs dangling absurdly in a childish way. Many powdered noble ladies in bright dresses and bouffant hairdos. Beautiful long-legged knights with sharp, sparkling swords. Against them, white-toothed gypsies froze in a frantic dance: men girded with blood-red sashes, and women in puffy, swollen skirts - guitars and cards in their hands. Harlequins and executioners, princes and beggars.
Having walked deep into the store, the visitor found himself surrounded by these creatures and more and more different faces were revealed to the eye. Cres was not a fan of various curiosities and trinkets, but his eyes involuntarily clung to one or another masterfully made toy. And the longer he peered into their clay faces and tenacious beady eyes, the sooner and more clearly he caught in them, along with childish charm, something frightening. Especially strange were the eyes, sparkling like fireflies in the forest, steadily following every step of the guest.
And then one doll, like the brightest star in the dark sky, captured his attention. Cres reached out and pulled out a figure in an inconspicuous black cloak. For a simple toy, it was quite heavy, under the clothes the torso turned out to be soft and pliable. Long black hair fell from under a shaggy hat. Swamp-colored eyes shone slyly from a pointed, pale face. On the doll's cheek, cold and smooth, grew a tiny fluff, like on the skin of a peach. The puppet boy would have been as handsome as a fairy-tale prince, if not for the wry expression of his lips, as if he understood what the devil's joke was, but was afraid to laugh, so as not to frighten his comrades.
With a sinking heart, Cres began to pull off one of the leather gloves from the doll. So it is - on the back of the pale palm shone a black star with a disgusting grinning muzzle.
Did you see someone you know?
In surprise, Kres turned around sharply, almost releasing the puppet of their hands. In front of him stood a little man in a green, soiled clothes - he jumped out as if from nowhere. He could easily be mistaken for one of the dolls, if not for the lively, wet eyes that looked at the guest with undisguised interest, looking out from under the cap of matted hair. With his long, hooked nose, he looked like a dirty crow on a perch. The lower half of the face was covered with a high collar. The little man put his hands behind his back and, with a masterly look, began to sway on his toes.
- Do not rush, choose! he shouted, making an inviting gesture. The voice was so thin that it would easily suit a girl. – I am sure that here you can easily find what your soul so desires. Do you want a gift for yourself? Beloved? Daughter? If you find it difficult to decide, then you are welcome to follow me to the back room. We can find something more interesting there. If you have special predilections, then I think we will figure it out here.
“No, thank you,” Kres muttered under his breath, unable to tear himself away from his find. Did it seem to him, or did the eye of this thing really squint in the direction of the puppeteer?
“Interesting things cost a lot of work,” the little man winked mysteriously. -These beauties require special skills, and only then they turn out the way you want to see them.
- So frightening?
“So frighteningly beautiful ,” the puppeteer corrected him with a chuckle in his voice. “After all, to give these cuties a special character, to breathe life into them and make them speak , a lot of work is required. Unfortunately, there are few people here, but this allows me to deal with them to my heart's content. But diligence pays off. Each of these babies has their own special story. Here, take this one.” He nodded at the doll in Kres's hands. “When I was doing her, she whispered her story in my ear. Very beautiful, sad story. Do you want to hear it?
Before Cres could answer, the doll seemed to leap into its maker's arms. For some time the puppeteer stood, pressing the toy to his ear.
- Really? How sad... Did you hear?! Poor creature! The little man shook his head. The kid has been through so much. So many humiliations and hardships: he committed terrible deeds for those whose lips do not dry out from blood, he was driven through the forests, and then years of senseless wanderings and slavery. They branded him like a dog!
The walls of the room with the dolls sitting on the shelves seemed to take a step forward - closer to the speakers, not wanting to miss a single word.
“And how much my little friend endured on his way to me,” the puppeteer continued to squeal. - Imagine: he came here from afar! From that place, which is scary to even hint at ... in our turbulent times.
The puppeteer put the doll to his ear again and whispered something to her.
“Uuu…really?” he continued. What an unfortunate girl. This must happen! Such a thing to do with the poor thing, but the poor boy wanted the best! And after that, he was forced to hunt for sick children ... Sir? I see you are pale. It's just a story. Story! It's amazing how often people get offended by fairy tales, especially when you yourself tell them that this is a fairy tale, even if there is some terrible truth in each .
