Chapter 3

There was a strange recognition between them both as they kept on staring at each of them.

Then Henry does not notice where he might have known her from. That was the very well-known Evelyn, his previous colleague where he walked as a Janitor. 2468

She is his senior and has always been torn on the flash during that period.

"What are you doing here? Just a small opportunity and you were already planning to steal?" She threw away every single inch of her professionalism since they were the only ones in the store after all.

Henry was stunned.

"Steal?" His brows furrowed.

"Don't act like you are deaf, if you aren't here to steal, then tell me, what else are you here to do?" She replied.

Her heart seemed open to hear him out. But there was every trace of mockery in her voice. 

"I came here to get some clothes." He responded, not expecting her to believe anyway.

The laughter that spewed from her mouth had the energy to awaken the neighbors in the area.

She tried to stop but her wits were not enough for her to.

"You came here to get clothes you said." She was finally able to get a grip of herself with slight chuckles.

"What do you think, that this place is a thrift store where people of your nature even get clothes?" She paused and pushed forward towards him.

"Let me even ask you. Can you even afford a thrift store? I heard your mother-in-law took all your earnings after all. So I am sure you just steal them or take them off from the trash can." Evelyn responded.

If there was anything that he didn't want, it would be to Bater's words with her. 

"I don't have all the time in the world Evelyn." He replied, already getting fed up with her attitude.

"I don't have time for yours either."

She braised up, took a mirror, and stared at herself. For the first time, he noticed that apart from the sales agent badge that she was putting on, she had her makeup on and clothing that showed her cleavage.

"And you will have to leave at this moment. We are expecting a VVIP guest, you don't want to ruin our work for us.". She replied.

He could already tell why she was going the extra mile to dress so well. She wanted to look good for the heir.

"How pathetic," Henry muttered to his inner self, feeling every bit of irritation.

"Are you still standing here?" She yelled at him.

His calm was gradually beginning to slip away, producing rage in the deepest part of him.

"And what if I decide not to?" His hands were crossed over his chest, staring at her with assurance.

His sudden air of confidence was baffling to Evelyn But she wasn't frightened. She braised herself up and went ahead to say.

She chuckled.

"Thank God my boss already made provision if things like this happened. A year or two in jail would not be too bad for your upbringing." She snarled.

Bringing out her cell phone from her pockets, she was placed in a halt when she heard someone gasping for breath.

Shockwaves went down her spine at first until she finally paused to see who it was. To her surprise, it was her boss, drenched with sweat.

Her heart shifted from its initial position.

"Why is he running so fast that he is even out of breath? Could there be a problem?"

"Sir Mark, are you okay? Do I need to lock the shop?" She was frightened, forgetting that she had an ass to treat.

"Is he here already?" Mr. Mark inquired.

Her expression twitched.

"He? I am confused. Who are you talking about Mr. Mark?" Evelyn replied.

"Don't be so dumb Evelyn. Who else will I be talking about apart from the heir? I need to treat him personally. But I was already leaving the City.

I can't miss this opportunity to see the heir, maybe my life is going to change for good." He was breathing heavily.

She had always heard of the heir but didn't know that he was that powerful to put even someone like Mr. Mark who was well known in the city to his heels.

"I have to try my best to get him under my whip." She thought once again.

"Who is that?" He eventually noticed someone that was standing at the far end of the look.

His eyes examined the person closer and he frowned.

"Did you allow another one of those beggars in anger?" He raised an eyebrow and Evelyn quickly went ahead to deny the fact.

"I was already planning to get the police to kick him out of this place as soon as possible before you walked in." She further responded.

His hands popped and his lips lid twitched.

"Those dumb assholes, did they have to pick a day together?" He growled.

Mr. Mark got over to Henry and shot a stare at him.

Henry, who had to hear what they had been saying since they were far apart, stretched out his hands.

"You must be the manager here."

Mr. Mark was stunned. Picking a glance at Henry's hands and returning his gaze to him.

"You fool. How dare you walk into this place. Do you think that we offer Charity services here?" He glared.

Henry was taken aback by his words. He thought that the manager was going to display some atom of professionalism but it turned out that he was even worse than his employee.

No wonder they could work hand in hand.

"Pardon?" Henry's eye, though twitched, was still able to maintain his calm.

"Spear me the act already and go straight to what you want. You are here to beg for a dollar or two right? Huh?" He took out some notes from his wallet and flung it over to Henry.

"Take them and leave right away." Mr. Mark's hands were already gesturing to the door but Henry did not move a blink.

"You should take it already." Evelyn scolded. "The both of us already know that you need it more than anything else in the world."

Henry was calm as trying to slip away from him but he was able to control himself with a steady breathing pattern.

"As I told your worker earlier Mr. Manager, I am not here to beg for the trash you call money." Henry dropped all the formalities.

"Is that Soo...." The eyes of the manager brightened as he leaned forward.

"Now tell me then, what are you here to do? Wow us with your next move."

Henry ignored his comments and went ahead to say. "My mother Madam Gu informed me that you had some exclusive collections of clothes and I am here to get them." He replied.

There was a sudden pause. Evelyn's jaws fell wide apart with shock.

After recovering from the shockwaves that ran through his spine, Mr. Mark was seen angry and held Henry by his windpipe.

"You fool. How dare you call that name. So you had the guts to monitor the heir and seek for your death." He thundered.

Henry was already fed up and could not take it anymore. He struck Mr. Mark's hands away from his body and straightened up his shirt.

"As I told you already. I don't have much time to waste here. Do you realize what's going to happen to you if my mother dares to find out what you just did?" 

But instead Mr. Mark, frightened by the remark, frowned.

"Take a good look at yourself. You don't even fit to be the pet of the family let only be their heir.

You can keep on dreaming but so it somewhere else if you don't want me to unleash my ultimate anger on you."

"And what if I can prove that I am the heir?" 

"Then I am going to lick the dust off from your shoes." Evelyn quickly chimed to him. This was her one chance to make a big mockery of him.

"And if you are not able to, you will sing my praises before the heir as my servant and lick the dust off from my shoes." She added.

There was a smirk hidden on Henry's lips as he went ahead to say.

"Then we have a deal." Where the words that he spat out from his mouth. 

He only needed to show them the card that had been given to him by his mother and his identity would be proven.

But when he eventually reached out to his pockets where he remembered dropping off the card, it was no longer the


Henry's heart froze and Evelyn smiled.

"Guess she was going to get the heir in her grip after all." She forced herself not to let out evil laughter.

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