Chapter 0039: The Sound of Bell and Feast

"No, please!"


As the two weak struggling cries faded away, the whole dining hall erupted into cheers and excitement. Seeing their kind in trouble made these little dragons ecstatic, even though most of them had experienced the punishment array before.

"These jerks." Muria looked somewhat speechless as he watched the rowdy hatchlings below, silently cursing them.

On the platform below, the little blue dragon, who had been forcibly dragged into the array, was immersed in bone-chilling freezing water, struggling weakly. As a dragon species that liked to nest in hot deserts, being soaked in icy water was extremely uncomfortable for blue dragons.

Meanwhile, the little red dragon, receiving its punishment in a different array, was enveloped in a water ball, but unlike the near-white ball of the blue dragon, the water surrounding the red dragon was a bluish hue.

Although it didn't have the bone-chilling coldness, it was still discomforting for the little red dragon, as it was made of a
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