Henry scoffed, bitter sorrows welling up through his vines. He had given her the company to tell her it was a gift for their wedding anniversary.

But there she was, divorcing him because of it. His heart raced harder, increasing the height of his pain.

"Do you believe he did it for you?" Henry shot a cold and gave right into her eyes.

His words made cold waves of laughter go around the hall like multiple chatters.

"Stop being such a fool already." James, the eldest son of the family, sprouted out.

"If it wasn't Kelvin that did it, who else could have." His laughter welled up even more.

"Maybe he is going to tell us next that he was the one that got the contract for himself. How pathetic." Others laughed.

Kelvin smiled, pushing himself into the spotlight, and said. 

"I know that you are bitter now brother and you can't acknowledge what I did for them.

And I know the reason that you are afraid to sign the contract, you don't know how you are going to live on the streets. But you don't have to worry, I am ready to offer you a job." He sounded like the most considerate person that ever landed himself on the surface of the earth.

"Just look at his stinky hair, you should follow his example. Even though you are so ungrateful and inconsiderate, he still treats you like a human."

"I think he should just be left to rot on the street."

"No matter what, he is still human." Another said.

There was an evil smirk underneath his shiny smile. But Henry's attention was rather focused on Linda.

"Did you ever love me?" His voice carried an epitome of pain. But her proceeding words were spoken to crush his heart without a single sight of pity.

"Love isn't met for pigs which you are classified under." She responded.

There was nothing in her eyes. Her greed had blinded her from seeing the truth. When they first got married, he had promised her to give her anything that she wanted.

A long sigh of despair from his lips.

"If this is your last wish, then I am going to grant it." He replied.

"And do it quickly." Linda handed over the pen to him in haste.

There was a deadly smirk on Kelvin's lips and the rest of the family celebrated the beginning of an uprising.

Or their downfall as you will call it.

"Here, I am done." He handed over the piece of paper away.

"And I don't need your job either." Kelvin knew that he was the one being referred to.

Slow steps were heard. The rest of the family gritted their teeth in irritation behind him. "Such a fool. Someone needs to teach him a really good lesson for talking to Kelvin in such a manner." Another one of them added but he stopped them.

"Leave him alone, mother. At least, we are never going to cross paths again." Linda stopped them in haste and stomped upstairs...

Or maybe the story just began?


It was already late in the night. Hours had passed since he sat on the beach on the street. Watching the numbers of passers-by dwindle slowly.

If he was in his right mind, he would have surely been able to count all of them. The mist clouded the pain in his eyes, followed by a long sigh.

His phone made a beeping sound and he picked it up without caring to look at the caller.

From the voice that streamed out from his cell phone, he could notice that it was his best friend who was calling.

"Hey Henry, you asked me to make a reservation. Aren't you coming here with your love anymore?" There was a trace of friendly mockery in his voice.

"Cancel the reservation." Henry's voice was called.

"But why? Are you okay? But you spent millions of dollars on this reservation already." The voice from the other end of the phone sounded weak and confused.

"Does it matter anymore?" He soon ended the call.

Right after the call, a curly roll of expensive white sports cars, which could only be found in the whole of the country, waved their way toward him.

The few people that remained on the street were awe-struck by it, their breaths stuck in their lungs as they brought out their cell phones from their pockets to take care of it.

"I am sure this is going to go viral."

"Who is that young man?" The thick mist blurred their views.

"I am sure that he must be some invincible heir."

"Omg. I wish I was his wife, I would never suffer again." A girl was humping on her feet with excitement.

"Young master.." A man dressed in the most glittering gold suit even in the deemed street lights got out of the car and knelt before him.

"Your mother seeks your presence." He said humbly.

He wanted to be left alone but he already knew the kind of lady that he had as a mother.

Henry nodded his head, the door was opened and he humped him while the cars zoomed off in a straight line.

The girls around had their faces already red like a tomato, humping and blushing with their hands on their lips.


Hopefully for Henry, from the way that his mother spoke, he could already tell that she didn't know about what had happened just yet.

"Henry, you are late again, do you realize that this night is going to be one of the most crucial moments of your life?" She shot a motherly frown at him.

"How did those punks force you up with so many tasks again?" She blotted.

"No mother. I was just taking a stroll on the streets, I will get ready for the party right away." He replied.

Henry stormed inside and took his bath. After which he got into his clothes and walked outside.

"Ready already!" There was a weak smile on his face as he spun around.

Madame Gu was stunned.

She never expected that her son would dress so lowly for such an important event. Has this lay low of life gotten into his head?

"That punk called Lady Catherine." She growled, already brewing hatred in her heart. 

She paused.

"Do you intend to kill me before my time young man?" She shot.

Even with his heavy heart, Henry could not help but smile at her words. She brought her cell phone and began to place a call.

"I just called Jen Rosid Mall, they will be open for the next twenty-four hours, I won't allow you to go to the Apex party." She replied.

"But Mom, I am comfortable with this." He tried to object, not wanting formalities wrapped around his neck.

She brought out a card and handed it over to him with a frown.

"Don't lecture me, now take this and give it to the mall manager or anyone there, they are going to understand." She said,

But, he was about to object but Madam Gu would not allow him to make out words.

"No buts, just take this." She replied.

She lost her husband and has always been swayed around by the family though she had been able to keep a really strong stance. If there was something that he never wanted was to cause his loving mother any form of stress.

"If that's going to make you happy." He took the card from her.

As Henry walked off from the place, she could not help but look at her from behind and smile. "What a well-mannered child I have raised. I wished your father was here, we wouldn't have suffered a lot." She shook her head.

The driver was already waiting for him outside but getting closer to the mall, he told the driver to draw a stop.

"This would be enough." He muttered out 

The driver knew more than to argue with him at this moment and he nodded.

Henry got out of the car and got into the shiny hall of the mall. The sight of the lights and perfect structure was breathtaking.

He could tell that the store had just happened and he wanted to make things as snappy as possible, he wouldn't want to waste any more of their time.

A receptionist was seen dusting the entrance of the hall. She was the only one available there so Henry walked up to her.

"Hey, miss. Can I get a little of your time?" He inquired.

The sales a

gent turned around and their eyes interlocked with each other and he frowned.

"Not another beggar?" He mumbled aloud.

"Pardon?" Henry's eyes were bloodshot.

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