The swindler uttered the last phrase with special pressure. Kres' heart was already fluttering with might and main. He rushed forward, intending to grab the little man by the scruff of the neck, but he caught the void - the puppeteer had already disappeared among hundreds and hundreds of his creatures. Cres walked quickly towards the exit, but quickly discovered that the door was lost among the broken, buckling shelves, and finding it now would be much more difficult than finding a pin in this cramped, dark, dirty shack. In an instant, something subtly changed and the shop turned into an abandoned labyrinth littered with dusty toys, and new inhabitants appeared on the shelves.
When Kres was just taking his first steps on the rotten floor and examining the shelves, somewhere deep inside, a desire to escape from this place flashed. But he could not accurately guess the reason, so he considered this cowardice, not worthy of attention. Something frightened him. It was something sitting there, closer to the ceiling, hidden by darkness. And now it descended as the darkness grew thicker, as if it could really be grabbed by its spiky beard. As if on cue, a downpour rumbled outside the window. Underfoot something moved, something creaked under the soles, clung to the trouser leg with claws.
“Did I hurt you, sir… Cres?” - flashed the voice of the puppeteer from the fat darkness, teeming with something clumsy and toothy.
- How do you know my name? Who are you? Kres blurted out, stepping back to the only lighted wall that wasn't occupied by a rack of dolls. But even behind it something tossed and scraped, trying to escape.
Kres felt dizzy: the puppeteer's voice sounded from one side, then from the other. The puppets themselves seemed to speak to him, moving closer and closer, snapping at his every move.
“I'm just a puppeteer, lord,” came a voice from behind the wall through gnashing of teeth. - I'm just a fan of all sorts of stories and fairy tales. I know a lot of them: about everything and about everyone. Want a different story? He knows a lot of them. For example, he can tell about one mediocre gray-haired scoundrel with whom our hero had to spend many years. Vile vampire henpecked?! Don't do it, dear!
“I didn’t come to listen to fairy tales,” Kres said decisively, unwinding a long whip. The floorboards in front of him cracked and bent under heavy hooves, threatening to crack. "Come on, you damn bastard!"
- What jokes are there, Mr. Cres, - the little man humbly stepped out of the darkness into a circle of light and immediately the fuss in the dark died out. “I just thought I'd have some fun. Cheer up! I told you that rarely anyone comes here. I wanted to tell a story. And stories, they demand to be told. They don't like, you know, collecting dust on the shelves.
“You will tell stories to girls in a tavern,” Kres replied gloomily, slowly reeling in the whip. "What the hell is this anyway?"
Are you talking about my friends? The puppeteer blinked in disbelief. “Looks like they scared you a lot. But the hostess told me that you are not a shy guy.
- Where's she? I just…
“I know why you are here,” the puppeteer interrupted him. “Trust me, sir, otherwise you would have passed by and not noticed our colorful sign. How is she to you, by the way?
“Ugly, just like your friends.” Take me to your mistress. Somehow I didn’t want to buy this dirty trick, - Kres pointed his finger at the toy, which the puppeteer was still holding in his hands.
“It’s a pity…” the puppeteer sighed and put the toy back in its original place. “And Mrs. Koch is not here right now, I’m sorry.” He scratched his eyebrow in a businesslike manner and raised a finger. “Although, I can arrange everything if you promise to listen to another story…”
"Come here, you little bastard!"
This time, Kres certainly expected to grab him and never let him go.
- Well, as you say, - the puppeteer squeaked and, for the second time, dodging his hands, disappeared into the darkness.
