Chapter 0038: Dragon Training

"Dang! Dang! Move aside!" Early in the morning, the bronze bell on the clock tower of the Five-Colored Dragon Castle was struck by the stationed Storm Giant, and the melodious and deep sound of the bell spread to every corner of the castle.

The entire Five-Colored Dragon Castle was boiling with excitement. At the moment the bell rang, nearly a hundred doors were opened simultaneously, and tiny dragons with big heads and small bodies rushed out of their rooms like they were on fire, eagerly heading towards the same place in the castle.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! We have to get to the dining hall before the bell stops ringing."

"Don't block the way, I don't want to be punished by Muria."

"Move aside, move aside, if you don't move, I'll breathe fire!"

"Come on, breathe it out, I'm not afraid of you, Red Dragon!"

"You foolish dragons, fight all you want. If you're late, just accept Muria's punishment quietly. Don't scream in misery later."

The corridors, originally wide enough for four giants t
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