Chapter 4

Henry continued to search for it but no matter how much he did, he could not find it.

"It was right here." He mumbled to himself calmly.

Mr. Mark frowned.

"What tricks are you trying to come up with this time?" His brows furrowed.

"It's obvious that she already lost the bet and there is no trick under his sleeves anymore." Evelyn smiled brightly.

"Hey, Stinker." She called out to Henry. "You should drop the act of yours already and admit defeat. You are Just going to do the licking for a day."

Evelyn brought out her cell phone and pushed her shoes off her feet, going further to say still smiling.

"I just need to get a capture of your face licking my feet so I will post it on my social media account."

"Don't worry." She furthered with a really cute face.

"I am sure that you are going to trend all over the internet for the first time in your life all thanks to me."

Henry stopped standing. An obvious frown on his face now.

They all shot glances at him, the only thing that he could do now was call his mother but his cell phone was gone too...

"What a mess." 

"Come do your job already." Evelyn snarled.

The door fell open and someone walked quickly into the hall. Mr. Mark recognized the man to be a worker for the Jade family just by the badge on his shirt...

Even though he was just a guard, Mr. Mark paid him so much respect, bowing down even to greet him.

If only he knew that the actual heir had been the one standing with him all this while.

"Good day, sir." He pushed forward a broad smile and bowed once again.

"You must be a guard from the Jade family sent to accompany the heir. Is he here already? I would love to welcome him into the hall myself."

The guard was confused. He looked at Henry and returned his gaze to them...

"What in the name of Mother Earth was going on?" Was the thoughts that ran back and forth in his head...

But he quickly made his way towards Henry.

Mr. Mark gritted his teeth angrily and so did Evelyn.

"I always knew that he was going to cause trouble. That homeless punk."

He arranged his collar with a smile, going further to explain even though he had not been asked to give any.

"He is just one of those numerous beggars that walk into this place on a regular basis but I will get him off from here in a moment before he walks in."

The guard was awestruck. His foot was numb on the spot where he stood and he could only move his lips.

"Master Henry? A beggar?"

Mr. Mark and Evelyn were confused, not getting wind of what was still going on...

Henry was at ease now as he smiled. He was the justified Villain who was going to execute his aims without any form of stress.

"Is there a problem?" Henry Inquired.

"Yes, Young master." The guard shivered at his words.

"Young master?" Mr. Mark's heart raced. "What in the name of Mother Earth was going on there?" He thought further.

"Could it be?" He threw the thoughts away from his head the instant it came. There was no way that could be possible. There had to be some sort of mistake somewhere.

The hands of the guard quivered as he ran through his pockets and finally produced the card.

He finally handed it over to Henry. Even from afar, Mr. Mark noticed the glittering shine of the card with the embalmer of the Jade family.

His heart shifted.

Shockwaves ran through his spine and he could hardly breathe properly. He had offended the wrong person.

Meanwhile, Evelyn was the ignorant person among them but she was caught in awe by the beauty of the card too..

"What's that?" She wanted to fill in her curiosity but instead, she got a thunderous slap on her face.

Evelyn's face burned with ache and she was one who expressed her confusion while she massaged her face to ease the pain.

"But.. But. Mr. Mark." She was too confused to speak.

"You fool. You were the one that got me into this mess. You made me believe that he was a beggar." He thundered.

"Do you realize what the heir is capable of doing? Do you realize that he can tear this mall apart within a blink?" He thundered.

"Heir!! Henry?? But how is that even possible." She was puzzled and frightened at the same time.

But the next slap that came afterward was even more thunderous than the first, ripping apart the mechanism of her mind.

"You still dare to doubt?" He scoffed.

Seeing Henry's face renewed his fears. Henry had his life on his palms and could determine if he wasn't going to live or not.

He fell to his knees, his hands clipped in a praying manner and his head bowed to the ground.

"Please forgive me, young master Henry. I would have treated you better If I realized who you were earlier and that scumbag had not messed with my mind." He pleaded while trying to shift blame at the same time.

"Just give me one more chance to master Henry and I am going to make sure that I do my best." He said.

Meanwhile, as for Evelyn, the world seemed to be moving so fast. Just w while ago, she thought that she already had the heir in her grip

But now, she had offended him in such a manner that might lead to him taking his life.

There were tears in her eyes, she was too young to die. She didn't even realize when she fell to the ground and started pleading for his mercy.

"Please, sir. Please forgive me. I was so naive and stupid, I could have treated you better."

Henry stared at them from above like objects of amusement. He stared at his wristwatch and knew that he didn't have much time to waste there.

"I will forgive the both of you." He finally said and they paused

Their faces flooded with so much excitement at the thought that they were not going to die after all.

But he was not yet done with them.

"But you will have to fulfill the promises that were made even when I can prove my status as the heir and after that, we will be just cool."

"But not with my feet. My shoes would be enough. You are not up to class for the former."

A dry cough erupted and Henry's eyebrows twitched. "Is there a problem?" He Inquired.

They would dare to say no if they didn't want to put their lives on the line after all.

"They forced a smile on their faces."

"Sure young master." Their faces were filled with regrets but they didn't dare to object.

"Oh. And I forgot." Henry exclaimed and quickly brought out the cell phone that he had replaced in his pockets, handing it over to the guard who accepted it, quivering.

"I want you to record this moment and make sure that their faces are showing pretty well." He said.

The guard nodded his head. And they went ahead to do as instructed until Henry was satisfied.

He took the phone from the guard and watched the live action with a smile on his face.

"This is perfect. I am pretty so that it's going to make a trend since it has not made a trend all my life. Thanks, ma'am for the advice."

Evelyn still shivered at the words.

"Now if you would let me, I have work to do." He said.

He ran through the hall and picked what caught his fancy, after which he left the hall.

Soon, they arrived at home. He had less than two more hours left to prepare for the party. Once he got home, he caught his mother waiting at the door.

It was pretty weird and he could already tell that something was wrong. His eyes farrowed as he went further to inquire.

"Is something wrong mum?" He inquired.

"Elders of the family came." She announced slowly.

"What were they going to do again? Cause troubles for his mother?" He thought.

"Did they cause you any trouble, mother?" He inquired, wanting to break a few bones already.

"No, it's about you.

They want you to present your wife or someone that you wish to get married to." She announced.

"That's the last of your three tribulations."

His heart seemed to seize.

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