Related Chapters
Time Of Traitors 2
Whispers and gnashings immediately returned, something heavy and clawed began to stir and jump around the corners. Cres picked up a kerosene stove from the table in the hope of dispersing the villains in their holes, or at least to understand who he would face. Only puppet eyes still protruded from the gloom, as if stars were winking from the bottom of a well.Cursing all the Khamers and their mothers, Kres found with difficulty the ajar door hidden behind the desk. Behind it, a low corridor, more reminiscent of an earthen hole, stretched like a snake. At the end, there was a tiny strip of light on the floor. Closing the door tightly behind him, Cres walked straight towards it. A frightening rattle breathed into the back of the head, which did not even think to calm down. The floor suddenly wobbled like the deck of a ship, nearly knocking Cres off his feet. The boards creaked under heels, pressed in and cracked, clinging to the sole with nails. The dark tunnel stubbornly did not want
Time Of Traitors 3
He threw the whip over his shoulder and dragged his beloved on a leash, burrowing deeper and deeper into the Wild Taiga. The road was left far behind, and only serpentine animal paths led away from the past life - to the country of barbarians and legendary monsters, in which people can only believe.Ada's arms were tied behind her back, a noose was pulled around her hips, as if she were a sacrificial lamb. The girl kept trying to break free and run away. Why and where - she herself did not know, she was driven only by fear and madness. Both were reflected in her eyes like two bright stars, in pairs: first one, then the other.The horse was left to rot on the road a day ago. A good horse: she retreated under him for three years, not knowing fatigue and fear. Not knowing pity for enemies. Not knowing the pity of the owner. Cres heard the growing terrible rales clearly, but for some reason he did not slow down, but kept urging the animal on with the steel stars of his spurs, glancing aro
Time Of Traitors 4
For some time the Prisoner could not recover his breath from fear, while his weakening heart trembled in his ears, and his nerves cracked and torn like rigging aboard a ship dying in a storm. He got up on shaky legs, but could not stand it and sat down on a straw bed, the only object in the cell besides the stinking pot in the corner. The prisoner tried to detach himself from the world around him so that these frightening sounds would leave him alone. But with each new step of the shod boot, the frail body on the floor was shaken by a new wave of panic fever, thoughts jumped more and more frantically - from the past to the future and back, the mind refused to admit that its turn had come. The prisoner tried with all his strength to drive reality as deep as possible inside, but it pressed with a vengeance.The prisoner crawled away from the door, dissolved in darkness, pressed his cheek against the cold stone. Even though the walls are lined with scratched cobblestones, behind them one
Time Of Traitors 5
And her, too, to Senches and his wives, living and dead. Cres turned and walked back.Ada was still sleeping sweetly, covered with a cloak with her head. Cres took time to push his beloved and decided to do warm things. The bag contained a jacket, a pair of holey mittens, and pants heavily moth-eaten. Not God knows what, but it could hardly have been better. At least Kres no longer risked his trousers, and that's not bad.Clutching his clothes to himself, he turned around and froze - Ada was sitting on the floor and rubbing her swollen eyelids.…Good morning my love. Breakfast is ready. And you?I secretly hoped that this time I wouldn't have to drag you by force. Maybe today you will open your eyes and look at me with that old look?Yes, that would be nice.Today I won't have to shove bread into you piece by piece, fight for every new step, drag you in my arms, fight until you stop screaming and biting?It's the same game, silly.Today is not that terrible day when I will again be f
Time Of Traitors 6
Enough of these games, dear. Your cat is tired.There was nothing he could do now, he had to move on if he did not want to wander around this place in the dark. Then Cres quickly gathered the remaining things and threw a bag over himself. He dragged the saddle into the house and plugged it deeper from prying eyes. The thing is expensive, but it was impossible to carry the girl and carry this thing with you.With great difficulty, he managed to put the girl on his back and rise, holding her by the calves - Ada did not even flinch. It weighed a little more than the saddle left behind - his eternal thin man on water and bread was losing weight very much every day, and the road promised nothing but sweat and tears. A couple more careful steps and he was more or less used to the new burden. It seems to work, if only the boots would not fall off her thin ankles and then they would not have to come back for them.They went deep into the unknown, and the days were intensely followed by days.
Time Of Traitors 7
Suddenly, the ground beneath him rushed away, and Cres rolled head over heels into the ravine. From the wet and cold ground, there was no longer any reason to curse the white light. He is tired.The wound was driving him crazy - he felt it, just to the left of the navel. At every wrong move, the flesh groaned as if it had been torn with iron hooks. Soon the composition will begin to operate, and then Kres will be able to rise - wait a little more and he will immediately go on.... until the pain in his eyes peered into the inaccessible sky. High above, blue stars blazed above the sweeping paws of the refs. The strength to rise went to look for the sun.Soon the pain really receded - through the body, from the top of the head to the tips of the fingers, grateful warmth spread. Immediately, a pleasant drowsiness pressed persistently on the eyelids, whispering a long-forgotten lullaby into my ear. Cres took a deep breath, thankfully free of the hot cage that tentacles of pain had encased
Time Of Traitors 8
They were alone, far from Ada, and that was the most important thing. Cres threw back his head - hooked branches scratched the sky. The tree was tall, climbing it would not be difficult for a stubborn boy who just wants to survive.Bosorka, crouching with her stomach to the ground and raising her ass like a cat, slowly approached - she hoped to finish him off with one movement, and then play enough.He jumped, completely forgetting how seriously injured he was, and clenched his fingers on the first branch. His feet slid over the bark, but he held on, hauling himself up and clutching at another branch, gritting his teeth in pain. Another impossible move, and the yellow leaves covered him completely. Bosorka, either from hatred, or from the anticipation of an imminent feast, tore his throat for the whole district, cutting circles around the trunk. The beast was preparing to release his guts, and he would not have done anything to stop her claws, but the dirty nature still took its toll.
