Too Late To Return: The Hidden Trillionaire Heir
Too Late To Return: The Hidden Trillionaire Heir
Author: B.Initial

"Welcome back young master." Henry's subjects bowed before him.

Exclusive sports cars that could only be spotted in the country were littered around the arena. The splendid welcome rug was enough to make the jaws of anyone fall apart. 

Together with the apex building that shaded its shadows around Henry, the extent of his power could not be fathomed.

The subordinate tore apart in separating motions, leaving a straight line in their middle and revealing a lady coated in splendor.

Her age counted up to forty but she was still beaming like the morning sun ray and the perfect smile, skin as smooth as silk.

"Welcome back Henry." Her hands were wide as they engaged each other in a warm hug of delight.

It's been three years now that Henry was sent away from his home. It was the family's tradition that for one to become the heir, they had to face three forms of hardship..

Failure to do this would also mean forfeiting their rights to becoming the heir. 

First, they face some sort of hardship on the Joyce streets.

Leading the life of a poor man. His body was covered with dust, showing the extent to which he had suffered.

Stomach rumbled.

Henry's mother smiled.

"Come with me." She said,

 A feast had already been prepared for him and he gulped it down. It had been such a long time since he had such really good food. For three years, he had only been fed with leftovers.

Afterwards, his mother came to him when he was done eating.

"That's a gift from the Floater family group, for passing the test to become the next heir." She handed a sunflower yellow card to him.

 She was sure proud of her son.

It was one that was extensive only to the Floater family and the least amount that can be found in such is ten billion Dollars.

"Thank you mother." He appreciated it with a smile.

Henry could still remember his yells and wild appeals when they wanted to send him away from the family.

"I could never have done it without you by my side mother." He muttered and embraced her once again.

Henry was led to the inner roam where the men of luxury and the highest class in the city waited for him.

They all fell on their knees to greet the next heir of the Guild family.

"Welcome back young master." They announced.

He smiled.

Madame Gu went up to him and handed him a sheet of paper. He already knew the rules of the game, once he passed the test, a new company was going to be created in collaboration with a lower company.

A list was also brought forward before him but he didn't even bother to go through them.

It was his second Mission to become the heir, he had to form a cooperation with any company interested and build a world class company. 

A Loan spamming up to a trillion dollars would be given to him for this course. And the list brought before him was for the first nomination.

 Without even taking a look at the list, he announced.

"I will go with the Guild family and the top highest form on the list." He announced.

The joy that once clouded the face of his mother washed up in an instant.

"I know how much they have mistreated you since you got married to this family, why do you still want to favor them?" She wondered if her son was making a terrible decision.

His slight sigh escaped from his mouth, during the process of his hardship, he had fallen in love with a maiden.

Her family treated him like trash because they felt that he was broke and needed someone else.

But even though they all treated him with so much contempt, Linda was still different. This was the time that he got to wash up all the tears from her eyes and make the rest of the family pay for what they did to him.

"Consider it as our wedding anniversary gift Mother." He resorted to a gentle smile but was not going to give in yet.

"You can't run business with sentiments Henry, you can only choose the best candidate." Madame Gu tried to change his mind but it was already fixed.

"I know what I am doing mother." He said calmly.

Even though she was not okay with it, Madame Gu had to give in to his son's wish but with a sigh that listed the amount of her despair.

"If you say so." She began.

"I will inform the secretary to pass this message along to them. If you do well with this establishment, I am sure that no one would be able to challenge your right as the heir."

They spent some time together. And even though the mother and son never wanted to go their separate ways again, they knew that it was inevitable for them.

He has business to do.

Henry got out from the Floater family Villa and reached out to his best friend, Fred, instructing him to reserve the most spacious setting in the whole of the city.

"It's time for payback." He muttered into the cell phone.

His next point of call was the small Villa owned by the Guild family group. They were gathered around for their usual family dinner.

But the moment he made his way into the large hall, there was a twitch in the atmosphere.

His mother-in-law, Madam Catherine was the first to notice his unwelcome presence in the place.

He was confused. The Guild family had never had such an elaborate ceremony before.

"Could that be the reason that he was sent out?" His subconsciousness spoke back at him.

"What are you doing here?" She slotted angrily at him.

"I'm here to see my wife, should there be a problem with that." He responded.

Everyone in the hall was astonished by his words and sudden boldness. She glared at him, turning over to the door.

"I want you out of this place right this moment." She thundered.

"Mother, what is going on here?" A voice proceeded from behind, followed by the clicking of heels down the stairs.

Madam Catherine's voice softened noticing the presence of her daughter. 

Henry could not help but also smile even amid his mother-in-law's hateful glaze.

But there was some sort of panic in her eyes too. Henry soon noticed it. It was a manly figure, collapsing right behind her steps.

His face beamed in the ray of light, who wouldn't know him? The city's most spoiled kid and son of a milling company in the city.

Henry coughed loudly, taken aback by what stood before him.

Kelvin had always wooed her, making friends and getting the praises of the rest of the family. 

He could not help but abhor dirty thoughts in his mind. Even though one part of his body was unstable.

Immediately their eyes crossed paths, and she frowned. "You are here." Her voice was like a cold stab through his heart while Kelvin smiled.

Henry's feet were numb, unable to speak for a certain period.

Finally, he was able to maintain his composure. His shock soon washed up with anger.

"Are you cheating on me, Linda? Is that the reason I was sent out in the first place? So that you will have time with your lover?"

Linda's frown deepened. She didn't feel that she owed him any explanation, especially to a junkyard like his.

"I want you to feel? Like I owe you an explanation? So what if I am cheating?"

He was taken aback by her cold words... Even though she was drawing backward lately, Henry never thought that she would openly cheat on him with another man.

And still have the guts to spill a bit out on his face as though it meant absolutely nothing to her.

Henry's hands were clenched with anger. The extent rising to his throat that he could hardly breathe properly.

"Do you realize that we are legally married? And you cheat on me as though it means nothing?"

"It means nothing to me because if I may ask, were you ever anything?" She sprouted out.

"I feed you every day and the only thing that you do is feast with my money. You were nothing but a worthless fool." She thundered back.

"Do you know the day I regret most, it was the day I looked up to you and thought that I had seen a man in you.

But after three years, you have successfully activated your category to that of a dog."

Soon, Linda brought out her cell phone from her pocket and pointed an image to his face.

Henry's eyes were focused on it. He noticed that it was the cooperation nominations that he was going to head.

His eyes farrowed, feeling the pain of heartbreak, welling up through his heart even more.

"Kelvin was effortlessly able to get me on the list. When the only thing that you do is lay around like the devil's workshop."

"This is my way of telling him thank you." She opined. Brought out a sheet of paper from her bag and pasted it on the table.

"That's our divorce agreement, specially prepared by my lawyer. Sign here." She pointed to the red spot lying at the right hand of the papers.__

"I already signed it, you don't have to waste any more of my time

, sticking those broken asses of yours to me." She responded with fury in her eyes.

Henry opened his mouth to speak but his voice cracked before he could say any word.

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