Time Of Traitors 9
“It's not too late to turn back…” she whispered in his ear.His sister was sitting in the back with her arms wrapped around his waist. From the saddlebags came a plaintive meow.- Well, I do not! Say goodbye to childhood, sis.Nitsiri Saret hit the horse decisively with his spurs. The crow under him balked and puffed, but obeyed the order, waving his thick mane. Behind were the cities and forests of the great Albia. Ahead was an unkind, ancient, dense forest full of monsters and ghosts.In farewell, Nitsiri raised his hand, fingers spread wide.– Why are you? Vikta snapped him up. - We're just for a couple of days ... You're not going to? ..“I’m going to,” Nitsiri nodded, guiding his horse past the guard tower. Soldiers ran out to meet them, rattling iron, but Sareth pulled back his cloak and showed the Ruby Blade in its ornate scabbard. A scarlet pommel and a guard of skillful work flashed radiantly - the key to all doors. The border guards hurriedly retreated, bowing their heads in
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Cres rose with an effort. All of his muscles were curled into one tight knot and were reluctantly relaxing now. The wind roared in the head and in the corners of the hut. He raised his head and only then saw the second dog-head dying on the floor in a foul-smelling puddle. And above him, Leshy's eyes burn with primal malice, illuminated from within by some kind of silvery sheen. In the dim light, the herbalist looked less and less human.- What are you standing for? Grab your grandma and tick!He said, turned on his heels and, as if nothing had happened, went to the door, wiping his bloody palms on his trousers.Cres threw off his stupor, felt for the half-dead Ada and climbed out the window. Vassa followed him.“I’m already tired of sharpening laces with you, wanderer! shouted outside. - If you don't want it to be good, we'll be bad!Footsteps thundered. Closer and closer.“Wait, what if he still has my shava?” - whispered somewhere very close. Cres recognized that voice: it was Golg
- Are you serious?! The messenger is already over a hundred, and I have nine winters and one summer! - Vassa could not stand it and shook all over. - A good defender - he could not even kill that bastard who killed his father in front of everyone. You protected your mother, now you are responsible for her!“Shut up,” said Kres, unwinding the whip in front of Vassa. - You do not understand anything.– I understand everything! Father is gone now, and there is no one to protect mother. You are a coward who only cares about himself!- And this is what the one who climbed into the house with a knife, where the defenseless girl is sleeping, is telling me?“She is not defenseless,” Vassa gritted his teeth in an attempt to hold back tears. - That's all she is. She is to blame! Because of her, Yuvasa died, because of her, rats attack us. She bewitched everyone - Khalsa, father, mother, Messenger, and especially you! You talk about her all the time.- How are you concerned about this? I am sitt
Khalsa and Musa were burned after sunset, right on top of the Sacred Tree. Kisha herself brought the torch to the feet of both, loudly and distinctly uttered all the necessary praises and appeals to the d'ahs, and did not leave the raging flame until the bones of the warriors turned to ashes. Her children were surrounded by monotonously howling former Khalsa dog-heads - they crowded in a circle, wiping their tears and shifting from foot to foot, because they had nowhere else to go. Vassa soon disappeared somewhere, and Cres did not see the wolf cub all night, which seemed to him too long.Keisha collected the ashes left from both fallen warriors, without anyone's help she climbed onto a branch of the Sacred Ref and scattered the ashes in the wind.Cres wanted so badly to drop everything and run to the Skin House, where he left Ada in the care of an eccentric he barely knew. What's wrong with her now? Did this Leshy offend her? He sent Ieassa and Shuna to them - to find out what and ho
Vassa screamed terribly, as he had never screamed in his life. But his cry was quickly drowned out by the outburst of indignation that exploded in the audience. The circle of d'ahs has not seen such a disgrace in many winters and years. To the cries of indignation, he, not remembering himself, rushed across the sand to his already dead father.- Fool, come back! - belatedly exclaimed, but it was too late.A blade flashed in Vassa's hand. Baring his teeth, Asa raised his hand with the sword, covered in the blood of his father.It rumbled as if a huge leather string had been torn. The knife fell out of the fingers of the wolf cub, buried in the sand. Vassa ripped open the bloody mass of sand with his face. The crowd sighed in one breath, exhaled, choked on their own cry, when Vassa was abruptly dragged back, away from the blade, which only missed his head by a finger.Going through all the curses with which Senches filled his brain over the past twenty-eight winters, Cres quickly pulled
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The sun was looming in the pre-morning haze and slightly outlined the black refs, slightly powdered with snow, and people were already flocking to the top of the Heart-House, heading straight for the temple, where preparations for the sacred duel were already in full swing. The people lined up along the edges of the sand circle, right under the wooden faces of the d'ahs, carefully watching each villager. When Vassa and his family climbed to the upper platform and stood directly under a huge statue with a bear's head, snowflakes were flying in the air, it was fresh and quiet. The cub shuddered and began to rub his palms. The day promised clear and frosty.My father closed his eyes and whispered something silently. Prayed, I guess. Noticing the attentive look of his son, Musa smiled and tousled his hair. The mother whispered something to the father, and the smile instantly faded from his face.“I told him not to twist the tail,” muttered Musa. “But he never leaves the d'hanka.It only m
The pebble rolled across her palm like an apple on a saucer. His eye beckoned and frightened at the same time. A light yellowish glow emanated from it, and if it becomes even brighter, then you can naturally fall into it and get stuck there forever.Give him blood to drink and urgently! If they don't hurry, then Sareth's torment in Barandarud will go down the drain.“Mine was better,” Vikta said, handing it back to her brother. She grimaced and said it more out of spite. Her ears were stuffed and for a moment the light faded in her eyes, as soon as the little thing fell into her hands. It was just breathtaking. Brother's Philosopher's Stone was strong. Very strong.Sareth didn't answer, didn't even raise his head, didn't make a single move to take his jewel."He's yours," he replied, poking his wand at the fire.Victa thought she had misheard.“Take it,” she said, handing him the stone.Is he yours, deaf or what? he muttered.- Like this? she couldn't believe her ears. - I already loo
“I remember the darkness,” Sareth was saying. “And some prickly creatures. I remember how they purred contentedly and pinched me painfully, as if I were a calf that they go to slaughter. Abomination - I do not want to remember! I know you might think I'm crazy..."No, I don't think so," she cut him off. - This is true. The Khamer saved you."Saved" and "Khamers" in one sentence. She couldn't help but smile bitterly.- The ones that Ryzhek spoke about ? Looks like Les is really a wonderful place.“I'm already fed up with these miracles of his,” Vikta turned away. “We were supposed to spend a week here at the most and return home, and everything stretched out almost ... Senches knows how long! And the end of all this promises to be not at all happy, as in your stupid fairy tales. Well, that's why, it happened to you? Where did you go, fool? What have you achieved?“I don’t know,” Sareth grimaced, as if from a headache. - I haven't checked yet.– Yes, what are you talking about? Vikta ex
Akai left them almost at the exit. Victa hooted as the weight of a heavy body rested on her frail shoulders. She clenched her teeth and tried to take a step, and flopped to the ground.“What a clumsy you are, Vikta. - Complained her escort. “Better drag him by the armpits.” It's too heavy for you to carry in your arms.Vikta, puffing from the effort, did as the underground inhabitant advised. In the same way, she once dragged the dead Apol out of the cave in order to give the Khamer for the profit. There was still nothing to be seen around, but she felt that gradually her eyes began to pick out separate outlines from the environment. Akai was here too, although she couldn't see anything clear beyond a vague black spot. And only once in the emerging light two menacing eyes seemed to flash."Don't get distracted and don't look at me," he advised her. Vikta immediately lowered her eyes to the ground, and continued to drag the man to the surface. Akai didn't say another word, didn't even